View Full Version : she escaped

snake momma
03-01-14, 06:46 PM
I found out my garters escaped this morning. I've been searching all day and found 1 under the carpet right near the heater. The other one is still missing what do I do. I set out bowls of water and food and set a heating pad on the floor. Help

03-01-14, 11:44 PM
I am SO sorry to hear about this. I've had a few escapees and was devastated.
The water bowls are a great idea. as is the heating pad. Have you considered funnel traps? Take a soda bottle and cut it off above the label, basically leaving you with a cup and a funnel. put the funnel part upside down in the cup part, tape it back together. Put some food in your funnel traps and place them on the floor close to the wall, in corners, under furniture, behind the fridge (the motor on a fridge is a nice heat source that has attracted many snakes). They won't actually "catch" a snake, since if the snake wants to , it can find its way out. However, they often curl up in them, especially if they just had a meal and are in a warm spot.
Good luck with finding your little guy/girl

03-02-14, 09:18 AM
After you set up a few traps like the one Poom mentioned, figure out how they escaped so you you can fix the problem, so it hopefully don't happen again. Good luck!! hope you find them soon :D

03-02-14, 10:05 AM
Garter snakes are excellent at hiding, and don't mind cool locations.

03-02-14, 08:42 PM
any luck yet?

snake momma
03-03-14, 09:24 AM
today is day 3 and still no sign of her. Nothing in my funnels traps or bites on the worms. My other garter seems devastated though. She was doing fine and ever since she realized the other one wasn't in there she stopped eating moving and won't even move when I pick her up. She is alive. How long will it take her to come out.
Thanks for the ideas so far.

03-03-14, 09:29 AM
they can go a long time without food, and without strict heat requirements, may not be attracted to the "usual" traps...idk your geographical location and current house temps, etc, but my corn that escaped took a month to surface, and I have heard of others that went WAY longer...garter requirements are similar or even more lax than corns so it could be a while... :( hope she surfaces soon for you! I have been watching this thread for news, I know how heartbroken I was when Perri disappeared...good luck!

03-03-14, 09:13 PM
Really hope you find them! I lost my garter one day and he was under a lamp. Only way I found him is my cats were trying to figure out what was under the lamp..definitely try some snake catching traps and don't give up. They find the oddest places and show up when you least expect it. Check closets as well! I noticed my milk snake loves hiding in there or in drawers.

snake momma
03-03-14, 09:29 PM
She is home

03-03-14, 10:36 PM
She is home

Great news!

03-04-14, 05:50 AM
Good that you found her, do you know how she got out?

snake momma
03-05-14, 12:39 PM
I took the lid off their cage to clean it and I guess she was coiled up in it

03-05-14, 12:57 PM
congratulations!!! where did you find her?