View Full Version : Eggs on thier way??

02-10-14, 10:48 AM
So one of my gals who were bred this season has given me a shed. She has been paired on and off since October 9. Now whether this is the post ovulation shed or not, I don't know. I so far have totally SUCKED at determining ovulation by "feeling for the lumps", however;

A) She has grown in girth beyond what would apply to the meals she has had
B) She had the "tightened up tail look" for a little over 24 hours back in the end of December (ish)
C) she has that "V" shaped look from her spine to her belly, mostly on the last 1/2-2/3 of her body
D) She is keeping to her hot side for the most part
E) she refused her last meal, which is out of character for her.

So she gave me a beautiful shed last Thursday, who here thinks, from the info above that it may have been the post ovulation shed??

If it was, Counting on the Calendar 28 days, this would have her laying around March 2.

02-10-14, 11:18 AM
What kind of snake is it? None of the things listed mean a thing to me....

02-10-14, 11:27 AM
Sorry Korbin, I guess I should have started with that!! Ball Python.

02-10-14, 11:33 AM
Tough to say. Just keep an eye on her. It's possible. Did you see any confirmed locks?

Also the "tightened up tail look" or also known as "the tail suck" happens prior to eggs laying(like days before) so if it happened in Decemeber she would have laid them by now.

02-10-14, 11:42 AM
Oh, OK. I was told it had to do with ovulation. I will watch for it from here on in.

No, I did not witness a confirmed lock with this one, out of my 4 females paired this season, I only witnessed a lock on one. But then again I am away for 11 hrs/day- 5 days/week at work, so missing an actual lock on any of them would be easy.

02-10-14, 11:51 AM
Sounds like it could be the pre lay to me, similar behavior ive witnessed. althought the tail suck happening in December seems weird. Ive never witnessed the tail suck from my girls but a couple of my buddies have witnessed it around the time of ovulation. Keep an eye on her and check every morning. Hope you have the incubator setup and running consistantly.

Edit: ow there were 2 new posts by the time mine popped up. I hate my iPhone.

I'm also gone the majority of the day 6 days a week and I see a lock almost everytime I go in the snake room. They are horny little guys.

02-10-14, 11:54 AM
Oh, yes the incubator has been set up and calibrated for 2 weeks now, holding to 89-90 consistently.

And the tail suck could have been the beginning of Jan too, it was a really busy time and I did not write down the date, so I am going off of memory here