View Full Version : Anomalies

02-12-14, 04:03 AM
Some interesting anomalies are cropping up in the Savannah Monitor Longevity survey, so i'm wondering what studies have been conducted so far, particularly relating to:

Basking Temperatures
Kidney Diseases/Failure & Tumors

They don't have to be related studies, but studies into any of those areas would be of interest, or any of the areas of Sav husbandry which have changed in recent years

If anyone would like to see the data, let me know, I will share it privately, but I wont post it up publicly until we have a much larger data set

02-17-14, 01:55 PM
That Im aware of, there are no studies specifically related to those topics. Since some of them would have multiple variables, it would be a difficult task to test without a large sample size, which is difficult due to enclosure size. I think about the best one would be Robert Mendyke's article about monitor deaths in zoos over the past decades. I think he also has one discussing the issue of renal failure with low temperatures, though it wasnt specific to more than 120 F if I remember right. I can look it up if you dont already have it, but it was in Biawak in the last six months.

I would be interested to see your data though.

02-19-14, 06:58 PM
The only one that comes to mind is the mortality study at the Bronx Zoo.

02-20-14, 04:29 AM
thanks guys, Bronx Zoo has come up a few times now, havent managed to read the research yet tho

will drop you a link soon Jarich