View Full Version : Jaguar Carpet breeding options

01-12-14, 01:24 AM
I just got a 100% Jaguar Carpet python male. Would wold be some good options to breed him with? Also what would they produce?

01-12-14, 03:19 AM
What you breed it with is completely up to you, as it is a co-dom morph you will always get some jags in the clutch. You say it's a 100% jag which is quite unusual these days as jags have been mixed into everything but if you are going to breed it then why not breed it with another pure coastal (or coastal morph like caramel) to keep it that way.

01-12-14, 03:29 AM
What you breed it with is completely up to you, as it is a co-dom morph you will always get some jags in the clutch. You say it's a 100% jag which is quite unusual these days as jags have been mixed into everything but if you are going to breed it then why not breed it with another pure coastal (or coastal morph like caramel) to keep it that way.

Yes i know. I got it from a reputable breeder.

How much do those morphs run?

01-12-14, 03:31 AM
Depends on the morph and I don't really know the prices on your side of the pond :)

01-12-14, 07:23 AM
A jaguar carpet python is just a coastal carpet with a genetic defect that brings with it pattern reduction and neurological issues. Whatever you want to mix that with is up to you.

I think just "normal" jags run around $200 give or take depending on the stock you are breeding and it can go up from there depending on what other genes you mix it with(axanthic, caramel, zebra(zebra is a jungle morph so a jag zebra would be a coastal x jungle)....etc)

01-12-14, 06:34 PM
A jaguar carpet python is just a coastal carpet with a genetic defect that brings with it pattern reduction and neurological issues. Whatever you want to mix that with is up to you.

I think just "normal" jags run around $200 give or take depending on the stock you are breeding and it can go up from there depending on what other genes you mix it with(axanthic, caramel, zebra(zebra is a jungle morph so a jag zebra would be a coastal x jungle)....etc)
Actually the Jag morph is not a true Coastal morph.
The first Jags came from a Coastal x Irain Jaya cross. The breeder lied at the time about it because he didn't have a permit for the Irain Jaya at the time and the country he from as very strict law about. Shaunyboy can tell you all about it.

01-12-14, 06:45 PM
Jaguar Carpet Pythons are gorgeous, so how would someone know it its a "100%" Jag?

01-12-14, 06:47 PM
Jaguar Carpet Pythons are gorgeous, so how would someone know it its a "100%" Jag?

The babies, most likely.

01-12-14, 06:50 PM
Actually the Jag morph is not a true Coastal morph.
The first Jags came from a Coastal x Irain Jaya cross. The breeder lied at the time about it because he didn't have a permit for the Irain Jaya at the time and the country he from as very strict law about. Shaunyboy can tell you all about it.

In that case OP just put in "coastal x irian jaya" where I wrote coastal.

CK SandBoas
01-12-14, 09:32 PM
I just got a 100% Jaguar Carpet python male. Would wold be some good options to breed him with? Also what would they produce?

If you have to ask, then I would say you're not ready to breed....And if you just got him..... would not even consider breeding until you properly quarantine him and you get a handle on keeping a snake properly, if this is your first snake......No need to rush into breeding....

01-13-14, 02:26 AM
Actually the Jag morph is not a true Coastal morph.
The first Jags came from a Coastal x Irain Jaya cross. The breeder lied at the time about it because he didn't have a permit for the Irain Jaya at the time and the country he from as very strict law about. Shaunyboy can tell you all about it.

It appears now this may not be correct, have a read of Derek's post


01-13-14, 02:29 AM
Guess I stand corrected

01-13-14, 05:36 AM
No real such thing as a 100% pure jag but 100% coastal with the jag gene is as close to that statement as possible. Because half of a half of a half is always still something you always must have a certain percentage of coastal in every jag. So when you see stuff like 88.5% jungle it is the offspring of multiple generations of breeding a jungle to a coastal and then it's offspring to jungles.
coatal jag to jungle= 50% jungle jags
50% jungle jags to jungle = 75% jungle jags
75% jungle jags to jungle = 88.5% jungle jags
88.5% jungle jags to jungle =95.25% jungle jags
so you will never get 100% jungle jags. Or if you used IJs or Diamonds it would be the same. What really has messed things up is people breed jungle jags to IJs to Diamonds and the gene pool gets so messed you really aren't sure what you have.

red ink
01-13-14, 06:09 AM
Jaguar Carpet Pythons are gorgeous, so how would someone know it its a "100%" Jag?

If its a JAG then its 100% JAG.

Jag refers to a co - dominant mutation which is the visual heterozygous of the gene. It's homozygous form is a leucistic specimen.

You need to discern the mutation from the sub-species mixture. Any animal that is a JAG is heterozygous for the JAG gene... therefore being a co-dominant gene they are all 100% JAGS as they carry the gene which they will display in their reduced patterning (plus the neuro).

You then get into the percentages of the mixture of Morelia spilota sub-species that go into creating that specimen i.e. 75% Jungle/IJ Jag. The jags of that clutch are still 100% Jags for the gene and whatever % mixture for the sub-species that made the pretty snake. The rest of the clutch that don't carry the jag gene (non JAGS) are often known on the forums as sibs or "can somebody tell me what my carpet python is?"

01-13-14, 06:14 AM
If you have to ask, then I would say you're not ready to breed....And if you just got him..... would not even consider breeding until you properly quarantine him and you get a handle on keeping a snake properly, if this is your first snake......No need to rush into breeding....

He is totally ready for this! I mean he has had a couple of boas for almost three months.

CK SandBoas
01-13-14, 07:50 AM
He is totally ready for this! I mean he has had a couple of boas for almost three months.

Oh boy!! You're right, he is so totally ready to deal with whether he wants to build an incubator or let the mother maternally incubate, or have to deal with hatching that do not want to eat, at all......like that never happens....plus having the room and proper housing for all the babies he can't find buyers for!!! You are soon right Kevin, he should move full speed ahead with his plans.....i'm wrong and you are soooo right.......as usual ;)

01-13-14, 07:57 AM
I am sensing some sarcasm here. Lol.

CK SandBoas
01-13-14, 08:00 AM
And I meant hatchlings, not hatching....darned spellcheck lol

01-13-14, 09:58 AM
What can I say? It's a gift.....

01-13-14, 05:05 PM
Don't mean to name call or be mean...but OP is just one of those people who are responsible for the fad breeder market. They only get into a certain group of animals to breed and make money, or make a name for themself by producing cool morphs and such. So much disrespect to the actual species....

red ink
01-13-14, 07:54 PM
Sorry... new topic.. new thread as it's not part of this discussion.

01-13-14, 08:36 PM
It appears now this may not be correct, have a read of Derek's post


Thanks for the link and set me straight. I had totally had missed that thread. It good to see the truth come out and I am sorry for passing bad information.

01-14-14, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the link and set me straight. I had totally had missed that thread. It good to see the truth come out and I am sorry for passing bad information.

No worries, I was of the same opinion as you until I saw that post and I linked it as I knew you would be interested in that development.

01-28-14, 06:48 PM
Thanks for the link and set me straight. I had totally had missed that thread. It good to see the truth come out and I am sorry for passing bad information.

No worries, I was of the same opinion as you until I saw that post and I linked it as I knew you would be interested in that development.

i was the same,i'm glad Derrick cleared it up

cheers shaun

02-05-14, 11:03 AM
I just got a 100% Jaguar Carpet python male. Would wold be some good options to breed him with? Also what would they produce?

You could breed him with :
Zebra to get zebra jags not sure if you would get jungle jags as well as the zebra morph comes from the jungle
Bredli to get Bredli jags
Caramel to get Carmel jags
As with any breeding it's not 100% granted that you will end up with any jags, you could end up with all sibs