View Full Version : Tail concerns

02-08-14, 08:25 AM
I noticed that my new Brooks King hasn't shed the last part of his tail. He hasn't shed since I got him, so I wonder if that part's ever shed at all. I noticed it looked dry and almost totally black, like it was dead flesh. I soaked a wash cloth and gently enclosed the last part of his tail. allowing him to gently crawl out of it at will. A few times later, the last 1/4" of his tail broke off. Will it grow back like a lizard's? There is a drop of blood, but it seems to clot and isn't bleeding badly.

02-08-14, 08:32 AM
It wont grow back. Youll need to keep an eye on progressive necrosis (since the tail tip sounds like it was necrotic). If you see the skin blackening and miving up towards the head, he will need to see a vet for possible amputation (to get ahead of the infection) and antibiotics. He may also need some assistance with future sheds, you may notice that it bleeds a bit for the next few sheds, but lots of blood or necrosis are the warj ing signs.

02-08-14, 08:39 AM
How old is he? Id love to hear your experience with yours and see some pictures as I just got my very first Brooks King last week.

Hows his temperament?

02-08-14, 01:09 PM
He was born beginning of summer last year. I have only had him for 2 weeks. Very easy going so far. He moves around exploring his enclosure and also when I get him out. The part of his tail you can see in the bottom picture, that's about how much came off.

02-08-14, 02:38 PM
Can you get some better pics? I'd personally take him in to the vet immediately.

02-08-14, 03:24 PM
Here it is. It's dried up now and I have disinfected it in hopes of killing bacteria.

02-08-14, 03:59 PM
Disinfected with what? You could always go to the vet if youre concerned, but they would probably only prescribe a fairly generic precentative antibiotic or some ssd creme, and maybe do xrays to see if there is additional bone damage (not needed in my opinion). I dont think you necrsarily need to go to the vet, but keep a close eye on it, and if it swells, looks moist or doesnt seem to dry out ok ver the next week an exam might be waranted.

02-08-14, 05:27 PM
I would definitely keep him on a clean substrate like paper, and keep a strict eye on him. And if anything changes even slightly go to a vet, snakes are strong but not that strong. Personally i would have been to a vet already, removing dead tissue usually makes it heal a lot nicer. This is why you always check you sheds for tail tips.

02-08-14, 05:38 PM
I would wash it with warm water and dab a bit of plain original polysporin on it and leave it be. 99% of the time that will be fine. Ensure the husbandy is correct and it should not repeat itself.

EL Ziggy
02-08-14, 05:52 PM
Nice Brooksi Big T. I hope that tail heals with no issues.

02-08-14, 08:09 PM
Disinfected with what? You could always go to the vet if youre concerned, but they would probably only prescribe a fairly generic precentative antibiotic or some ssd creme, and maybe do xrays to see if there is additional bone damage (not needed in my opinion). I dont think you necrsarily need to go to the vet, but keep a close eye on it, and if it swells, looks moist or doesnt seem to dry out ok ver the next week an exam might be waranted.

with Neosporin.

02-08-14, 09:16 PM
Poor little guy :(

I hope he heals up fast.

02-08-14, 09:55 PM
I would say just keep an eye on it from here on out. Should be ok with a bit of time.

02-10-14, 03:02 AM
the shed must have been retained for a while mate

it's caused restriction of blood to the tail tip

just keep an eye on it for infection,you could dab a diluted iodine solution on it twice daily,until it heals

it will be left as a stubby tail and cause no issues with the snake

re retained tail tips
just break them open length wise,from head to tail with your finger nail,and peel it off

cheers shaun

02-10-14, 09:16 AM
Think he's gonna' be fine. I've been applying Antibiotic cream everyday. He attacked the fuzzy as soon as it hit the bedding last night. Thanks, all of you guys - mates!!!