View Full Version : Even in blue...

01-30-14, 08:20 PM
Even in blue this beautiful girl glistens...she just shed on new years eve, and is back in blue again...i chose to skip her feed this week, since she didn't seem to be hunting...will wait till she sheds...hoping the 3rd time is a charm for a clean one! she seems to have issues with shedding the skin on her nose...both times she shed with me I had to help her get those off...wonder if she had a previous injury from rubbing the screen in that tiny tank at the pet store? Don't notice anything different, but it's the same spot both times...

EL Ziggy
01-30-14, 08:29 PM
She is really beautiful Sharlynn. I hope she has a nice smooth shed for you.

01-30-14, 08:31 PM
me too...have been keeping her humidity as high as i can...never let her get below 85...try to keep it in the 90's...poor girl...growing like a weed, though! :D

01-30-14, 08:47 PM
Still looking good!! Good luck with the shed! ;)

01-30-14, 08:50 PM
She is so shiny and iridescent! Best wishes for a clean shed... and then post lots more pictures!

01-30-14, 09:02 PM
thanks, all! i love taking pics of my "kiddos" :D

01-31-14, 10:34 PM
She's a looker for sure! Good job with the humidity, keep that up and eventually this issue should fix itself. BTW, try adding a shed rock for her to rub up against, sometimes that helps.

02-01-14, 10:11 AM
I have a river rock I can put in..had it in there for a while but she kept burying it so I took it out..lol..I will put it back in after work today...thanks :D

02-01-14, 01:30 PM
beautiful!!! such a shame they are not popular around here, you barely never see them! :)

02-01-14, 03:05 PM
How beautiful. I'd never own one because I feel that it's too dry here in Mass. but I love seeing them. They are one of the most beautiful snakes in the world.

02-01-14, 05:33 PM
thank you :D it is pretty dry here, too right now...but the eco-earth helps that quite a bit...its really no struggle to hold it at 80+%...I think the Colombians are severely under-rated...the brazilians are more eye-catching so these beauties get overlooked a lot...

02-04-14, 08:14 AM
One perfect piece!!! So excited!!! :D

02-04-14, 08:23 AM
Damn that's a gorgeous snake. I want one !!!! Next payday

Congrats on the good shed

02-04-14, 09:34 AM
thanks, Frogman :D the shed measured exactly 6 feet...Hades should be shedding by the weekend, he is in full blue right now, so after he sheds I will try and get some good pics of them both :D and new measurements and weights hopefully...

02-04-14, 02:53 PM
Well done! A good shed is a sign of good humidity management. Keep in mind, however, sheds will be longer than the snake itself, as the shed skin stretches.

02-04-14, 03:26 PM
Oh, definitely. I use serpwidgets to measure the snakes...I was just curious how long the shed was because I had to hold it above my head to get it off the floor..lol

02-06-14, 02:47 PM
Good call on S/W... And lol, I know the feeling!