View Full Version : New Addition - Dumerils

02-16-14, 11:21 PM
I had a guy text me, and I picked up what appears to be roughly a year old Dumerils boa. I was told it's a male, and has a nasty attitude, found out tonight that he does. He tagged me, which is strangely the first time I have ever been bit by a snake I am keeping as a pet. I'll get some pics up tomorrow.

Anyone who has ever kept these have any advice for me? I have a hot side set to about 90, with a gradient to about 80. 2 hides, one hot and cold. Tons of Aspen, as this guy seems to like to borrow, and a water bowl. Partially covered screen lid so I can get a 50% humidity level. Any tips will be much appreciated.

02-16-14, 11:53 PM
ive been tagged once by each of my dums but it was because they were in feeding mode :P i know better now. dums are cool, nice pickup.

02-17-14, 03:16 AM
Definitely very cool looking, and I don't know about others, but the eyes on my guy are half one color, and half another. I'll have to get a pic up later. Time to bust out the snake hook!

02-17-14, 07:21 AM
My little female dum has the 2 tone eyes too, the stripe on the head is kinda followed threw the eyes.
Congrats on the pickup! Also please do post up some pics I'd love to check this guy out and also I'd like to see how much mine is gonna grow by the time its a year old. Thanks

02-17-14, 06:40 PM
Sure thing. I probably will tonight. I went in and had to move him (using a hook) to check the hot spot, and he still seems pissy... So we'll see. I think Im going to wait till Sunday to get some pics though

02-18-14, 02:36 PM
Congrats on the pickup! Hopefully his attitude was due to the last keeper, and he calms down for you. Looking forward to picts!

02-18-14, 08:54 PM
I took him out for a couple minutes just so I could put in the new water bowl. I used the hook and put him on the ground and he was pretty calm after that. Picked him up and handled for a minute then put him back in. Still a bit skittish, but no strikes, not attempts, no hissing/huffing, etc... Now I have to resist the urge to handle until he gets a few rats down

02-18-14, 10:36 PM
It's funny how much variation there is in Dumeril's. Mine is a sweetheart and has never even given me cause for worry.

Mine seems to prefer about 80 degrees. She is about 300 grams and eats small F/T rats that weight between 55-80 grams once a week. The housing situation sounds the same as yours (2 hides, 80 degrees but with a 92-95 degree warm spot, aspen, 50-60% humidity). I keep her enclosure in a low-traffic area and she seems content. I'd just leave him alone for a week or so, make sure he's fine, and then see how hungry he is.

02-18-14, 11:44 PM
Definitely. He has a hot spot of 88, and currently is on the cool side. I can't wait to see his feeding response!

02-19-14, 09:36 PM
He was peeking out today, so I snapped a quick picture, crappy cell phone, but still. I can't wait to really work with this guy!

02-20-14, 04:04 AM
Well he's got a pretty head :D wonder what the rest looks like!

02-20-14, 08:05 AM
Ill get a full body pic up in a little bit. He seems to be doing much better over these last couple of days.

I plan on feeding him next Friday, so hopefully he will destroy it!

02-20-14, 10:15 AM
Can't wait for a full body pic! Love the way dums look! Congrats! ;)

02-20-14, 05:17 PM
So I took him out to snap a picture of his size. Not the best pic, but you get the jist. Roughly about 2 feet long.


02-22-14, 02:50 PM
he looks nice :)

02-23-14, 08:24 PM
He looks good, how long is that tank in the background for size reference?

02-25-14, 12:45 AM
Dumerils are great! <3 He's looking good.

02-25-14, 08:22 AM
He looks good, how long is that tank in the background for size reference?

I would have to measure it tonight, but I want to say 36 inch's... but for some reason that just doesn't sound right.

02-27-14, 08:08 PM
Thanks. I took him out to get some more pics today, but he lunged at me and had an attempted strike, so I am leaving him alone for a bit, at least until a couple of feedings.

02-28-14, 07:58 AM
Nice looking boa. I picked one up last week and just as sweet as can be that is until he has eaten. I kept hearing this thud while doing some stuff around his cage. I couldnt figure out what it was until i saw him strike at me thru his bin. Guess he was just in that feeding mode. iI will find out in a few days when i try and pick him up. Oh and hes around 20 inches

03-16-14, 08:49 AM
I just got my first dumerils last week, as well, a female, about 9mos to a year old, 253 grams, and 27". I wanted a male so it didn't get as big, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to own a dumerils. I love her already. She is very friendly and doesn't mind being handled. I do wish she didn't burrow all day though, because I don't get to see how beautiful she is. She has a lot of peach in her. My guess is she will end up being my favorite snake.