View Full Version : how to remove eye caps?

02-05-14, 09:44 PM
I am now a TA for a bio class and have since taken over the job of taking care of the ball python...he has a shed issue right now i want to resoulve because kids handle him and i want him to be as happy as possible... hes getting his 20 gal updated to a 50 ish and more hides and ill work on humidty but i really want to get his eye caps off soon...it only looks like a shed or 2s worth but i want to nip it in the bud any advice on removal?

02-05-14, 09:52 PM
Get a pillowcase and a towel. Wet down the towel so it's soaked but not dripping. Put snake and towel into pillowcase and tie off the top. Put back into cool side of enclosure and leave overnight.

02-05-14, 10:22 PM
Palm sander.

Get a pillowcase and a towel. Wet down the towel so it's soaked but not dripping. Put snake and towel into pillowcase and tie off the top. Put back into cool side of enclosure and leave overnight.

Be very careful when doing this as a wet pillow case wont allow oxygen in and could cause suffocation.

02-06-14, 07:26 AM
Palm sander.

Be very careful when doing this as a wet pillow case wont allow oxygen in and could cause suffocation.

I agree. Not the best plan. I would suggest fixing your husbandry first. Next I would get a warm wet cloth and holding it in one hand, coach the snake to pass throught it with the other and repeat. But seriously if you fix your humidity issue you won't have to worry about this.

02-06-14, 08:18 AM
Viscotears liquid gel will take the eye caps off

http://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=L&ai=CEQLxVZnzUsHlAaeljAaQ6oGIC6rMsasEyo-wyHnKttOB2AEIBRAFKAVQn5udxP7_____AWC7_smD3ArIAQepA jJrigBeWLs-qgQnT9DIWndARWp49g41xy9fHqnF6Jns6k4-E9HOSZts2cgf3f1NvqbzwAUFoAYmgAfipeMckAcC4BKV99b6_Y SZqtUB&sig=AOD64_3xxxBTOJa61bBwKAhqbNK2egJ6bg&ctype=5&rct=j&q=viscotears+liquid+gel&ved=0CEUQww8&adurl=http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-134428-41853-0/2%3Fipn%3Dicep%26icep_id%3D67%26mtid%3D1673%26kwid %3D1%26crlp%3D32556394986_563391%26icep_item_id%3D 300937404195%26itemid%3D300937404195%26icep_meta_c ateg_id%3D26395%26icep_etrs%3DY%26icep_epid%3D-999%26icep_ctlg%3D-999%26icep_cond%3DNew%26targetid%3D57985522506%26r pc%3D0.05%26rpc_upld_id%3D25965%26device%3Dc%26ice p_msku_flag%3Dn%26icep_cbt%3Dn%26adtype%3Dpla&cad=rja

apply the gell with one of those cotton buds on a stick,people use for cleaning inside their ears

apply it gently so you don't scratch the eyes lenses

never rub at stuck eye caps or you can scratch and damage the lenses

cheers shaun

02-06-14, 10:16 AM
Someone once gave me a baby boa that shed poorly a few times, several caps stuck on her and pieces of skin 2. I just put her in a container with damp rough towels overnight, twice. The second time she came out, i only had to wipe her down with a washcloth to clean her up.

02-06-14, 12:01 PM
I've heard to take a moist rag and hold it on the eye cap for a minute. This softens the eye cap. Then take a piece of scotch tape and put it on the eye cap. When you pull the tape off the eye cap should come off with it. Never tried this method myself, but have known other who have and says it works.

02-06-14, 12:17 PM
I have seen and done it, but i never recommend it unless it is a last resort because i am afraid people will do it wrong. And i think if you talk about this method, you need to elaborate before people mess up their snakes eye by putting tape on it. You have to be very careful! If you use tape, be sure to stick it on your hand a few times first. It can be too strong directly, and you don't want tape stuck on your snakes eye as well. I have never heard of people using scotch tape though, i have heard of painters tape being used because it is less strong and easy to remove. (There are however more types of scotch tapes and i am not sure which you meant) You soak the eye, and dry it off with a paper towel. The best way to make sure the tape wont stick to the scales, is using a q tip with Vaseline on it and gently grease up the scales around the eye. Slowly let the tape drop on the eye cap, do not press down on the eye. Check if the tape took, and gently remove the tape in somewhat of an angle. If the tape comes off too easy without taking the eye cap with it, either soak it some more or try a slightly more sticky tape.

- I would not recommend trying this technique unless really -Really- necessary, the 2 times i did it the snake had multiple layers of caps over the eyes.. And they would not come of any other way... This method did work for both snakes, it is however very uncomfortable because you have to restrain them. It should only be used as a last resort to clear the eye, usually waiting for the next shed or any other method works fine.:)

02-06-14, 01:54 PM
I have seen and done it, but i never recommend it unless it is a last resort because i am afraid people will do it wrong. And i think if you talk about this method, you need to elaborate before people mess up their snakes eye by putting tape on it. You have to be very careful! If you use tape, be sure to stick it on your hand a few times first. It can be too strong directly, and you don't want tape stuck on your snakes eye as well. I have never heard of people using scotch tape though, i have heard of painters tape being used because it is less strong and easy to remove. (There are however more types of scotch tapes and i am not sure which you meant) You soak the eye, and dry it off with a paper towel. The best way to make sure the tape wont stick to the scales, is using a q tip with Vaseline on it and gently grease up the scales around the eye. Slowly let the tape drop on the eye cap, do not press down on the eye. Check if the tape took, and gently remove the tape in somewhat of an angle. If the tape comes off too easy without taking the eye cap with it, either soak it some more or try a slightly more sticky tape.

- I would not recommend trying this technique unless really -Really- necessary, the 2 times i did it the snake had multiple layers of caps over the eyes.. And they would not come of any other way... This method did work for both snakes, it is however very uncomfortable because you have to restrain them. It should only be used as a last resort to clear the eye, usually waiting for the next shed or any other method works fine.:)

I often hesitate on giving any advice on treating snakes on a forum, because I believe that you should be trained by someone before trying something on a snake. No matter how well you explain it on a forum, someone can mess it up and the snake can get hurt.

02-06-14, 02:11 PM
This brings me back to the husbandry. Fix that and the caps should go with the next shed. No chance or hurting the snake at all. You drama or stress from having its eye rubbed and in the end if you don't fixnit this will happen again and again.

02-06-14, 03:22 PM
thanks for the advice i light rub with a wet wash cloth did the trick

02-06-14, 10:23 PM
imo,KY Jelly or Viscotears is a far safer way to remove eye caps,it re hydrates and moistens them,and they fall off in an hour or two

glad to hear you got yours sorted mate

cheers shaun

02-07-14, 06:03 PM
thank you!

02-08-14, 02:47 AM
Good to hear you got it off :D

02-08-14, 08:19 AM
You will still up the humidity level in the enclosure right?

02-08-14, 11:07 AM
yes we are working on it...it was a diffrent teacher orginally and when he retired he was given to my teacher who didnt know any better on monday we will be setting up his big tank and working on fixing his care problems