View Full Version : Not a good week so far.
02-17-14, 01:58 PM
I was in the snake room the day before yesterday, and as usual my jampea retic raised up at her cage door expecting food. I noticed some irregularity of the groove that the tounge comes out of on the upper lip. So I decided to investigate. I got her out, she turned and bit me. My fault completely. I didn't break her feed response like I usually do( usually rub her with the hook for about 20 seconds and this time I just kinda rubbed her once); lesson learned. Me and my GF get her in a bag, she pokes her head out, I grabbed her head so I can open her mouth and have a look(the whole time I'm bleeding). There's no discoloration, just a small area of swelling that appears to be a broken or possibly imbedded tooth. So she's going to the vet tomorrow to be on the safe side. Not how I wanted this week to go, but very very glad I noticed it before its got a chance to progress.
Now for what you all want to see. An 8 foot jampea bite. Not as bad as I expected it to be. Didn't get a good one when there was a bunch of blood, this is after I put her back and had wiped most of it off.
02-17-14, 02:26 PM
That will be gone in a day or two. Snake bites bleed like mad then stop. You should have taken a pic of the inside of the snakes mouth and posted it too. Glad your ok. The problem with a retic bite is when the pull and rip. The bite you have could have been much worse.
02-17-14, 03:43 PM
I lol'd......
02-17-14, 05:29 PM
That a nice love bite.
02-17-14, 07:12 PM
Nice bite. looks pretty painful
02-17-14, 07:30 PM
The puncture marks are already almost gone, but there's a little bruising. Didn't hurt at all, which was strange cause I expected a bite from her to hurt.
I didn't even think to get a pic of the swelling in her mouth. I looked in on her yesterday it looked the same from what I can see externally. But today it seemed to be more swollen so I went ahead and scheduled a vet visit for tomorrow. Better to be safe and get it checked out ASAP in my opinion.
Kevin, I'm glad someone got a good laugh out of it. I'm a person that laughs at myself and friends that get hurt(and so are all my friends). So I was hoping someone would get a kick out of it(all my friends did). And hope others catch on to the fact that I deviated from my normal procedures for handleing her, and it bite me literally.
Chuck, that's true love there. Lol.
02-17-14, 08:31 PM
I'm living vicariously through that picture.
02-17-14, 09:03 PM
I'm living vicariously through that picture.
02-17-14, 09:13 PM
Yeeeeeeeoooowwww! I see a Styptic Pencil in your future.. - Clubman Styptic Pencil, Travel Size - 0.33 oz - After Shaving Astringents (
02-18-14, 04:15 AM
Hmm hope the swelling is nothing serious, and thats a nice lovebite :D
02-18-14, 06:18 AM
Hmm hope the swelling is nothing serious, and thats a nice lovebite :D
Me too, me too. She's going to the vet when I get off work today so ill post an update later.
That stop bleeding pencil is pretty cool I wonder how well it works. I have a problem where I don't relize I've cut myself until I look down and "hmm, I'm bleeding".
02-18-14, 08:31 AM
If that's a lovebite, I'd hate to see what an angrybite looks like, haha! Good luck with the vet visit!
02-18-14, 10:34 AM
Ouch and good luck with the vet visit!
02-18-14, 01:20 PM
If that's a lovebite, I'd hate to see what an angrybite looks like, haha! Good luck with the vet visit!
Haha, lets hope I don't have to find out. I've already got a yellow anaconda that I'm pretty sure is gonna stay a bit nippy his entire life. I hope my jamp doesn't take a liking to my flesh. She's always been a very docile snake since day one.
Thanks everyone for the kind words on the vet appointment. I go in in another 2 hours so ill update when I get back.
02-18-14, 07:11 PM
Well, back from the vet. He feels there's no infection, but I'm instructed to keep checking and clean it every week. She goes back in 4 weeks to make sure evrythings good(unless it progresses then she goes back immediately). So good news, and I feel much better getting her looked. I can earn more money, I can't replace a life. We got to talking snakes and I got some free probes out of it.
02-18-14, 07:18 PM
Well, back from the vet. He feels there's no infection, but I'm instructed to keep checking and clean it every week. She goes back in 4 weeks to make sure evrythings good(unless it progresses then she goes back immediately). So good news, and I feel much better getting her looked. I can earn more money, I can't replace a life. We got to talking snakes and I got some free probes out of it.
Glad to hear things are seeming alright.
EL Ziggy
02-18-14, 07:19 PM
Congrats Sb. Im glad you and your retic are both going to be ok. I'll learn from your mishap so your blood will not be lost for nothing :)
02-18-14, 08:53 PM
Thanks mikoh, ill be keeping a very close eye on her to make sure nothing comes of it. If she seems to get worse she straight to the vet. Just not happy I'm going to have to stress her with the mouth checks/cleaning.
El-ziggy glad to hear someone is gonna learn from this. I know I have. Don't get complacent with an animal that can do some damage. She's a puppy everytime I handle her but sometimes people forget that puppies bite.
02-18-14, 09:08 PM
Great news!! :)
02-19-14, 03:15 AM
Ah that is good to hear! :) Hope it will go away very soon.
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