View Full Version : Question about a Particle Board Enclosure

02-02-14, 12:29 PM
So I just bought two particle board enclosures. The kind of board with like a laminate covering. They are approx. 1-1/2' H x 4' L x 2' W. Both have glass framed fronts. One of them has some kind of heating pad (almost looks like a solar panel) on the inside bottom. The other does not have any kind of heating element. Looks like it was taken out. They have been sitting outside for a couple days. The previous owners used them for a couple years for snakes.

My question is what should I use to clean the inside of them? And what type of heating element should I use?

I currently have a baby red tail in a 20gal glass tank, a snow corn (almost 4ft long) in a 40gal glass tank and a creamsicle corn (about 3ft long) in a 20 gal glass tank. All use the UTH and I also use a Repti Fogger in all three as I live in Colorado Springs and the humidity here is very low.

I want to get them cleaned out and set up to proper warm side levels before moving them into these enclosures. I'm going to put my corns in them. Once my red tail outgrows his 20gal tank I will move him into one and the smaller corn will go into the 40gal.

Any suggestions/guidance will be appreciated. Thanks.

02-02-14, 12:32 PM
I've never used particle board but I'm guessing heat mat/tape and radiant heat panels would do the job.

02-02-14, 01:48 PM
I've never used particle board but I'm guessing heat mat/tape and radiant heat panels would do the job.

I'll look into that. Thx.

02-03-14, 07:32 PM
You could buy a ceramic light socket and use a ceramic heat emitter.

02-03-14, 11:33 PM
I ended up going with the ceramic heat emitter before I saw the last post. Seems to be working good so far. Of course I am monitoring the heat and have it hooked into a hygrotherm.

02-04-14, 04:08 AM
Can we see pictures of the cages?

02-04-14, 07:32 PM
These are still a work in progress. I'm going to be adding more fake plants and was thinking of possibly adding a shelf. The board that's in the middle of the glass is for support as I'm going to stack them. With spacing in between obviously because of the heat emitters. And still have to put the humidifier tubes in them. My Corns are in them now as my RTB and BRB are still small but they will eventually be housed in these. Unless I find more before then.


02-06-14, 01:51 AM
Nice looking enclosures!

02-08-14, 11:12 AM
Thanks. Still need a little more work.