View Full Version : Micheal Jackson!
02-10-03, 02:48 PM
I would like to hear peoples opinions on him....
is he sad, mad or just wacko jacko?
Lizzy xxx
02-10-03, 03:00 PM
lol personally i think he is scary...
02-10-03, 03:03 PM
I think he is looking for attention
02-10-03, 03:06 PM
i think he went OVERBOARD with dangling his kid over a balconly!!! :jawdrop:
im sorry but attention seeker also springs to mind...along with MAD, nut, Plastic....need i say more.
p.s these are my own opinions!
02-10-03, 03:06 PM
all of the above, I agree with Ottawa Chris
Definitively all of the above and then some! He has so many major psychological issues, everyone's lost count!
02-10-03, 03:18 PM
I honestly think he is just a complete NUTT JOB :medbugged :) :)
02-10-03, 03:27 PM
how much money do you think hes making over this crap?! personally feel the balcony incident was blown out of all proportion!
jeez and whats with keeping his children covered in veils and stuff?! but at the end of the day there are people who are more wierd and crazy than him! watching the "interview" thing he didnt actually seem as pervy as people make him out to be? we'll never know, people are constantly making up stories about him! well hes bringing it all on himself anyways!:rolleyes:
02-10-03, 03:41 PM
maybe some things are blown out of proption but calling his kid....prince michael the 2nd or something like thaT is the work of a nut....
that poor kid.:rolleyes:
02-10-03, 03:49 PM
I could agree however we need to realize that a lot of the things we see in the news about celebrities are highly exaggerated and blown out of proportion. That is one thing we have to notice, and MJ is an easy target.
02-10-03, 04:04 PM
My MSN name yesterday was "Michael Jackson scares me :(" That pretty much sums it up... If you saw that interview, there's some things that just don't need to be blown out of proportion. The 13 yr old boy was laying down on him, holding his hand and sleeps in his bed. That alone is enough to question "MJ"
:medopen: (Since there's no worried face , I'll use this instead.)
Dragons & Balls
02-10-03, 04:13 PM
People can say whatever they want about Michael Jackson,but he is still the best entertainer ever.Nobody has ever beaten thriller in sales,and anybody would be hard pressed to find a better video than Thriller.Until u walk in someone else's shoes we should not judge them,some people think herpers are weird because we keep snakes(which in their opinion is the work of the devil).
02-10-03, 04:17 PM
I think he's got enough plastic in his nose to make 10 credit cards.
Anyone who goes to such extremes to change his looks has to be trying to hide from himself - probably can't stand what he is and what he does. He seems to be trying to change his looks so that the reflection in the mirror is anything other than MJ. When he does wake up to reality, he's going to be in for a big shock.
02-10-03, 04:21 PM
Hey at least Forrest J. Ackerman was in thriller, that's the only good part of MJ's career ... (I'm guessing most of you are scratching your heads as to who the heck Forry J. is... He's a man that collected things from old horror movies, and he had the biggest collection in the world... I met him & got to wear Bela Lugosi's ring that Bela left to him in his will! :D Go me... my brother was so jealous :()
I think the attention paid to him is a bit much. ignore him, thats what i do.
Them and Us
02-10-03, 05:07 PM
I'm sorry but sometimes i gotta bust out singing Thriller or Billy Jean or Beat It or Smoote Criminal or the hits. I have the first pressing of thriller on vinyl. i love it. I don't really think about the guy honestly. Except when i hear some of the good old MJ. Lisa is right though. Just ignore him if you like.
02-10-03, 05:14 PM
Retic. Food
Greg West
02-10-03, 05:19 PM
I thought it couldn't get any worse for him, but I found this website with the kids witness statemnt from the first trial. He must have had to pay quite a bit to keep this under the table for so long.
PM me if you want the link as it is not for young viewers
02-10-03, 05:24 PM
I would personally think that he suffers from arrested development. He really does seem to be a child himself. I do not think he really intends to do any harm to any child, it just appears that way to us as he does not realize how his actions appear. He is so under developed that I doubt he even posesses a sex drive, so I do not think that that any children are in danger. I could be completely wrong, but that is just how I see it. I must also admit that even though I do not enjoy his music he definately posesses a large amount of talent.
02-10-03, 06:08 PM
The michael jackson compilation tapes were my first tapes ever :) While he's awesome, he seems a little off, but I'm not one to judge.
But I WILL judge the buttmunch:mad: journalist who really seems to be a big hairy hipocrite.....(sp? yah yah....)
Heather :D
I hate the thing...only in america can a little black boy grow up to be a hideous white woman...:rolleyes:
beth wallbank
02-10-03, 06:52 PM
MJ was mentally and physically abused as a child, so the story goes. He has begun transforming himself into a PeterPan wanna be and truly believes he can 'fly'. He sleeps with children in front of the fireplace and 'reads' to them. He plays yo-yo with his children over a balcony. I'm sorry, but he truly is prime candidate for the Psych Ward and maybe they will build him his own ward and call that one "Never Land". Personally, I think the guy is whacked, doesn't deserve to have his children nor the presence of anyone under the age of 21. He may be one of the best performers of our time, but so was Walt Disney's version of Peter Pan. This is JMHO and if you disagree then that is your opinion.
02-10-03, 07:08 PM
LOL I 100% agrea with you there Beth 100% :) :)
Shane Tesser
02-10-03, 08:17 PM
I think the television show that featured him was some of the best comedy that ive seen in a long time..i couldnt stop watching it..i was a zombie glued to the screen :P
How sad to have it all and be so whacked. Hopefully he will leave those kids of his all the money cause they are going need to buy some serious shrink time.
02-11-03, 02:05 AM
I agree with Dragons & Balls. You guys can't really judge the guy. He was abused when he was a child and pushed in a negative way. All the Jackson kids were celebrities if you don't remember and the parents were probably a little hard on all of them. You can't really blame him. Blame his surroundings. Also someone spoke of his plastic surgery. Like most and Millions of people around the world he is insecure about his looks. I am not agreeing with plastic surgery all I am saying is that insecure people do dumb things to themselves. Do you laugh at annorexic people when you seem them on tv? They are insecure. Do you laugh at people who have bulemia or however you spell it? No you don't. They like michael Jackson go to desperate measures just to change themselves. He is a little messed up in the head but I guarantee that if any of us went through what he did during his life we'd be just as messed and if not more messed up than him. Don't judge. it's not for humans to do. I think it's mean. The man is an extremely talented dancer and singer. Though he is a nut job he wants world peace. I respect him for his talents and his hope for peace. Would we like it if we were messed up and people were talking about us? Would you laugh and talk about a child or adult who is mentally ********? That's all I have to say. I hope I changed some peoples opinions if not. Ohh well.>(
I feel 100% bad for the guy. He has been ripped apart and studied by the media and spotlight since he was five years old.
I like how the media says "Oh look how he has his kids wearing masks!!!! WEIRDO!" But can anyone tell me how you explain to TWO kids under the age of ten they are about to be mobbed and they will hear yelling, crying screaming and shouting when they go outside? I bet he has to make them wear those masks to feel safe. Like in Big Daddy and the invisible sunglasses. I can't imagine having to explain those things to my children.
And what if the stupid idiot media kept screaming "we cant see the baby form where we are!" and he hung her over so they could get a shot?
Stories are constantly twisted around 150% by the media all the time to make the worst possible scenario come out even if its not the truth.
02-11-03, 11:45 AM
Micheal Jackson frightens me to no extent.... o.o;
02-11-03, 12:46 PM
im sticking to my opion about mj being a nut.....but i have no dought in my mind that he isnt a good fact he is one of the only people who are good at both dancing AND SINGING
that interview thing was nuts! i feel so bad for those kids. lol, and the reply on p.2 of this post about the little black boy growing into a white woman...that was funny. who saw all the pics of him though out his life in a sequence where he slowly transforms into the monster he is now?
but yeah, i feel sorry for him too. he has been under the media from the start of his life, and his dad sounds like he was pretty brutal too.
(my opinion)
02-12-03, 04:27 PM
I used to be a really big fan of micheal when I was younger and I have to admit I still love his music. He is very talented. Singing and dancing. I blame his actions and his odd behavour on the hard life he had, all his life. He had to fight his entire life and is still doing so. His family was totally screwed up and I think if any one of us came from his surroundings we would be in the same boat. It is not our place to judge him or his actions. People make mistakes, we are only human, and that may be part of the problem, Micheal is "human" and his fans and the media tried to make him out as a God for so long. Personally I prefer his sister Janet these days but possibly it is becuause she is out there making music more. I think some of Micheals actions are odd and the kids wearing viels (sp) is odd, but if is not totally uncommon in some religions for women and children to wear viels. And it is his children, his decisions. I know I wouldn't like someone to come into my house and tell me I am raising my daughter wrong and that she should be anything other than the catholic child I baptised her as. If she choses to change her religion when she is older that is her choise, no one elses.
Also as said before Micheal was mentally abused and physically abused as he grew up. And for the longest time this was kept a secret. I read that when it did come out all the family hated him for speaking out along with his sister latoya, (If I remember right) and no one in the family would talk to them for a while.
I do think most of his actions are for attention, he is seaking the attention he never got as a child, and yes he has some issues but we should not be judging him, it is not our place or our job. If you don't like his actions or him in particular, ignore him. He is not the only celebrity to come unglued but because he is so large an icon he is picked on the most, which imo makes it worse. There have been many young and old actors and actresses that have overdosed because of mental problems or literally gone nutts and had to be committed. He is just trying to deal with it in his own way, weather his is a *right* way or a *wrong* way is not my place to judge.
For now I just ignore all the media **it, and listen to Janet's music. :D She was always my favorit Jackson anyway.
Big Mike
02-12-03, 05:09 PM
Check this out
02-12-03, 05:11 PM
Now that is terrible! The things people will think up! :(
02-24-03, 02:11 AM
micheal jackson is aswome! he has done so much for kids with building neverland. what he does with the 'kids' is not my buisness. i personaly don't think he did what he was accused of. the only reasin he dangled his little kid is the whole crowd was chanting "show us the baby" and he did. the reason he wears veilds is his skin condition.mabye it is in his kids to. i think that reporter brasher or whatever his name is, is a joke. whenhe is actually talking with micheal he says he thinks the relationship micheal has with the kids is "great" but when he is talking to himself he says terrible stuff, look at his life
Maybe I'm completely off, but doesn't he make the kids wear veils so that they aren't hounded by the media or even kidnapped, etc? Considering the hounding the man puts up with, that actually seems pretty valid.
If I was the kid(s), I'd appreciate it.....
02-24-03, 04:39 AM
complete weirdo! yeah he does make his kids wear masks and he sleeps in the same bed with little kids. and he must have bleached his skin. he claims he has a skin disease called vitilago, thats when your immune system attacks your melanin and leaves your skin totally white. in some people it can progress very far to the point that they look like a cow because they are so badly spotted tan and white. and as far as i know that takes years and years to happen to any where near that degree. his just popped up and over a year period he was chalk white. and normally it does go away. (i had a mild case of vitilago on my knees when i was little, its gone, but i did learn a lot about it)
his face is so distorted its creepy, i wouldn't touch that crap with a ten foot pole. man he is one creepy guy.
i wish i had his money!
02-24-03, 07:28 AM
OK Ihave ben falowing the Jackson story since it cam out recently.
Lets start with one thing at a time did any of you know that he was horibaly disfigured in 1984 a pyro thenic gone bad did you all watch BOTH storys that came on the air?
the Martin Beshier story AND the origenal tha jackson himself was toping at the same time. The problem was that when martin said cut not all cameras stop rolling. That is how we got the real story
behind it all.
as fore the plastic surgerys he only had 2 one at the time of the acident and another after he could not hide the skin problem.
The baby thing ppl wanted to see the baby they saw the baby if ppl dont want to see that kind of stuf dont stand out side of the hotel screaming you want to see a baby or for our cabel viewers change the chanel when cabel componies ratings go down they wont put it on the air any more
As for the vails if you saw the second story you would know that it was the mother that wanted them to where them. Do you know how much a bum could make buy kidnaping thos kids
the mother said I wore vails the kids can where them to it's not gona kill them
Michel Jackson was 5 YEARS old when he started his carrer he was rehersing when we were out plaing tag with our friends his first few gigs were at night clubs at 7-8 years old he would sing and the stripers came on after them.
he had no child hood, so when thing slowed down I dont blame him for not wanting to grow up right away he has money and no where to put it he didn't want to grow up he wanted to know what being a kid was all about so then came (peter pan) it is the disney charector that discribes him the most so he made neverland what a beter way to find out what a child hood is like then seeing it unfold in front of your eyes.
we want to learn about reptiles what do we do we soround our selves with snakes and others.
any way this is geting to be along post I hope it enlighten a few things
Chondro Python:cool:
02-24-03, 02:10 PM
Whoa. Damzookeeper I think we had like the exact same post. Crazy. Mine is on page 2 read it. It's not very far off. Good to know someone has the same opinions as I do.
02-24-03, 09:21 PM
freakier than Mike McFreak from Freaksville on a very Freaky day. now thats freaky
02-25-03, 07:45 AM
thanx for the opinions guys!!
Loved them!
Scotty Allen
02-25-03, 11:58 AM
Who cares ?
02-25-03, 12:05 PM
I loved the Thriller Album but I think he is nuts. I saw on TV that he is having major financial problems, like he spend $10,000 at a drug store in one month. I'm pretty sure this is where most of his publicity is coming from. It's sad, he used to be a great performer.
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