View Full Version : Strange appendages on a Garter Snake

02-15-14, 04:29 PM
Yesterday we watched an adult California Red-sided Garter Snake swimming across a pond near Drakes Beach in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore. The snake was back-lit and swimming directly towards us, so photography was difficult. The attached photos confirmed the ID of California Red-sided Garter Snake, and to my surprise showed what appeared to be fin-like appendages on the side of the head, like "ears". I wondered if this was an artifact, perhaps something foreign stuck to the head, or maybe an adaptation of some scales to help keep the head out of the water. The head never dipped low during the entire swim.

02-16-14, 11:25 AM
I am pretty sure that is a reflection or effect of the water on the surface, nothing on the snake itself.

02-16-14, 11:40 AM
It's called a meniscus. It's where water clings to an object ....kinda. poura glass of water and look at the edge where it meets the glass. If this was an anaconda you would never see it.

02-16-14, 11:56 AM
Woah, wings! Can you imagine... People are afraid enough of snakes as it is, imagine if they started flying!
This would add an entirely new dimension to caging requirements.

Cool pictures.

02-16-14, 05:40 PM
Yeah, as Terranaut said, it's just the water clinging to the snake's head, and not an actual part of the snake. It's just the surface tension of the water.

02-16-14, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the input. A biologist friend also suggested that it might have to do with surface tension effects.
Cheers, Len