View Full Version : White plains yesterday

02-10-14, 11:47 AM
Decided to do a big trade and drove down to white plains to meet up. Got to hang out with the leapin leachies guys for the day and act like a vendor too, haha.

I picked up 1.1 Pachydactylus vanzylii, pretty rare in collections, I don't know many people with them and there is only like 2 pictures on google images lol They have back webbed feet and are very small species, I just don't have any pictures yet haha

I also picked up a few 'fillers' because the trade was like 500 dollars short on his end. He gave me one of his adult trios of tokays, the male is the biggest tokay I've ever seen, the size of a large leachianus. I also grabbed two of the babies they produced, which I probably won't keep. Anddddd 0.14 mourning geckos. 11 Babies and 3 adults with eggs in some of them. All the babies are kept together and its pretty fun to watch them haha.

Also managed to upgrade my ghetto rack with heat tape instead of heat pads.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/v/t34/1607055_217648991759865_1287345578_n.jpg?oh=635b04 b7cd5e29cbb7b52404ed70dd01&oe=52FB30C6&__gda__=1392165869_de499e411b1f677afac2e1459db7190 9

Desert species on top, tropical in the middle, feeders on the bottom lol

02-10-14, 12:40 PM
I decided I was going to get a couple geckos for a nice living room display cage about 6 months ago, just haven't acted on it.lol.

Congrats man.

Soooo when are the pics coming?? You can't say you just got a rare species and leave us hangin.

02-10-14, 12:43 PM
He likes to tease us.

02-10-14, 12:43 PM
I dont want to steal pics from the guy I bought them from, and hes really the only one who has any pics posted on the internet haha. Mine fit on the top of a quarter, so they are pretty small and I don't want to disturb them till they come out tonight. And I'm afraid of the tokay geckos, so I'm not reaching my hand in their to find one to snap a shot of hahahaha

02-10-14, 01:00 PM
Here, I took one of the male tokay. The tail is regen, and even with a shorter regen tail, hes a monster. I'm not going to try to put something next to him for a size reference though haha. The cage looks pretty ghetto, but it'll do the job for now and is really big.


02-10-14, 01:16 PM
Wow nice size. Is he WC?

02-10-14, 01:28 PM
Wow nice size. Is he WC?

No, all 5 are cbb. I have hatch dates, hes 4 years old. The females are both 2 and the hatchlings are from october. Hes the only one with the regen tail though.

02-10-14, 01:30 PM
I'd like to see a video of you putting a finger next to his face.... lol

02-10-14, 01:37 PM
I'd like to see a video of you putting a finger next to his face.... lol

When I put them in the cage, I took the tape off the deli dishs and cracked them open, Then I just shut the cage and let them get out on their own lol He gaped his mouth open for the entire ride home. Barked at me when I took the tape off too

02-10-14, 03:36 PM
Awe, I really want a size reference pic. Put him up to your face and snap a pic. Lol.

02-10-14, 04:34 PM
I just used a standard sheet of print paper, starting at the knot in the wood to that last whole and it fit perfectly. So I guess hes around 11 inches. Smaller than I expected haha

02-10-14, 04:40 PM

One of the females is on the right under the leaves, hes on the cork. You can see the difference in the head sizes lol

02-10-14, 04:59 PM
Awe, I really want a size reference pic. Put him up to your face and snap a pic. Lol.

I take it, these guys are kind of mean??? :eek:

02-10-14, 05:26 PM
He's huge! Nice pickups.

02-10-14, 05:49 PM
I take it, these guys are kind of mean??? :eek:

I take it you don't have any experience with tokays. They are satans body guard. I've never seen a calm one. They make a barking sound To-Kay and jump and try and bite. I've not checked but I'm sure YouTube would give you an idea of what we're on about.

02-11-14, 12:05 AM
I take it you don't have any experience with tokays. They are satans body guard. I've never seen a calm one. They make a barking sound To-Kay and jump and try and bite. I've not checked but I'm sure YouTube would give you an idea of what we're on about.

Lmao I laughed more than I should have!

02-11-14, 12:26 PM
I take it you don't have any experience with tokays. They are satans body guard. I've never seen a calm one. They make a barking sound To-Kay and jump and try and bite. I've not checked but I'm sure YouTube would give you an idea of what we're on about.

I think the barking sound is actually Gek-ko which is where the term gecko came from. It definitely sounds like gecko.

02-11-14, 12:55 PM
Idk Tokay gecko barks always sounded like "To-Kay" to me. I was always told that's how they got the name tokay.

I wish we could have seen him with his non regen tail, still a monster for sure.

Edit: quick google search suggests that's where they get the name tokay from.

02-11-14, 01:34 PM
Idk Tokay gecko barks always sounded like "To-Kay" to me. I was always told that's how they got the name tokay.

I wish we could have seen him with his non regen tail, still a monster for sure.

Edit: quick google search suggests that's where they get the name tokay from.

Wikipedia says it was the origin of both, haha, who knows. Either way the call is really cool. I got some nice pics last night, one is light green, and two are light blue when they "fire up" . I'll post em in a bit.

02-11-14, 01:53 PM
I guess the only way to decide which sound it is would be to but your ear right up at his face and poke him with a stick.lol.

Awesome cant wait to see them, I love tokays. They so cool looking.

Really can't wait for pics of the other too.

02-11-14, 02:10 PM
Male during the day

From Right to left, Male , female, female. One of the females is actually baby blue like the male, but she looks green in the pic. The other female is a very light green.


02-11-14, 03:52 PM
Heres a video transferring the two juvies from the parents above to a display enclosure. Looks gross in the tub because I had to get them out of the cork, and then flush out the inside to see how many stupid crickets are hiding in there. Not using cork with them anymore, too hard to monitor what they are eating.


02-11-14, 09:08 PM
I got a clear shot of the king of the jungle haha
