View Full Version : New to this world

02-18-14, 08:57 AM
Hi. like my topic say im new in this "world"

my name is luis and im from germany.

Im thinking buy a snake what you advice for a begginer?? i hava tank 120cmx50cm

02-18-14, 10:31 AM
Hey and Welcome! I suggest a Black Milk Snake! Docile,great eaters, like it cool(mid 70's)! Can grow 6+ feet long. Good reference below on Black Milks!

Breeding The Black Milk Snake (http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/Breeding-Snakes/Black-Milk-Snake-Breeding/)

02-18-14, 11:20 AM

For starters, you could start looking into these species. All reasonably sized animals that stay at a manageable size and can remain in your enclosure. Species like Kingsnakes, Milksnakes and Thamphonis.. Or if you prefer pythons maybe a ballpython or a dwarfpython (Antaresia maculosa) and several other species that i am missing from the top of my hat.

Good luck trying to find something you like! Don't only settle for easy, go for something you like as well!

02-18-14, 01:19 PM
why all the post i don in my topic need to be verified??

02-18-14, 04:01 PM
It's only the first few posts..

People try and advertise "spam" our forum.

02-18-14, 04:19 PM
ah ok ok :)

what you think about kornsnakes??

here in germany the kingsnakes are a little expensive and rare :)

02-18-14, 04:40 PM
ah ok ok :)

what you think about kornsnakes??

here in germany the kingsnakes are a little expensive and rare :)

Hey, welcome:) cornsnakes are pretty easy to keep, good starter snakes. Depending on the kingsnake, I'd say go for it anyways:) kings and milks are just awesome to keep. I also recommend garter snakes, although they have special diet needs.

02-18-14, 04:54 PM
hmmm a kingsnake california here its like 70€. its alot :) ofc in a store. but i love it black/white :)

02-18-14, 06:23 PM
Welcome aboard!

02-18-14, 09:43 PM
ah ok ok :)

what you think about kornsnakes??

here in germany the kingsnakes are a little expensive and rare :)

There are plenty of great starter snakes, but the cornsnake is the ultimate first snake IMO (if it is of interest to the keeper!)

02-19-14, 02:22 AM
And about a Boa Constrictor Imperator its good for a start? I can buy one for 40€ .

Sorry for i do so much questions but im really new and i dont want make any mistake :)

02-19-14, 03:00 AM
Boa Constrictors Imperators might become to large for your terrarium, seeing as it is 40,- it is probably a Colombian(cross) and those need a larger terrarium. It can live in there for a year or 2 maybe even 3 but then you might need to go bigger. I don't know if you are up for that?

8 march is terraristika Hamm!! You can find any species there for good prices, i don't know how far Hamm is for you?

02-19-14, 05:40 AM
Hmmm so is better no. Maybe i will buy a kingsnkar or a cornsnake.

And about substracte? And heater, food

02-19-14, 08:09 AM
what is better'

02-19-14, 09:00 AM
delete this post

02-19-14, 09:50 AM
what is better'

I dont want to sound like this guy, but you should consider the price after you buy the snake, food, substrate, thermostat, hides, etc etc. Its going to be at least the price of the snake you are getting.

But, if your hearts set on one, get something small that you can keep for a long time in your 40, as suggested probably a king, milk or cornsnake would be best.

As for your substrate question, thats honestly up to you. All of them are burrowers and wouldnt mind being able to burrow in, aspen would be a good choice, however what ever you want is reasonable. Cyprus mulch, reptibark, eco earth, news paper, paper towel etc etc.

As far as food, rodents. If you get a baby corn, king, or milk, pinky mice are where you start. But you should find a source of food. I dont know where in particular you can get them, but try local pet stores and online rodent breeders.

For more info about the particular snake, just search online, will find plenty of info.

02-19-14, 09:59 AM
I used to feel the same way about corn's being the best starter snake until I picked up a Black Milk snake! He's my favorite snake of the 4 I keep.Amazing snake! So laid back! Great eaters! And easy to keep!;)

There are plenty of great starter snakes, but the cornsnake is the ultimate first snake IMO (if it is of interest to the keeper!)

02-19-14, 10:02 AM
ok. i will buy the kingsnake today. and the heater substrate i will buy today to.

Thanks for all the help.


02-19-14, 10:04 AM
sharthun and you can handle easily that snakes?

02-19-14, 10:12 AM
Yes by far the easiest handling snake I have ever kept! Gentle and laid back! Very underrated snakes! Can get 6+ feet in length though. Be sure an acquire a thermostat to control your heat source as well as mentioned before.

sharthun and you can handle easily that snakes?

02-19-14, 10:16 AM
yes yes i will buy everything today :)


this is my tank

what you think?? its good?

02-19-14, 10:23 AM
Looks good. As long as it has a secure cover! Snakes are escape artists! A under tank heat mat that will cover about 1/3 of the bottom would work great connected to a thermostat.

yes yes i will buy everything today :)


this is my tank

what you think?? its good?

02-19-14, 10:24 AM
hmm the cover im working on that im trying find a metal grid

02-19-14, 10:29 AM
Looks good. As long as it has a secure cover! Snakes are escape artists! A under tank heat mat that will cover about 1/3 of the bottom would work great connected to a thermostat.

mate how much watt ( heater)do you think i need for this tank?

02-19-14, 10:30 AM
A 12x12 inch heat mat would work great. Wattage doesn't matter so much. The thermostat is most important for controlling the heat.

mate how much watt ( heater)do you think i need for this tank?

02-19-14, 10:33 AM
A 12x12 inch heat mat would work great. Wattage doesn't matter so much. The thermostat is most important for controlling the heat.

but for the heater lamp?

02-19-14, 10:33 AM
Just search the forums on escaped snakes! A secure cover is a must!;)

hmm the cover im working on that im trying find a metal grid

02-19-14, 10:39 AM
Heat lamps aren't the best, snakes need day and night cycles. They can't have this if you have a heat lamp on 24 hours/day.If your room temps are in the 24 deg C range an under tank heat mat or heat tape will be fine. Hot side around 29 to 30 C in tank. Cool side mid 20's(C). Need hides on both sides of tank as well.

but for the heater lamp?

02-19-14, 10:46 AM
Research (google) is your friend. Whatever species you decide on, read several care sheets and search our forums before you purchase a new animal.;)

02-19-14, 10:47 AM
hmmm its difficult find that thing to put under my tank here in my pet store.

they have like heat fake rocks

02-19-14, 10:51 AM
hmmm its difficult find that thing to put under my tank here in my pet store.

they have like heat fake rocks

No heat rocks ! Not safe at all. Can burn snakes! You may have to order heating supplies online.

02-19-14, 12:01 PM
i found :) they have heaters 20cm x 20cm. but i still dont know what snake i will buy , the kingsnake is sold oout! :'(.

In my pet shop they say for i buy a ballpython. bu for me that snake is small and very fat... :P

02-19-14, 12:40 PM
i found :) they have heaters 20cm x 20cm. but i still dont know what snake i will buy , the kingsnake is sold oout! :'(.

In my pet shop they say for i buy a ballpython. bu for me that snake is small and very fat... :P

I think 20cmx20cm is too small for your tank. You need to cover at least 1/3 of the bottom of tank with heat pad. It's best to get your tank setup before buying a new animal. That way you can get all the temperatures of the tank adjusted.

02-19-14, 12:56 PM
hmmm they have bigger like 40cm x40cm i think

02-19-14, 01:00 PM
In my pet shop they say for i buy a ballpython. bu for me that snake is small and very fat... :P

It's probably just a baby. Ball pythons can grow to 3-5 ft... I've seen 6 footers.

02-19-14, 01:01 PM
Good luck!

02-25-14, 11:46 AM
hi guys im back:) can you tell me what temp should be the terrarium for corn snakes??


02-25-14, 12:19 PM
i already have my tank done :) with cover with all. later i send some pics

02-25-14, 05:42 PM
I keep my hot spot at 86f for my corns

02-28-14, 08:21 AM
i have my snakes :P

guys tell me one thing should i put the shelter upon heating??


02-28-14, 12:46 PM
i have my snakes :P

guys tell me one thing should i put the shelter upon heating??


Not totally sure what you are asking but if you are asking about hides then there should be one at he ot end and one at the cold end so the snake can choose.

02-28-14, 07:07 PM
Hi Luis,

I would like to do my comment bilingual to avoid any possible misunderstandings.

First in German

Luis, es waere besser gewesen, wenn Du dich zuerst über deine zukuenftige Schlange informiert haettest, dann dein Terrarium entsprechend eingerichtet und erst dann nach einem Probelauf deine Schlange gekauft haettest.

Welche Schlange hast Du jetzt gekauft?

Dein Terrarium hat meines Erachtens den Nachteil, dass es eigentlich ein Aquarium ist und Du daher immer den Deckel und die Beleuchtung entfernen musst, um Wartungsarbeiten etc durchzufuehren. Dazu kommt, dass Du immer von Oben auf die Schlange zukommst, was viele Tiere nervoes macht, da von Oben auch immer potentielle Feinde wie z. B. Greifvoegel kommen. Besser waere ein Terrarium mit Frontschiebescheiben oder zu nach vorne zu oeffnenden Tueren.

Als Bodengrund verwende ich fuer alle meine Schlangen „Repti Bark“, eine Einstreu aus Rindenstuecken der Douglas-Tanne. Da sowohl Kornnattern als auch Kettennattern bzw. Koenigsnattern sich gerne auch mal eingraben, wuerde ich eine Schicht von etwa 5 cm verwenden.

Kornnattern oder Lampropelten (= Kettennattern und Koenigsnattern) kannst Du bei Zimmertemperatur mit einer lokalen Waermequelle halten. Eine Heizmatte mit Thermostat ist zwar möglich, aber bei der oben vorgeschlagenen Dicke des Bodengrundes nicht sehr effektiv, es kommt fast keine Waerme bis an die Oberfläche. Daher verwende ich bei einem Terrarium dieser Groesse eine 20 Watt oder 35 Watt Halogen Lampe, um einen lokalen Sonnenplatz auf einer Seite des Terrariums zu erhalten. Hier darf die Temperatur durchaus 28° oder etwas hoeher sein, zum Rest des Terrariums ergibt sich dann ein Temperaturgefaelle bis zur Zimmertemperatur. Für die Lampe benoetigst Du kein Thermostat. Bei mir brennt die Lampe zusammen mit der normalen Beleuchtung den ganzen Tag, Nachts wird sie ausgeschaltet. Du solltest die Temperaturen in den ersten Tagen genau ueberpruefen, sowohl unter der Lampe als auch auf der kuehlen Seite, um sicher zu gehen, dass das Terrarium nicht zu stark aufgeheizt wird. Im Sommer kannst Du ggf. ganz auf die Lampe verzichten.

Verwende als Grundbeleuchtung eine T5 oder T8 Leuchtstoffroehre entsprechender Groesse.

Biete der Schlange Versteckmoeglichkeiten sowohl in der warmen als auch der kuehlen Seite, damit sie sich ihre bevorzugte Temperatur aussuchen kann und sich trotzdem verstecken kann. Dazu noch einige Aeste und ein Trinkbehaelter.

And now in English

Luis it would have been better if you would have gotten some information about your future snake first, than preparing your terrarium accordingly, running it for some time and then getting your snake.

Which snake did you get anyway?

In my opinion your terrarium has the disadvantage of being an aquarium. To do the necessary maintenance work you have to remove the cover and the lights. You will always come from above, which makes most snakes very nervous, because from above is from where the potential enemy might come, like birds of prey etc. A terrarium with front sliding doors or front oening doors would have been better.

I use Repti Bark for all my snakes, it is a substrate made out of the bark of the Douglas fir. Cornsnakes as well as king-/milksnakes like to dig sometimes, so I would use about 5 cm (= 2”) of it.

You can keep cornsnakes as well as Lampropeltis at room temperature with an additional heat source. An UTH with a thermostat would be possible, but it would not be very effective with the suggested substrate, there would be nearly no additional heat at the surface. I use a 20 or 35 Watt halogen light as a local heat source at one side of the terrarium. The temperature might get 28° C (82° F) or more, so it creates a nice temperature gradient for the rest of the terrarium with a temperature of about room temperature at the cool side. You don’t need a thermostat for the light. I keep it running with the “normal” light for the day and shut it off during the night. Keep a close eye during the first days and watch your temperatures, both under the light and at the cooler side as well to make sure that the light does not provide to much heat. During summer you might shut it off at all.

For the basic lighting use either a T5 or T8 light of the appropriate size.

Provide enough hiding places, at the hot side as well as at the cool side, so that your snake can choose a hiding place with the right temperature. Add some branches and a water bowl.

Another important point – get some books and read them!

The following books are just a suggestion, there are many more

General information

Hans-Joachim Herrmann: Mein Terrarium
GU Verlag, 2010

There is a small book with basic care information for every snake you asked for

NTV Verlag, Art fuer Art Reihe:
Die Kornnatter (cornsnake)
Die Kettennatter (kingsnake)
Die Dreiecksnatter (milksnake)
Der Koenigspython (ball python)
Die Abgottschlange (boa constrictor)

Each book is about 15 Euro and covers at least the basic needs your snake has.


03-01-14, 06:50 AM
hmmm ok roman thanks alot for that information.

I already take out the cover of the aquarium. i have made a new cover with ventilation for the cornsakes. But im thinking buy a neew light to illuminate all the aquarium. and one little heat light for heat just one spot.

And one question for you Roman.( where i can buy frozen mouses here in Germany) ( sorry my German is very bad thats why i dont speak german)

03-01-14, 07:24 AM
Hi Luis,

it depends on where you life...

If there is a Pet-/Reptile store near you, try this one. Otherwise try a department store like

Koelle Zoo

My local Koelle Zoo usually has all sizes of frozen mice or rats in store or can get them within a short time. The other two have mice but I would have to order rats if I need them. I buy my feeders in a local store by a friend of mine.

I don't know if other department stores who sell also fish and reptiles like "Bauhaus", "OBI" or other home depot stores also have fedder mice, you might just have to ask them...


03-01-14, 10:25 AM
i found in a near petshop :)

can i put here a photo of my terrarium??

03-01-14, 02:31 PM

what do you think??

03-01-14, 02:35 PM


03-01-14, 06:26 PM
Should do fine for a corn but tou shouldnt house them together, there are reports of cannibalism and from experience housing two together can lead to issues of aggression and competition between the snakes

03-01-14, 06:48 PM
hmmmm the aquarium is so big , i think they have alot of space :)

EL Ziggy
03-01-14, 07:07 PM
You have 2 very nice snakes. I would heed Rob's wise words and not house your corns together.

03-02-14, 03:24 AM
hmmmm the aquarium is so big , i think they have alot of space :)

Against the advice of this forum i housed two corns in a 4x2x2 foot vivarium with loads of hides etc so that they had plenty of individual places to hide. They were both babies and only about ten inches long each so the viv seemed HUGE

Luckily i was home the day that one turned on the other and managed to get them separated before any damage was done to either snake.

Yes, there is evidence of people successfully housing corns together for twenty years with no issue, but then there is evidence of one corn eating another given the opportunity.............

03-02-14, 02:41 PM
Hi Luis,

is the light in the terrarium? Get it out and put it on top of the cover with some cm distance to the mesh. The bulb can get hot enough to burn your snakes if they get in contact with it. If you put it directly on the cover, the snakes could still get hurt if they flicker their tongues through the mesh, that's why you should have some cm as a safety distance.

Add some branches because corn snakes like to climb.

Otherwise the terrarium looks OK.

Check the temperatures under the hot spot, under your hides and at the cool side.

@Lankyrob - you experienced a negative example, a friend of mine kept corn snakes of all sizes in pairs without any bad experiences what so ever. Neither juveniles nor semiadults or adults did harm each other. I have no personal experience with corn snakes myself but the only incidents I heard of had been feeding accidents.

@Luis - I would separate them during feeding. I don't think that you have to get them outside the terrarium, just put a divider in like a cardboard big enought that both of them can't see each other until both have finished their meal.


03-04-14, 07:52 AM
what the hell'' i go now see my snakes and one is missing....

its just impossible they get out of the aquarium......

03-04-14, 07:53 AM
i just found a little skin of the head

03-04-14, 08:11 AM
i found her is mos strange ( for me )plalce in aquarium. Incide of a tube what hold the plants :P

03-04-14, 09:17 AM
I'd say the aquarium is a bit bare for that size, housing small cornsnakes. I'd fill it up with branches, logs, more plants and more hides.

03-06-14, 12:33 PM
my brown cornsnake already have change the full skin :P

and i will buy more branches :P

03-09-14, 10:33 AM
hi good night :P

i already have more branches in my aquarium :P now its better :P

I have one questions about my 2 snakes.

They stay abou 2 days inside a tube and they just dont come out.... that is normal?? and that tube is in the cold area . its normal??


03-09-14, 01:18 PM
If your temperatures are good, it's normal ;)

03-09-14, 02:15 PM
the temp in hot spot its 26 but inside the tube is more cold about 22 20

03-10-14, 05:46 AM
Can i take out the snakes from the tube for i can feed them???

Thanks for all