01-19-14, 02:14 PM
Here are a few of my pairings that I managed to catch on camera! Got my fingers crossed for this season. There should be some cool heads poking out of some eggs in a few months from now.
The Black Pastel Hypo has also been paired with a Mojave Het Hypo, and SPOG. He is a machine. He locks within 1 hour of being paired with any of these females.
The Spotnose Het Hypo has also been paired with a Spotnose Het Hypo. Imagine what a Hypo Power Ball would look like!! I am very excited about this pairing. Also, I don't even think a visual Spotnose Hypo has been made yet.
Thank you for taking a look :)
Jonathan Leone
The Black Pastel Hypo has also been paired with a Mojave Het Hypo, and SPOG. He is a machine. He locks within 1 hour of being paired with any of these females.
The Spotnose Het Hypo has also been paired with a Spotnose Het Hypo. Imagine what a Hypo Power Ball would look like!! I am very excited about this pairing. Also, I don't even think a visual Spotnose Hypo has been made yet.
Thank you for taking a look :)
Jonathan Leone