View Full Version : UTH Went Out...?

01-05-14, 02:27 PM
So, I am switching my BP over to a plastic bin, and when I put in the UTH, it decides that it no longer wants to work. How do I test the UTH to see if it is broke, or if it may be just a thermostat control issue?

I plugged the UTH into a outlet by itself to see if it will heat up.

I am using the following set up:

Zoo Med RH-6
Digital LCD Thermostat STC-1000

I am going to take some pics and post them up...

01-05-14, 02:33 PM

That would be the way the wiring looks on the back of my thermostat

01-05-14, 03:24 PM
i have no idea how to tell, but i've read alot of horrible reviews on zoomed uth. i saw alot of them break, and i know the people at the pet store i go to dont even recommend them.

if it is the uth, i use an ultratherm (i think thats the brand) and it doesnt get too hot, i think it maxes out at 101? so it cant start a fire, which is the reason i bought it.

01-05-14, 04:39 PM
Just an update, I figured it out, the zoomed one went out, so I picked up another and made the a dimmer switch to control the temps as a temporary get-by

01-06-14, 12:04 PM
I had a problem with my zoomed too - except it overheated - this is what I use for my plastic bins

Ultratherm Undertank Heater (UTH) - 11"x11" - Reptile Basics Inc (http://www.reptilebasics.com/ultratherm-undertank-heater-uth-11-x11)

01-06-14, 12:12 PM
i've just had delivery of one of some of those thermostats, I dont think you have it wired up correctly, here is a tutorial by someone else:

STC-1000 query - Page 2 (http://www.thesaltybox.com/forum/help-advice/129603-stc-1000-query-2.html)

worth checking the versions tho, mine is diffrent from that, slightly