View Full Version : Troubleshooting with heating!

02-25-14, 11:56 AM
I've got a Hog Island Boa in a 40 gallon breeder tank. She needs the usual temps for a boa- 80 ambient, 90 hot side, 95 basking.

I've got her on a undertank heater usually (will be installing a new one in a couple of days) and a 50watt daytime bulb (the 75watt one brought the basking spot to 120!!) The bulb turns off at night. The temp readings I took were: 100 or 107 on her basking spot... but only 80 or 82 on the floor of the hot side. The temp gun read 90 degrees on average for the temps of the branches on her basking spot.


02-25-14, 11:59 AM
Glass tanks with screen tops suck.....they suck heat and humidity right out the top. And they suck in general.(they are "okay" for kings, corns...etc. but it's a different story for most boids)

Get a decent thermostat asap. The reason your temps are all out of place is because

1)you are not controlling them with a thermostat
2) you are using a glass tank with a screen top.

Get a tub or a plastic/wooden enclosure. You will also have much more luck with a radiant heat panel than a light bulb.

02-25-14, 12:00 PM
And I don't mean to be rude, but I understand where the older members of this forum come from when they see posts like this.

You should setup the enclosure before you get the snake....and make sure it's all set up and running before putting the snake in.

02-25-14, 12:01 PM
It's got a wooden top that I built, the only screen on it is where the heat lamp sits.

02-25-14, 12:02 PM
She was in a 20 as a baby. And I just recently stopped using red heat lamps because of an article I read, which is why my temps are out of whack. I am going to get a boaphile or the like for her final cage, but don't have the means to buy a boaphile every time she needs an upgrade.

02-25-14, 12:03 PM
It's got a wooden top that I built, the only screen on it is where the heat lamp sits.

In that case disregard what I said about humidity. Now the issue is just heat. A thermostat is a must.

02-25-14, 12:04 PM
She was in a 20 as a baby. And I just recently stopped using red heat lamps because of an article I read, which is why my temps are out of whack. I am going to get a boaphile or the like for her final cage, but don't have the means to buy a boaphile every time she needs an upgrade.

You don't need to keep upgrading. Get a baby snake and put it in it's adult enclosure. Baby snakes are born in the wild all the time and they don't get stressed out from all the space. Just give it things to hide in and the size of the enclosure will not matter.

02-25-14, 12:06 PM
My main question is how do I get BOTH spots to the temps where they should be? Seems as though the basking has to be too hot, or the floor of the hot side, too cold.

02-25-14, 12:09 PM

Will do; I've heard so much conflicting info on that. She's going on 4 feet, though, so I was planning on investing in a plastics cage this summer.

02-25-14, 12:10 PM
A pic of the enclosure would be good, because you mention different readings in different areas of the enclosure(floor of hot side, perching branch...etc). Giving us a good visual layout of the cage will help.

And the simple answer would be because you don't have a thermostat. What is the temp of your cold side?

02-25-14, 12:18 PM
The cool side is reading a littttle over 75 degrees.
Here's a photo, sorry for the crappy phone camera quality: http://i.imgur.com/SnZvlVh.jpg

02-25-14, 12:23 PM
You don't need to keep upgrading. Get a baby snake and put it in it's adult enclosure. Baby snakes are born in the wild all the time and they don't get stressed out from all the space. Just give it things to hide in and the size of the enclosure will not matter.

^^^^^^^^ this is so true!

02-25-14, 12:24 PM
Is the crappy heat distribution due mainly to the glass? Would insulating the sides and back of the enclosure help?

02-25-14, 12:25 PM
Recommendations on plastics cages would be awesome, too. I like the kind that have a little dip in the top for the heat lamp, so that I can stack any future ones I get. I'm in college and whatnots, so as affordable as possible without sacrificing quality is a must.

02-25-14, 12:26 PM
Would you say this is an accurate representation of the thermal gradient?


02-25-14, 12:28 PM
I would seriously urge you to pass on using heat lamps and just stick to radiant heat panels. You just use two screws to screw them on the ceiling of the enclosure. no need for screen cut outs, and easier to stack. Also much more energy efficient.

Good plastic cages are animal plastics, constrictors northwest, pvccages. I've heard okay things about boamaster.

02-25-14, 12:28 PM
Recommendations on plastics cages would be awesome, too. I like the kind that have a little dip in the top for the heat lamp, so that I can stack any future ones I get. I'm in college and whatnots, so as affordable as possible without sacrificing quality is a must.

I like Animal Plastics and Constrictors Northwest's enclosures. I have 2 AP t10's and am very satisfied. As far as heating, RHP's mounted on the ceiling is the best way to go. Ditch heat lamps IMO.

02-25-14, 12:30 PM
I like Animal Plastics and Constrictors Northwest's enclosures. I have 2 AP t10's and am very satisfied. As far as heating, RHP's mounted on the ceiling is the best way to go. Ditch heat lamps IMO.

Basically this

02-25-14, 12:32 PM
I would seriously urge you to pass on using heat lamps and just stick to radiant heat panels. You just use two screws to screw them on the ceiling of the enclosure. no need for screen cut outs, and easier to stack. Also much more energy efficient.

Good plastic cages are animal plastics, constrictors northwest, pvccages. I've heard okay things about boamaster.

Yeah I forgot about pvccages. They are nice as well.

02-25-14, 01:05 PM
I just picked up a boamaster 4x2x1 econo pvc cage and I like it a lot, especially for the price. Just a suggestion....

02-25-14, 02:39 PM
I hooked up a dimmer switch to my heat lamp ...I set it really low just to raise my temps a few degrees and let my uth do all the work ... They are very easy to hook up and I think it cost a total of 5$

02-25-14, 02:47 PM
I forgot about radiant heat panels! I didn't know much about them though, but I'll definitely look into getting one with the new enclosure. And yes, that picture with the temps is what I was talking about.

02-25-14, 02:49 PM
I hooked up a dimmer switch to my heat lamp ...I set it really low just to raise my temps a few degrees and let my uth do all the work ... They are very easy to hook up and I think it cost a total of 5$

Dimmer switches require constant adjustment. Thermostats are a basic part of any reptile enclosure.

Inexpensive good on/off thermostat:

Amazon.com: Hydrofarm MTPRTC Digital Thermostat For Heat Mats: Patio, Lawn & Garden (http://www.amazon.com/Hydrofarm-MTPRTC-Digital-Thermostat-Heat/dp/B000NZZG3S)

Hydrofarm Thermostat for Seedling Heat Mats Digital Temperature Control Seed | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hydrofarm-Thermostat-for-Seedling-Heat-Mats-Digital-Temperature-Control-Seed-/251287346131?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item3a81e49bd3)

Higher end but more expensive proportional thermostat:
Spyder Robotics (http://spyderrobotics.com/home/products.html)

02-25-14, 02:52 PM
I forgot about radiant heat panels! I didn't know much about them though, but I'll definitely look into getting one with the new enclosure. And yes, that picture with the temps is what I was talking about.

I have 4 of these and they are awesome!

Reptile Basics 40 Watt Radiant Heat Panel - Reptile Basics Inc (http://www.reptilebasics.com/40-watt-radiant-heat-panel)

02-25-14, 02:54 PM
I appreciate the suggestions:) I hope I can afford one soon.

02-25-14, 02:54 PM
I've got a hydrofarm thermostat for her under tank heater... I love it. Just don't have the money for one immediately (I'm exceptionally broke right now)....

02-25-14, 02:55 PM
I appreciate the suggestions:) I hope I can afford one soon.

Np, a thermostat should be first on your list.:)

02-25-14, 02:55 PM
I've got a hydrofarm thermostat for her under tank heater... I love it. Just don't have the money for one immediately (I'm exceptionally broke right now)....

Oh, ok that's great!

02-25-14, 03:03 PM
Thanks everyone :) I'll definitely invest in that thermostat and then a tank when I can afford it. I don't understand how the thermostat will help to raise the temps on the floor on either side, though... just how it will bring the basking spot down.

02-25-14, 03:25 PM
Would 15 inches be tall enough for a boa.... they have them advertised for carpet pythons. It seems awfully short.

02-25-14, 04:21 PM
I would go bigger as a boa is semi Arboreals.

Also why not turn the floor into the hot spot?