View Full Version : Heat tape and RHP?

01-31-14, 11:03 AM
Anyone using a single tstat probe with heat tape in combination with an RHP? If, so should the probe be placed on heat tape?

01-31-14, 02:12 PM
Hey Sharthun.

I prefer to run two thermostats. The reason being. With my Kingsnake, she likes to burrow. I run one thermostat on the UTH and keep it set for 85 deg. I mount the probe under my enclosure tight under the pad.

I have another one controlling my CHE set at 90deg mounted on her house at the warm end.

The main reason I run two is that I don't want her to get burnt. The thermostat can run your heating device at max heating till it brings the temps up. Heat pads/Tape can get over 125+ deg. Since my probe is ON my heating pad, I know the pad will never get much above 85 deg there for, no chance of burning my little lady while she is burrowing.

Hope this helps. :)

01-31-14, 02:23 PM
Thanks! my Rhp's are doing a great job maintaining the warm side of the cages. I have heat tape installed as well but not using them. I was thinking about providing belly heat for the burrowing.I agree, 2 thermostats is the way to go. Much safer as well. I was curious if anyone was using 1 probe for 2 heat sources in an enclosure.

Hey Sharthun.

I prefer to run two thermostats. The reason being. With my Kingsnake, she likes to burrow. I run one thermostat on the UTH and keep it set for 85 deg. I mount the probe under my enclosure tight under the pad.

I have another one controlling my CHE set at 90deg mounted on her house at the warm end.

The main reason I run two is that I don't want her to get burnt. The thermostat can run your heating device at max heating till it brings the temps up. Heat pads/Tape can get over 125+ deg. Since my probe is ON my heating pad, I know the pad will never get much above 85 deg there for, no chance of burning my little lady while she is burrowing.

Hope this helps. :)