View Full Version : Thought this was pretty sweet!

01-07-14, 09:50 PM
Not sure if this has been posted before but I stumbled across it on Google. Supposed to be a large olive python pulling up a wallaroo(spell check?) up a rock face. Not sure if a wallaroo is a kangaroo/wallaby hybrid, or just a nickname. Either way it's pretty amazing to me.

01-07-14, 09:58 PM
i saw that picture a few years ago. Always fascinating to see.

01-07-14, 10:10 PM
How's this for a big meal? LOL


01-07-14, 11:09 PM
Holy crap! Lol

01-08-14, 02:38 AM
That is one huge snake! Awesome picture. :)

01-08-14, 08:20 AM
I want the background of my enclosures to look just like that first pic!

01-08-14, 08:33 PM
I want the background of my enclosures to look just like that first pic!

Me too. I see lots of diy projects like this but I have zero artistic abilities. I can build anything,but Ican never do stuff like that and have it turn out good.

01-08-14, 09:51 PM
I've loved that pic of the olive since I first saw it. If you follow the snake it doesn't end til it's off the pic.

Mikoh, that's a huge meal for that little guy. Gives me flashback of thanksgivings past.lol. I wonder it he got it down.

LiL Zap
01-09-14, 05:37 PM
Aw man, that's amazing.