View Full Version : Signs of stress in a Dumeril's boa

01-19-14, 02:44 PM
Aside from not eating, what are the signs of stress that I should watch for in a Dumeril's boa?

I'm posting this question for reference because specific information about Dumeril's boas is sparse. There are no concerns I have right now because my young Dumeril's is doing great (eating well, no obvious problems). She doesn't seem jumpy or skittish. I just want to know what to look for in the future.

01-19-14, 06:01 PM
One of our longterm members, Exwizard, has a lot of experience with Dumerils. He'll probably chime on here soon.

In general, as long as she is eating fine, shedding fine, no discharge from nasal passages or the mouth, and breathing fine, you should be doing good.

01-19-14, 07:19 PM
One of our longterm members, Exwizard, has a lot of experience with Dumerils. He'll probably chime on here soon.

In general, as long as she is eating fine, shedding fine, no discharge from nasal passages or the mouth, and breathing fine, you should be doing good.

Exwizard said he was leaving the site and to my knowledge hasn't been back since.

01-19-14, 07:36 PM
I think exwizard is gone, from what I can tell.

My dum seems pretty mellow and stays hidden most of the time, but eats fine and tolerates handling really well, even better than just about every other snake I've handled. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything that could develop into a problem later.

01-19-14, 10:37 PM
Boo hoo Gary is gone for the 20 millionth time....

He'll be back.

01-20-14, 03:16 PM
he is still active on facebook!.

01-20-14, 03:51 PM
dumerils boas are pretty docile and easy to take care of. i would look for the same short temperment any snake might have. as long as their enclosure is fine and you aren't messing with them constantly or something like that then everything should be fine.

01-20-14, 03:54 PM
Just like any other snake Dumerils Boas will become somewhat aggressive and will move very fast when stressed. For example of you go to handle him or her they will rear their body up as if to say back off. It's very rare however.

01-20-14, 03:57 PM
even my 7 ft male gets a little hissy sometimes when i go to grab him out of him tank but he's just being grumpy. ive had my dumerils for 2-3 years and i am now TOTALLY in tune with what they are like and how to handle them.

for instance, if i don't take a hook and break the females feeding response by tapping her with it, she will bite you 100% of the time if you just go to pick her up. she is a hungry monster. if you break the feeding response first with the hook though, you can go right in and grab her no problems.

01-20-14, 09:55 PM
Dumerils are laid back mellow snakes much like BRB's.

01-21-14, 02:59 PM
I believe you are correct. He left during the great infighting period. Too bad, he was a nice guy and knew his stuff.

01-21-14, 07:15 PM
She doesn't give me any fuss when I handle her. She tightens up a little when I go to pick her up, but doesn't hiss or coil up. The only time I've noticed something is when she retracted her head once and looked up at me right after I fed her F/T, but I think most snakes are on edge during feeding, anyway.

Other snakes I've had always seemed to do something when going into the enclosure. She is really a great snake. She doesn't even seem especially sensitive about her head. I just want to make sure there aren't any subtle signs I'm missing.