View Full Version : temps for bulls

EL Ziggy
01-24-14, 02:24 PM
I got my albino bull snake a week ago and she seems to be doing fine. She's eaten twice with no issues and seems to be acclimating well to her new home. I have a question about temps. I've read and heard from a few others that it's best to keep pits at slightly cooler temps than my other colubrids. Right now I have the uth on the warm side set at 87. My kings are set at 90. The cool side of the tank is in the upper 60's-low 70's. (It's really cold here) I have noticed she tends to stay in her cooler hide more that her warm hide, even after a pretty big meal last night she went to a cooler spot. Normally my kings go to the warmest hide after eating. What temps should I keep my pit at? TIA for any helpful advice

01-24-14, 03:25 PM
I think your temps are fine and cover the variation in their natural habitat. You could probably stand to kill the hot side during the night if you wanted to, but definitely not a requirement. (caveat-my knowledge comes from WC gophers and not CB bulls).

01-24-14, 04:02 PM
I don't have heat on mine

EL Ziggy
01-24-14, 04:10 PM
I don't have heat on mine
So you just leave them at room temperature? It's pretty cold here and the tank without any heat would be in the high 60's-low 70's. Will she be ok at those temps? I have 2 hides on the warm side. One's at 87, the other at 75ish. The cool side hide is at 68-70. I was really concerned about her having the proper temps to digest her food. I've heard if it's too cold it can cause them to regurge.

01-24-14, 08:05 PM
My gopher also only gets added heat during the day from her light. Otherwise she is room temp.

EL Ziggy
01-24-14, 09:05 PM
Do the same rules apply for bull and gopher snakes? Leave the uth on low 80's during the day and no heat at night? Its been below freezing here in GA for the last few days. The temp in the room and on her cool side right now is 70 and dropping, it's 85 inside the warm hide. She's in the cool hide. She just ate last night and I thought they needed warmer temps to digest their food. Thanks for the very helpful information.

01-24-14, 11:03 PM
She will be fine. If she needs heat she will go to it.

01-25-14, 05:09 PM
My snake room hits 85 during the day and 73 at night

EL Ziggy
01-25-14, 06:08 PM
Then I'll leave the uth on 85 during the day and 75 at night. Does this mean no extra heat source during the summer months? Thanks for the helpful tips. I've only kept kings until now.