View Full Version : Unique and creative enclosures and decorations!

03-03-14, 04:36 AM
Hey guys! I was searching the threads, and I couldn't really find any forums about unique, weird, or creative enclosures. So could we have a thread for posting picture of hides, decorations, etc that's different or unique? I've heard of people making hides out of legos. I plan on posting some pics once I get my new baby milk snake's enclosure all set up in a couple of days!

03-07-14, 06:46 AM
Very interesting user name choice.

Jim Smith
03-07-14, 07:22 AM
I 'm not sure how original it is, but I have a hide for one of my Honduran Milk snakes that I just "completed" that I think will look a bit different than most. I made it from a snapping turtle shell. It's about 9X10 inches and the opening that the former resident used is perfect for my snake to use as an entrance/exit.

For those who may be concerned, I did not kill a snapping turtle for this hide. I wouldn't do that, but I'm not above picking up a shell of a turtle that has met its demise to repurpose its shell. I can post a photo if anyone is interested.

03-07-14, 08:06 AM
I 'm not sure how original it is, but I have a hide for one of my Honduran Milk snakes that I just "completed" that I think will look a bit different than most. I made it from a snapping turtle shell. It's about 9X10 inches and the opening that the former resident used is perfect for my snake to use as an entrance/exit.

For those who may be concerned, I did not kill a snapping turtle for this hide. I wouldn't do that, but I'm not above picking up a shell of a turtle that has met its demise to repurpose its shell. I can post a photo if anyone is interested.

I would love to see it! sounds pretty cool :D

03-07-14, 08:15 AM
I 'm not sure how original it is, but I have a hide for one of my Honduran Milk snakes that I just "completed" that I think will look a bit different than most. I made it from a snapping turtle shell. It's about 9X10 inches and the opening that the former resident used is perfect for my snake to use as an entrance/exit.

For those who may be concerned, I did not kill a snapping turtle for this hide. I wouldn't do that, but I'm not above picking up a shell of a turtle that has met its demise to repurpose its shell. I can post a photo if anyone is interested.

Yeah very cool idea!

03-07-14, 08:16 AM
i would love to see it! Sounds pretty cool :d

yeah very cool idea!

+1 !!!!!!!!!