View Full Version : New cheap snake hook

01-23-14, 06:14 PM
This hook is made from the paint roller and golf club method, the hook is attached to the club with gorilla glue and is the wrapped with gorilla tape. The tank is a 55 for a size reference. The hook is about 40"27427

01-23-14, 06:15 PM

Heres a size reference, the tank is a 55

01-23-14, 07:07 PM
I have several made this way. I use jb weld though. Beats paying retail prices.

01-23-14, 08:00 PM
I am all for saving a buck, but ever since I had a inexpensive hook pull out of a golf club handle, everything I use now is from Midwest. I am sure there are some other good manufacture's, but I am sticking with what I know.

Besides have you seen what golf clubs cost...lol.

01-23-14, 08:29 PM
I am all for saving a buck, but ever since I had a inexpensive hook pull out of a golf club handle, everything I use now is from Midwest. I am sure there are some other good manufacture's, but I am sticking with what I know.

Besides have you seen what golf clubs cost...lol.

I've had similar experiences with my diy hooks, eventually they give out; and at the worst time. I'm lucky to have a guy at the local shows I go to sells some for $20 and they are very hardy. I've flipped many rocks and logs with my one i use for field herping for a few years now. Another has been used on my retic for awhile now. Midwest for tongs all the way.

01-23-14, 10:07 PM
I am all for saving a buck, but ever since I had a inexpensive hook pull out of a golf club handle, everything I use now is from Midwest. I am sure there are some other good manufacture's, but I am sticking with what I know.

Besides have you seen what golf clubs cost...lol.

I agree. I'm Midwest all the way. Great quality. I really like the Mark Oshea hooks. I can't take a chance of a hook breaking when dealing with a venomous snake.

01-23-14, 10:40 PM
I had a large boid that was super defensive and very spastic. If my hook would have broke he would have chain sawed my entire body before I could wrangle it.

01-23-14, 11:19 PM
i use a radiator roller for my snake hooks,they are designed for painting down behind radiators,so the have long shafts on them,imo they are a good size for carpet sized snakes or below.....

you just break the roller part off,then wrap the hook with electrical insulating tape...

the above makes a good sturdy hook for a few pounds/dollars

i like the way you did yours as well mate

cheers shaun

01-23-14, 11:22 PM
I am all for saving a buck, but ever since I had a inexpensive hook pull out of a golf club handle, everything I use now is from Midwest. I am sure there are some other good manufacture's, but I am sticking with what I know.

Besides have you seen what golf clubs cost...lol.

if it was hots i kept and worked with,then i to would only use the very best professional hooks available as well

impressive hook collection you have there mate

cheers shaun

01-25-14, 12:33 AM
I agree. I'm Midwest all the way. Great quality. I really like the Mark Oshea hooks. I can't take a chance of a hook breaking when dealing with a venomous snake.

I Def agree. I don't mind cutting corners dealing with my snakes. Worst case scenario I bleed a little. Hots are a completely different scenario. Not worth the risk over a couple bucks.

Has anyone used Midwest's python hook? I've been considering it just because of the large throat and wide material. Would love to hear a good personal recommendation.

01-25-14, 04:52 AM
I Def agree. I don't mind cutting corners dealing with my snakes. Worst case scenario I bleed a little. Hots are a completely different scenario. Not worth the risk over a couple bucks.

Has anyone used Midwest's python hook? I've been considering it just because of the large throat and wide material. Would love to hear a good personal recommendation.

I have. They work good, but the handle for me was to long for general use. It is nice to drag a snake closer to you that is in it's enclosure or keep an aggressive snake away. I have 2 of them, one with the long handle and one with a handle I cut in half. The half size handle is more convenient for me to work with.

Here is a picture of the one I cut the handle in half.
http://i475.photobucket.com/albums/rr115/JerryTheSnakeman/DSCF5637.jpg (http://s475.photobucket.com/user/JerryTheSnakeman/media/DSCF5637.jpg.html)

And then I made a pinning stick from the other half of the handle.
http://i475.photobucket.com/albums/rr115/JerryTheSnakeman/DSCF5639.jpg (http://s475.photobucket.com/user/JerryTheSnakeman/media/DSCF5639.jpg.html)

01-25-14, 06:15 AM
I have a pair of these from Reptile Basic.com 38 inches long stainless steel with plastic coated handle and hook.
Snake Hook 38"- Reptile Basics Inc (http://www.reptilebasics.com/snake-hook-38)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/96/ylwn.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/2oylwnj)

01-25-14, 06:26 AM
I agree. I'm Midwest all the way. Great quality. I really like the Mark Oshea hooks. I can't take a chance of a hook breaking when dealing with a venomous snake.

so Midwest are they way to go for hot handling equipment. Have you ever used the gloves from there? if so what are they like.

01-25-14, 06:46 AM
so Midwest are they way to go for hot handling equipment. Have you ever used the gloves from there? if so what are they like.

Midwest is the way to go for professional equipment. The gloves they use to sell are great, the gloves they sell now are animal handling gloves and DO NOT prevent a venomous snake bite. You have to order Hex Armour's highest rated needle stick gloves. They are not guaranteed to prevent a snake bite, but I have never had a fang or tooth go threw them. You now have to buy the gloves and the sleeves separate.

01-25-14, 10:10 AM
Cool method!

01-25-14, 10:58 AM
Midwest is the way to go for professional equipment. The gloves they use to sell are great, the gloves they sell now are animal handling gloves and DO NOT prevent a venomous snake bite. You have to order Hex Armour's highest rated needle stick gloves. They are not guaranteed to prevent a snake bite, but I have never had a fang or tooth go threw them. You now have to buy the gloves and the sleeves separate.

Cheers for that. They will only be used for my mangrove until i get into keeping hots, It's just that i like free handling my mangrove without a hook but when she's fully grown i'll be getting some gloves. I'll always free handle her unless there is a genuine reason why i can't.

01-26-14, 12:29 AM
I have. They work good, but the handle for me was to long for general use. It is nice to drag a snake closer to you that is in it's enclosure or keep an aggressive snake away. I have 2 of them, one with the long handle and one with a handle I cut in half. The half size handle is more convenient for me to work with.

Awesome, thanks for the review. That's kinda what I was thinking, about cutting the handle down. Pretty much everything I use at home I like the handle to be under 36".

01-26-14, 01:23 AM
Cheers for that. They will only be used for my mangrove until i get into keeping hots, It's just that i like free handling my mangrove without a hook but when she's fully grown i'll be getting some gloves. I'll always free handle her unless there is a genuine reason why i can't.

Personally i think death is a pretty genuine reason.....

01-26-14, 01:52 PM
Boiga mangrove and not the viper mangrove if so then i would Be using hooks and tongs.

01-28-14, 03:32 PM
I made a few hooks from golf clubs as well, i bought cheap ones at a thrift store! they sell the cheap brands here for like 1,50 each.

02-01-14, 01:20 PM
I actually have a pair of golf club hooks that the person I bought them from threaded the inside of the club and the end of the actual hook so they don't pull out. More work and more cost, but still cheaper than the ones from Midwest. I've got a couple of the ones from Midwest too.

02-01-14, 01:34 PM
i don't even know what brand my 2 store bought hooks are, reptech i think. :) We don't have much choice here.

02-27-14, 05:40 PM
I have some midwest stuff, but the main hooks I use are custom from John Zegel. They work and look great.