View Full Version : Riddle me this...

EL Ziggy
02-19-14, 10:57 PM
Ok so my albino bull snake shed on Sunday which was also feeding day. I was surprised because she never went into blue. Others on the forum informed me that albino snakes go pink or opaque in the pre shed stage. I go to check on her today and she's looking pinkish with cloudy eyes. She's definitely going into shed. My other snakes usually shed once a month which I thought was normal. Ive never heard of back to back sheds after a week. Has anyone else experienced this?

02-19-14, 11:27 PM
Actually my kingsnake did this once a few months ago. Not really sure why nothing else seemed out of the ordinary so I just let it be.

02-20-14, 04:02 AM
It does not have to be anything out of the ordinary, i would however check the snake for small wounds, irritations or mites to be sure.

02-20-14, 05:43 AM
It's always difficult for me to tell when Mrs. buttercup goes into shed. Sometimes her eyes look purple, sometimes a cloudy pink, so I just guess sometimes lol but I've had Ammit shed within a week and a half apart from another once.

02-20-14, 06:21 AM
When my albino king sheds I definitely have to go off of his eyes, and a lack or crispness and color on his patterning (yellow stripe on purple). I dont typically note a pinkness, just a adullness or kind of washed out appearance.
when I first brought home my Hondo (who did have several small injuries) she shed twice in a week, and then every month for a while even though she was fully grown. If your snake is suddenly in proper conditions etc, she may just be playing catchup....

But double check her for mites and injuries as others have said.

EL Ziggy
02-20-14, 08:17 AM
Thanks everyone. I've had her for a month and she seems to be doing great. I definitely haven't noticed any mites or injuries but I'll check her out more closely when I get home.

EL Ziggy
02-20-14, 08:44 PM
I looked her over really well tonight and there are no signs of mites and no visible irritations or injuries anywhere. I misted her tank, and I'll definitely keep a close eye on her, but I think for whatever reason she's just having back to back sheds. I guess stranger things have happened.

02-27-14, 12:24 PM
keep us posted on how she's doing, I hope she's ok.
Usually frequent sheds are a sign of a skin related problem, injuries or mites like Tsubaki mentioned. Just make sure you keep an eye on her so if a problem does come up, you can get on top of it before it gets out of hand.
Just a thought, look her over, paying particular attention to the edges of her scales, and see if there is any discoloration.

02-27-14, 12:37 PM
My sunfire albino retic goes pink belly pre shed. I'm sure she'll be fine, good luck.

EL Ziggy
02-27-14, 12:54 PM
She shed again on Tuesday. 9 days after her first shed with me. They were both perfect sheds. She seems to be doing just great. She was out hunting for food last night. Tomorrow is my scheduled feeding day, I usually feed the snakes every 6 days, but I may feed them tonight so I can give them time to digest their meals before I clean their cages on Sunday.