View Full Version : 37 killed from Marijuana - Day of legalization in Colorado
01-02-14, 04:36 PM
Marijuana Overdoses Kill 37 in Colorado On First Day of Legalization - The Daily Currant (
Colorado is reconsidering its decision to legalize recreational pot following the deaths of dozens due to marijuana overdoses.
According to a report in the Rocky Mountain News, 37 people were killed across the state on January 1st, the first day the drug became legal for all adults to use. Several more are clinging onto life in local emergency rooms and are not expected to survive.
01-02-14, 04:57 PM
Its sad, I hate to hear this but my first thought is, wow that didn't take long. But I just watched the news and they claim the are not reconsidering the legalization, in fact they re proud of it and quite excited about the revenue that will be coming in.
01-02-14, 04:59 PM
That's why I stick to the hard stuff!
01-02-14, 05:01 PM
Its sad, I hate to hear this but my first thought is, wow that didn't take long. But I just watched the news and they claim the are not reconsidering the legalization, in fact they re proud of it and quite excited about the revenue that will be coming in.
... You obviously do not watch Breaking Bad or Lost
01-02-14, 05:05 PM
Lmao, gotta be a wind up... Can't overdose!
01-02-14, 05:34 PM
There has only been one ever recorded pot overdose in history and the guy smoked so much it was iffy wether he died from the weed or lack of oxygen. That is ludicrous and non scientific at best.
01-02-14, 05:56 PM
I don't buy it at all...... But I'm sad to see the law passed. I have serious person standards for all forms of intoxication.
01-02-14, 06:01 PM
That was a hoax lol.
Marijuana overdose hoax: First legal day in Colorado, weed didn't kill 37 people - Orlando News | (
01-02-14, 06:03 PM
i don't believe it for even half a second. you can't OD on marijuana.
01-02-14, 06:04 PM
Its sad, I hate to hear this but my first thought is, wow that didn't take long. But I just watched the news and they claim the are not reconsidering the legalization, in fact they re proud of it and quite excited about the revenue that will be coming in.
I don't buy it at all...... But I'm sad to see the law passed. I have serious person standards for all forms of intoxication.
There has only been one ever recorded pot overdose in history and the guy smoked so much it was iffy wether he died from the weed or lack of oxygen. That is ludicrous and non scientific at best.
ahahha... this is in the comedy section for a reason. It's a satire article. Note the reference to Jesse Pinkman(Breaking Bad) and Jack Shepard(Lost).
01-02-14, 06:46 PM
Lmao, I didnt notice this was in the comedy section at first. I was gonna say impossible unless they ate way to much. It's impossible to smoke a lethal amount, you'd pass out with your hand in a bag of Doritos long before you could. Eating is a different story, that is possible, but extremely unlikely. You'd have to be able to eat a meal proportionate to what my retics eat.
01-02-14, 06:53 PM
There has only been one ever recorded pot overdose in history and the guy smoked so much it was iffy wether he died from the weed or lack of oxygen. That is ludicrous and non scientific at best.
I don't believe this either, you'd slip into unconsciousness long before you'd die.
01-02-14, 07:07 PM
... You obviously do not watch Breaking Bad or Lost
Nope, your right
01-02-14, 07:18 PM
I never bothered to read the article but I assumed they did legalize it as Colorado has been looking to for a long time.
01-02-14, 07:26 PM
I never bothered to read the article but I assumed they did legalize it as Colorado has been looking to for a long time.
That's right you're in Canada arnt you. Yes Colorado and Washington have legalized recreational marijauna for adults over the age of 21. I've heard California passed the recreational law aswell but haven't read anything for myself.
01-02-14, 08:30 PM
Hahaha. Didn't even notice what section this was lol.
01-02-14, 09:30 PM
"snopes" already posted a hoax warning on this...LOL
01-02-14, 09:59 PM
I don't buy it at all...... But I'm sad to see the law passed. I have serious person standards for all forms of intoxication.
i've smoked 2 or 3 joints of cannabis every night before bed for nearly 30 years,it relaxes me and helps me sleep,i think its ridicules that people are branded criminals,when the ONLY thing they have ever done regards breaking ALL laws,was smoke some plant matter,i can't enter America and other countries,just because i have a criminal record for cannabis,ive never broke any other laws,if you research why America and Britain banned cannabis,you will see how ludicrous their reasons were .....
imo it;s a good thing they have legallised it,now folk can smoke in the privacy of their own homes,without fear of police smashing your door in,and branding you a criminal,then throwing you in jail,the smokers ain't causing trouble,or bothering anyone,they should be allowed to smoke,especially if you take into account,the sanctioned taking of alchohol,and all the trouble it has caused,yet it's been legal and sensationalised for years
you don't see any stoners beating up there wives,breaking into houses to steal to buy weed,the worst a weed smoker will do,is get the munchies and eat all your food...
I RESPECT your views and standards Kevin,but for a very small percentage of people who have an underlying sycolocical issues,cannabis/weed does a lot of good,an old friend aged 65 uses cannabis to relieve his M.S.,another 70 year old uses it to stop his hands from constantly shaking,it relieves the pain from nerve damage and a lot of metal holding my right femur together
if enough States in America legalise it,then the U.K. may follow suit :cool:
cheers shaun
01-02-14, 10:05 PM
If the worst thing a person does is puff a few doobies then they had successful parents. It's a bit of weed .....who cares.
01-02-14, 10:06 PM
You are not free if you don't have freedom over your own consciousness. Our mind is the most intimate aspect of our life, and for any authority to try and take that right away from you, defeats the whole purpose of being a free nation.
01-02-14, 11:00 PM
my personal views are against is why...hear me son (who is 16 now) has been sneaking weed since age 12/13...he escalated to the point he was stealing $1000's of dollars from us...breaking into lock boxes, stealing debit cards, etc...failing his classes, dropping his sports, stealing prescriptions and selling them for money for weed, constant suspensions from school and was threatened with expulsion...I ended up pressing charges on him for emptying my bank account and sent him to live with his father...he is currently on house arrest for violating his probation for a 3rd time with weed at his is corrupting the youths, in my opinion...maybe I am biased, but I have seen it ruin a lot of kids and parents lives... :(
01-02-14, 11:04 PM
my personal views are against is why...hear me son (who is 16 now) has been sneaking weed since age 12/13...he escalated to the point he was stealing $1000's of dollars from us...breaking into lock boxes, stealing debit cards, etc...failing his classes, dropping his sports, stealing prescriptions and selling them for money for weed, constant suspensions from school and was threatened with expulsion...I ended up pressing charges on him for emptying my bank account and sent him to live with his father...he is currently on house arrest for violating his probation for a 3rd time with weed at his is corrupting the youths, in my opinion...maybe I am biased, but I have seen it ruin a lot of kids and parents lives... :(
It's illegal and he's still getting it isn't he? If it's legal it will be regulated like alcohol, where you need to be of certain age to get it.
Besides, why make it illegal for everyone else because of your son? Should I be against cars if my son runs over a person?
If it wasn't weed it would be something else. Don't blame the plant, blame the person. Other people know not to steal and how to use substances responsibly.
01-02-14, 11:13 PM
kids still get cigarettes and alcohol, it ok for them to do that? people will still buy it for them and they will still steal to get it...but if it is more accessible (like tobacco and alcohol) then it is even MORE easier for them to get it...i grew up in an area where tobacco and alcohol were common but drugs were not...we didn't get the crap we deal with nowadays with the pot smokers, etc in school...i'm not going to get in a debate about this...pot ruined MY life...and i'm not even the one doing daughter got into it and ended up raped and beaten...woke her *** up real quick..I lost a whole year of her life with her due to her blaming ME for her getting into it just because she was depressed that I was working 2 jobs as a single mom to support my kids...she is now clean, sober, and HATES drugs as much as I do...I'm going to get up for my job that does random drug tests to make sure I am not doing drugs!
01-02-14, 11:19 PM
Why not have a debate? Let's discuss this in a friendly manner(which I assume we are doing so far)
Exactly, so because kids can get alcohol and cigarettes should they be illegal? Same thing applies to marijuana.
Again, it's not the pot. If it wasn't pot it would be something else. Kids go through their phases and often blame their parents for their troubles. It doesn't have anything to do with drugs.
I'm not saying you have to like marijuana, but why be against a law that allows other adults to use it? Going back to my previous post, just because my son runs someone over, should I want to make cars illegal for everyone else? It's not the car that has problems, it would be my son.
01-02-14, 11:24 PM
i don't want to debate because I have to be up in less than 5 hours..I am going to bed right now..if you would like to continue this another time, fine. :) i like you Mihok...but I have to keep my support my LEGAL addictions...(like snakes!)..LOL...night all!
01-02-14, 11:27 PM
i don't want to debate because I have to be up in less than 5 hours..I am going to bed right now..if you would like to continue this another time, fine. :) i like you Mihok...but I have to keep my support my LEGAL addictions...(like snakes!)..LOL...night all!
I hear ya! I just like discussing these topics haha.
01-02-14, 11:28 PM
no prob! feel free to pm me, also...some things i would rather not advertise on the internet...
01-02-14, 11:39 PM
I see no difference between weed and booze myself. It amazes me how we socially accept one drug but the denounce another. There is not much difference at all. I have heard of people doing crazy stuff and stealing for meth, smack or blow but not for weed. I can't imagine smoking $1000's even if I smoked all day everyday. I don't use prescription drugs or any of the above but if weed was just the first in a list of abused drugs, it would have just been something else.
Sorry you have went through this but I think there is more issues here than smoking pot.
EL Ziggy
01-02-14, 11:39 PM
I'm with you Mikoh. I believe in the medicinal benefits and responsible recreational use of cannabis for adults. I also believe the health hazards of alcohol and tobacco are far greater. As they say 'All things in moderation.' There's nothing wrong with having a few drinks with friends, smoking a cigar on occasion, or puffing on a doobie. Just don't hurt yourself or anybody else and its all good in my book.
01-03-14, 12:05 AM
There's nothing wrong with having a few drinks with friends, smoking a cigar on occasion, or puffing on a doobie. Just don't hurt yourself or anybody else and its all good in my book.
This is a point I often like to make. You don't need to be a pot head to smoke pot, you don't need to be an alcoholic to drink alcohol, and you don't need to be a chain smoker to smoke tobacco. The problems don't lie with these substances, it lies with the people using them.
01-03-14, 12:27 AM
Im guilty, I didn't read your article nor did I notice where it was (Comedy section). Im a bad, bad boy.
01-03-14, 02:51 AM
I was all pro legalization. Still am pretty much. A few views have changed. Last couple times (someone I know) tried it (they) got more paranoid than a couple of bad drops. To the point (they) felt friends were possibly going to attack (them) (they) werelike a cornered animal ready to pounce and defend (them)self, against nothing.. Haha..
Don't know how much I believe the whole you can't smoke and be violent thing anymore. The hell they putting in that stuff these days? How did (they) smoke non stop every day in high school.
Ill stick to drinking and making bad decisions, that's all I need. Screw the rest. But if its your thing, that's your right.
01-03-14, 06:38 AM
I think we should run Odds on which politician will be the first to bring up this article as evidence for prohibition in an interview, and which news station will be the first to air it :3eyes: .....i bet it will be part of Drug Education within 3 years
01-03-14, 07:21 AM
I get where you are coming from Shaun and as far as medical marijuana goes I wouldn't say a peep about that but how do you feel about recreational morphine use? Morphine is definitely a great medical tool but recreationally I'm against it.
Now all legalizing it will do is drive up the prices.
Anyway my stance on recreational drug use really isn't what I hold others too. It's my belief and my standard and it's what I try to live my life by.
01-03-14, 08:53 AM
I can see both sides of the argument. I've been sober for 7 years now. I can honestly say that the laws were not a deterrent for me or anyone I knew. I'm in the process of getting guardianship of my friends kid because she's got a drug problem. If an addict wants to get high, they will get high. I spent 6 months in prison and the majority of the guys that I was locked up with planned on getting high as soon as they were released. I understand why people think drugs should be illegal, but I don't think the laws stop anyone from using.
01-03-14, 10:13 AM
my 2 cents...
I truly think legalization is the key here. As said, it should be controlled similar to alcohol and tobacco. Again, it will not stop under age use, how ever it would result in many positives for those who chose to partake and others as well.
Current street prices are insane, the true cost of production is minimal compared to what a user pays (i know people who do grow).
It is this way for any Black Market item, for example i could buy a 38 cal snub revolver at my local gun shop for a few hundred dollars depending on make and model. the same weapon could cost in the thousands if i were to purchase it through less than legal means (not that i have any use to, that's some bad juju).
Cannabis could be heavily taxed and still be sold at considerably lower prices. these taxes could be applied to school systems improved roads and even in the battle against the dangerous hard drugs such as meth and heroin so even if you don't use it still helps you.
More importantly though, if it is a gov't controlled substance how many people, even kids would risk buying a batch that has been laced with something far more dangerous.... the answer is zero. I would rather find out that my kid got a safe controlled substance than find them strung out cause they bought from a shady dealer who put worse stuff in it to turn a bigger profit.
And to clear things up, pot heads and stoners are not addicts. There is zero physical dependency related to use of cannabis or THC (the active ingredient) if you take a tokers weed they dont go through withdrawal they just dont get high. ive gone through tobacco withdrawal, i've seen an alcoholic get clean and have a brother in law who finally is clean of heroin. None of this occurs when the weed runs out, you just chill until you can get more.
Any one who steals or causes harm to another just to get some bud has other deep seated issues, its got nothing to do with the plant.
to wrap things up, How many people die each year from tobacco related illness or alcohol related issues? Now compare that to Weed Related deaths, somethings fishy... We live in a world where deadly substances are the norm but something that has proven medicinal use, an addiction rate of 0 and no toxicity is illegal.
01-03-14, 02:20 PM
I get where you are coming from Shaun and as far as medical marijuana goes I wouldn't say a peep about that but how do you feel about recreational morphine use? Morphine is definitely a great medical tool but recreationally I'm against it.
Now all legalizing it will do is drive up the prices.
Do you feel the same way about recreational use of alcohol or tobacco?
01-03-14, 02:32 PM
It's illegal and he's still getting it isn't he? If it's legal it will be regulated like alcohol, where you need to be of certain age to get it.
Besides, why make it illegal for everyone else because of your son? Should I be against cars if my son runs over a person?
If it wasn't weed it would be something else. Don't blame the plant, blame the person. Other people know not to steal and how to use substances responsibly.
I agree with you Mikoh, also.. by the way it sounds the kid probably wasn't just smoking weed.. I don't know for sure obviously but being someone that started smoking at a young age I never knew anyone that went that far to get their hands on weed. I knew plenty of kids that were stealing large quantities of money for pills and other scary stuff that can actually do serious harm. Maybe it's different where I am from since Cannabis is very easy to get in my area but I don't think anyone would go that far to get something as mild as weed.
01-03-14, 02:37 PM
I also hate the amount of my taxes that go to policing it too. Why have it illegal? Why not tax it legally and benefit everyone as opposed to costing everyone. People used to call it a gateway drug but in reality alcohol is the number one gateway drug for 99.99999% of the world population.
01-03-14, 02:57 PM
Just like everyone else said, that is bologna!
I am personally okay with the legalization even though I don't condone smoking myself.
I think it is way better than alcohol. I also believe it will be harder for kids to get their hands on it (I know, that sounds crazy, but bear with me). Teens who are addicted to cigarettes have a harder time finding someone to buy them cigs than they do to go out and buy some bud off a "friend".
Just my opinion. I don't want to offend!
P.S. I think bud is bad.. But hey, if someone else likes it.. Whatever. Ya know?
01-03-14, 03:17 PM
Do you feel the same way about recreational use of alcohol or tobacco?
Alcohol yes. Tobacco no.
Don't get me wrong, I've been drunk, stoned and high before. Unfortunately it wasn't always my decision hence my personal convictions.
01-03-14, 03:21 PM
I see no difference between weed and booze myself. It amazes me how we socially accept one drug but the denounce another. There is not much difference at all. <----- This.
This is a point I often like to make. You don't need to be a pot head to smoke pot, you don't need to be an alcoholic to drink alcohol, and you don't need to be a chain smoker to smoke tobacco. The problems don't lie with these substances, it lies with the people using them. <----- This.
I also hate the amount of my taxes that go to policing it too. Why have it illegal? Why not tax it legally and benefit everyone as opposed to costing everyone. People used to call it a gateway drug but in reality alcohol is the number one gateway drug for 99.99999% of the world population. <---- And this.
Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine... all drugs that are frequently consumed legally. I can go on and on about this but I refuse to state facts without citing the info and I'm too lazy for that amount of work lol.
01-03-14, 03:22 PM
I also hate the amount of my taxes that go to policing it too. Why have it illegal? Why not tax it legally and benefit everyone as opposed to costing everyone. People used to call it a gateway drug but in reality alcohol is the number one gateway drug for 99.99999% of the world population.
Yup and not to mention the other uses with hemp/weed that we could take advantage of.(Food, paper, rope, fuel...etc). Doesn't just have to be about smoking it for it's psychoactive properties.
01-03-14, 03:26 PM
I agree with you Mikoh, also.. by the way it sounds the kid probably wasn't just smoking weed.. I don't know for sure obviously but being someone that started smoking at a young age I never knew anyone that went that far to get their hands on weed. I knew plenty of kids that were stealing large quantities of money for pills and other scary stuff that can actually do serious harm. Maybe it's different where I am from since Cannabis is very easy to get in my area but I don't think anyone would go that far to get something as mild as weed.
It does sound fishy for sure, but we have to give the benefit of the doubt to the person telling her story. However, I would mention that it probably wasn't the pot that messed the person up.
Would have been stealing...etc anyways. Because I know plenty of people who steal, lie, hurt others without taking drugs. It isn't the drugs that are causing the problems. But when you take a drug and do something bad, it's very easy to blame the drug. Scapegoating at it's best.
01-03-14, 03:28 PM
It does sound fishy for sure, but we have to give the benefit of the doubt to the person telling her story. However, I would mention that it probably wasn't the pot that messed the person up.
Would have been stealing...etc anyways. Because I know plenty of people who steal, lie, hurt others without taking drugs. It isn't the drugs that are causing the problems. But when you take a drug and do something bad, it's very easy to blame the drug. Scapegoating at it's best.
Very true.
01-03-14, 03:49 PM
I can say my son has been tested dozens of times. I have taken him straight to the ER and demanded lab tests..nothing but pot ever showed up...I wasn't posting to start a huge debate about my son...I thought this was a "personal viewpoint" thread so I offered my opinion and I may be the only non-pot smoker on here, and the only person against it, but thats my viewpoint and I don't plan on changing I think you all are wrong? have your feelings and opinions and I have mine...can we please leave it at that? Im being made to feel like you all think I am a fool for having personaleliefs on a controversial subject...or for believing all the lab tests that say nothing else was in his system...yes it was large amounts of cash. I do know that even as young as he is, he was dealing. More than just pot. We found texts and emails. I dont know what he did with all that money but I do know that the weed he has been caught with was analyzed and I was told it was the highest quality stuff you can get...even the cops around here had never seen any of it in their other busts...still trying to find out where it came from...
01-03-14, 04:31 PM
I can say my son has been tested dozens of times. I have taken him straight to the ER and demanded lab tests..nothing but pot ever showed up...I wasn't posting to start a huge debate about my son...I thought this was a "personal viewpoint" thread so I offered my opinion and I may be the only non-pot smoker on here, and the only person against it, but thats my viewpoint and I don't plan on changing I think you all are wrong? have your feelings and opinions and I have mine...can we please leave it at that? Im being made to feel like you all think I am a fool for having personaleliefs on a controversial subject...or for believing all the lab tests that say nothing else was in his system...yes it was large amounts of cash. I do know that even as young as he is, he was dealing. More than just pot. We found texts and emails. I dont know what he did with all that money but I do know that the weed he has been caught with was analyzed and I was told it was the highest quality stuff you can get...even the cops around here had never seen any of it in their other busts...still trying to find out where it came from...
Don't think anyone here is attacking you Sharlynn, hope you don't feel that way. We just have different opinions as you yourself said.
However, marijuana is illegal yet your son still got it. Why keep it illegal for responsible adults who want to use it? That's my main question.
If my son runs over a person should cars be illegal for responsible adults who want to use them? Should people need to deal cars illegally on the black market and have them controlled by gangs/cartels? Or should cars be regulated like they are now?
The thing is, those who use cars in that case would have to be criminals, just like marijuana users of today. If we legalize marijauna, people who use it don't need to worry about breaking the law.
01-03-14, 04:45 PM
Don't think anyone here is attacking you Sharlynn, hope you don't feel that way. We just have different opinions as you yourself said.
However, marijuana is illegal yet your son still got it. Why keep it illegal for responsible adults who want to use it? That's my main question.
If my son runs over a person should cars be illegal for responsible adults who want to use them? Should people need to deal cars illegally on the black market and have them controlled by gangs/cartels? Or should cars be regulated like they are now?
The thing is, those who use cars in that case would have to be criminals, just like marijuana users of today. If we legalize marijauna, people who use it don't need to worry about breaking the law.
Should pot smokers be forced to take a class on how to safely smoke weed? Should they be required to take a test so they can have a license to smoke weed? Should their license be revoked because they did something stupid and dangerous on weed? If their license was revoked should they face criminal charges and fines if caught smoking without a license?
01-03-14, 05:02 PM
Should pot smokers be forced to take a class on how to safely smoke weed? Should they be required to take a test so they can have a license to smoke weed? Should their license be revoked because they did something stupid and dangerous on weed? If their license was revoked should they face criminal charges and fines if caught smoking without a license?
1. No because I don't think you can dangerously smoke weed..unless of course you are smoking weed next to a gas tank.
2. No, why would they need a license? Driving a car without practice can cause a driver to hurt other people. Do you need practice to smoke weed?
3. No the stupid and dangerous things would be crimes on their own. If you smoke weed and kill someone you go to jail for murder, not for smoking weed.
4. No comment because I don't believe in needing a license to smoke weed. Just an age limit like alcohol and tobacco.
01-03-14, 05:07 PM
Again, you guys don't need to like "something", but why would you want it to be illegal for others?
I don't have a gun, but i believe other people should be allowed to have guns.
There are plenty of things that I don't like, but it should still be LEGAL for others to do "something" responsibly.
01-03-14, 05:47 PM
1. No because I don't think you can dangerously smoke weed..unless of course you are smoking weed next to a gas tank.
2. No, why would they need a license? Driving a car without practice can cause a driver to hurt other people. Do you need practice to smoke weed?
3. No the stupid and dangerous things would be crimes on their own. If you smoke weed and kill someone you go to jail for murder, not for smoking weed.
4. No comment because I don't believe in needing a license to smoke weed. Just an age limit like alcohol and tobacco.
I just used your car comparison and apparently you truly feel they are nothing alike...... So maybe come up with another comparison.
One of my workers just got fires because he smoked a joint on his lunch break the ran into some warehouse racking with a power jack hard enough to crumple the leg and shower boxes on an employee on the other side.
01-03-14, 05:48 PM
MJ laws where not enacted to protect people, they where part of an orchestrated attack on South American and Afro-Caribbean people in the US and the UK, the laws are part of a racist heritage that our nations should have dealt with long ago.
You can read the debates from the senate of the time for yourself, they where puplished not long ago; the unbelievable language and absurd claims made about Cannabis, for eg that it made ''Negro's rape white women'', that it sent people into ''criminal insanity'', made them like Jazz Music and behave like animals...well I'm sure it will make you feel somewhat sickened by the true roots of Cannabis prohibition. Similar despicable statements where made in the UK house of commons. The very word Marijuana, was itself a slur on Hispanic societies.
Cannabis laws where never about protecting the people, they where just another part of the racist agenda of the powers that existed at the time, and unfortunately still do exist
No drug is good for you if you take it all day every day, if you do that, then you need to understand why you need to do that, if you want to understand what the real cause of the problem is....the drug taking is simply a symptom, you can remove it, but it doesnt actually solve the problem, even if it may make life somewhat easier to deal with.
people should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies, thats what it comes down to, and those that are addicted should be offered medical help, not criminalized and demonized
01-03-14, 05:52 PM
I just used your car comparison and apparently you truly feel they are nothing alike...... So maybe come up with another comparison.
No they can be alike and different when compared correctly.
For example alcohol and marijuana are both drugs. However one can be consumed dangerously while the other would be near impossible to be taken dangerously. It depends in what context you are comparing two things.
If someone's kid smokes marijuana and happens to be a troubled person, does it mean other people should not be allowed to use marijuana? I know people who use marijuana and do not steal.
If someone's kid runs someone over does it mean others should not be allowed to drive cars? I know people who drive cars and do not run people over.
However if cars and marijuana were to be legal, why would people need to take lessons or have a license for marijuana? In this case the two are not alike. You would need to take lessons and have a licence to drive cars because that's something you need to practice in order to drive safely on the road next to other people in cars. You do not need to practice how to smoke marijuana. Just roll a joint, pack a bowl and light it up.
It depends in what context you are comparing two things.
One of my workers just got fires because he smoked a joint on his lunch break the ran into some warehouse racking with a power jack hard enough to crumple the leg and shower boxes on an employee on the other side.
He did this after he got fired?
01-03-14, 06:08 PM
All I'm saying is, I think Pot Smoking should be legalized in every state !
01-03-14, 07:18 PM
I see no difference between weed and booze myself. It amazes me how we socially accept one drug but the denounce another. There is not much difference at all. I have heard of people doing crazy stuff and stealing for meth, smack or blow but not for weed. I can't imagine smoking $1000's even if I smoked all day everyday. I don't use prescription drugs or any of the above but if weed was just the first in a list of abused drugs, it would have just been something else.
Sorry you have went through this but I think there is more issues here than smoking pot.
imo alchohol is much worse than weed mate
imo the worst a stoned person will do,is get the munchies and eat all your food
a drunk person imo is capable of anything,i know you get happy drunks,but you also get violent,trouble causing drunks
imo alchohol causes a lot of problems in society,especially here in Scotland,where BINGE drinking is a national past time,yet governments sit back and count all their money made from taxation,making criminals of people for smoking weed
cheers shaun
01-03-14, 07:30 PM
I get where you are coming from Shaun and as far as medical marijuana goes I wouldn't say a peep about that but how do you feel about recreational morphine use? Morphine is definitely a great medical tool but recreationally I'm against it.
Now all legalizing it will do is drive up the prices.
Anyway my stance on recreational drug use really isn't what I hold others too. It's my belief and my standard and it's what I try to live my life by.
morphine is a whole different matter,as is any of the hard drugs like,meth,cocaine,etc
the effect weed has on society is very little,where as Morphine/Heroin wrecks whole communities and familys
the only thing i partake in is a few doobies
everything else legal or illegal i stay away from
re your standards Kevin
i understand and RESPECT your standards my friend,as they are the exact SAME standards i taught my kids,and i'm proud to say,they follow them
cheers shaun
01-03-14, 07:36 PM
morphine is a whole different matter,as is any of the hard drugs like,meth,cocaine,etc
the effect weed has on society is very little,where as Morphine/Heroin wrecks whole communities and familys
This is what I was getting at by saying it depends on how you compare two things. Morphine and Marijuana are both "Drugs" but they are different and do different things.
Morphine should still be legal, as should any substance(yes including all the bad ones like crack and heroin). Making it legal doesn't make it any easier to get, people will just no longer be criminals for doing what they want with their bodies.
Between freedom and security which will you choose? I will choose freedom because I'm not stupid enough to go out and get heroin or crack just because they are legal. However if someone wants to make that choice I have no right to stop them.
01-03-14, 07:37 PM
MJ laws where not enacted to protect people, they where part of an orchestrated attack on South American and Afro-Caribbean people in the US and the UK, the laws are part of a racist heritage that our nations should have dealt with long ago.
You can read the debates from the senate of the time for yourself, they where puplished not long ago; the unbelievable language and absurd claims made about Cannabis, for eg that it made ''Negro's rape white women'', that it sent people into ''criminal insanity'', made them like Jazz Music and behave like animals...well I'm sure it will make you feel somewhat sickened by the true roots of Cannabis prohibition. Similar despicable statements where made in the UK house of commons. The very word Marijuana, was itself a slur on Hispanic societies.
Cannabis laws where never about protecting the people, they where just another part of the racist agenda of the powers that existed at the time, and unfortunately still do exist
No drug is good for you if you take it all day every day, if you do that, then you need to understand why you need to do that, if you want to understand what the real cause of the problem is....the drug taking is simply a symptom, you can remove it, but it doesnt actually solve the problem, even if it may make life somewhat easier to deal with.
people should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies, thats what it comes down to, and those that are addicted should be offered medical help, not criminalized and demonized
i have read all about that and its nuts mate
the Amercan government contradicted itself regards cannabis,they put out propaganda,saying it would make black people violent rapists and after that they said it would make Americans so laid back,they would'nt care and do nothing if Communists were walking through their gardens.....
after all that crap,they made it illegal
cheers shaun
01-03-14, 09:32 PM
I can say my son has been tested dozens of times. I have taken him straight to the ER and demanded lab tests..nothing but pot ever showed up
Sharlynn I hope you don't feel anyone's attacking you. This is one of those subjects were passions will run high(pun not intended) on either side of the fence. As for the tests just about only marijuana stays in the system over 2-3 days. Not at all trying to say that he's on other things just wanted to point this out as it'll aid a point ill make later.
I feel that legalization is truthfully the only option for our nation. I'm gonna go ahead and state that I don't smoke at this time(stupid adult responsibilities). Our country is in the crapper financially. The USA has more people in prison than any other nation in the world(more then double the #2 Israel, and they've got actual problems over there with terrorism, etc..). The majority of these are due to marijuana related crimes, there's at least a few bucks saved in taxes. The multi-billion dollar a year joke of a drug war; maybe if they weren't focusing attention on pot they could, idk, go after REAL drugs. They can tax it. It will create jobs not just the wave of dispensaries that would pop up all over the nation, but hemp could be grown by more than just the people that managed to jump through the hoops, and have the right friends to get permits to do so. Therefor factory jobs to turn hemp into various products/farming/ transporting/executive side to it, you get where this is going. This would also help with the uncontrolled production of pot as hemp plants don't produce buds to smoke but reproduce with the plants that do(canabis sativa and indica) making them less potent and less desirable then the controlled pot you'd buy legally. I imagine it would also help with the problems with the Mexican drug cartels as there wouldn't be the same demand. Not to mention the revenue pot would produce to be used for so many things. It would also allow for advancements for its medical use. Recently they completely cured skin cancer with marijuana. Look it up. I can attest to the medicinal aspects of it as my GF had cervical cancer that completely disappeared from smoking(she received no treatment and its gone). she also has asthma and is allergic to inhalers. Pot is the only thing that helps(it opens the capillaries). Drug testing for the work place almost exclusively test for weed as other substances don't stay in the body as long; more money saved. I can't speak for other countries but here in America were having horrible problems with synthetic canabiods(fake weed/spice as it commonly called) that are sold as not for human consumption to anyone over the age of 18. These are various herbs that are sprayed with a chemical that matches our canabanoid receptors in the brain(for those of you that don't know the active ingredients in marijuana are very closely related to a chemical that naturally occurs in the brain, endocanabanoids, one of our natural stress reliefs.) these chemicals are dangerous and only exsist because pot is illegal. the government bans one compound while 10 others are produced. legalization would put an end to the dangerous substances. I also feel that if the taboo of it being illegal were removed it might be less commonly used by the youth. I could go on and on when it comes to this subject, but it doesn't matter as the propaganda the government has put out for decades has worked. When marijuana is seen under a different light we can advance as a species. Okay, I'm done with my rant.
01-03-14, 09:43 PM
I know other drugs only stay in the system for short periods of time...that is why I took him to the ER when he would come home in his "states"..there were times that he was very violent and making death threats, punching holes in walls, etc...I was concerned about bath salts, etc...but nothing showed up but alcohol and weed...he apparently can't tolerate either one...its getting him to stop that is the problem...he also had ADHD and ODD...can't keep him on meds until he gives up the drugs anf alcohol...tried a few different ones and he had reactions because of his abuse issues...I couldn't call off work to stay home with a sick kid, but I couldn't leave him alone because he snuck out to get more...his PO will now not allow him to be medicated because he has a substance abuse problem and they are all controlled substances...fighting a losing battle and I feel even more helpless since he now doesn't live with me...
01-03-14, 09:47 PM
I know other drugs only stay in the system for short periods of time...that is why I took him to the ER when he would come home in his "states"..there were times that he was very violent and making death threats, punching holes in walls, etc...I was concerned about bath salts, etc...but nothing showed up but alcohol and weed...he apparently can't tolerate either one...its getting him to stop that is the problem...he also had ADHD and ODD...can't keep him on meds until he gives up the drugs anf alcohol...tried a few different ones and he had reactions because of his abuse issues...I couldn't call off work to stay home with a sick kid, but I couldn't leave him alone because he snuck out to get more...his PO will now not allow him to be medicated because he has a substance abuse problem and they are all controlled substances...fighting a losing battle and I feel even more helpless since he now doesn't live with me...
Do you know what could have caused these personality issues? We don't need to continue this if you don't want to since it's a personal topic, but what was his relationship like with both his parents before this outbreak? These symptoms are most definitely not caused by the use of marijuana. Weed doesn't turn people into violent, stealing psychopaths with anger problems. If anything these problems stem from elsewhere and people will use drugs to try and run away from them. But the reality is, no matter how many drugs you take the problems don't go away.
01-03-14, 09:54 PM
Pm me tomorrow mikoh...I have no problems discussing my son...just not completely public and I need to sleep tonight for another 12 hr day tomorrow...any insight I can get from anyone is helpful since apparently the limited resources around here aren't helping....
01-03-14, 09:59 PM
I know other drugs only stay in the system for short periods of time...that is why I took him to the ER when he would come home in his "states"..there were times that he was very violent and making death threats, punching holes in walls, etc...I was concerned about bath salts, etc...but nothing showed up but alcohol and weed...he apparently can't tolerate either one...its getting him to stop that is the problem...he also had ADHD and ODD...can't keep him on meds until he gives up the drugs anf alcohol...tried a few different ones and he had reactions because of his abuse issues...I couldn't call off work to stay home with a sick kid, but I couldn't leave him alone because he snuck out to get more...his PO will now not allow him to be medicated because he has a substance abuse problem and they are all controlled substances...fighting a losing battle and I feel even more helpless since he now doesn't live with me...
I hope you don't think I meant anything from what said, that wasn't my intentions at all. I wish the best for your/his solving of the problems he's had.
I'm very opposed to add medication personally. I've had very bad ADD my entire life and Have tried multiple medications when I was younger; only to stop taking them as they made me feel not myself. I've learned to deal with it as time has past. Not saying that will work for him, just speaking from personal experience. Once again I wish you the best, and hope that things can be resolved.
01-03-14, 10:16 PM
no offense daugher has ADD..she had major developmental delays because of it...even got held back (by me) for a year which put her in the same grade as her sister...she went on meds in 4th grade and they helped her focus enough that she learned how to pay attention and we took her off of them in 9th grade....she graduated with honors, president of the marching band (which is HUGE here)..has a full time job with benefits, bought her first car, etc...I do not think she could have done this without the meds...she was a total wreck until I do not discount medication...but I don't advocate making them dependent on it...just as a boost to help them get on the right track...she still has her "oooh a butterfly!" moments, but all in all, she is an AMAZING young woman!! very proud of both of my daughters and how far they have come in life..despite all the pitfalls we have encountered over the years...just wish my son could come around now...
01-03-14, 11:20 PM
The sheer numbers of people passing this around on facebook that think it's real is nutty.
01-03-14, 11:23 PM
The sheer numbers of people passing this around on facebook that think it's real is nutty.
Lol that's where I found it. I know many people don't have a lot of time for t.v but cmon... It's Breaking Bad and Lost!
01-04-14, 03:21 AM
I know other drugs only stay in the system for short periods of time...that is why I took him to the ER when he would come home in his "states"..there were times that he was very violent and making death threats, punching holes in walls, etc...I was concerned about bath salts, etc...but nothing showed up but alcohol and weed...he apparently can't tolerate either one...its getting him to stop that is the problem...he also had ADHD and ODD...can't keep him on meds until he gives up the drugs anf alcohol...tried a few different ones and he had reactions because of his abuse issues...I couldn't call off work to stay home with a sick kid, but I couldn't leave him alone because he snuck out to get more...his PO will now not allow him to be medicated because he has a substance abuse problem and they are all controlled substances...fighting a losing battle and I feel even more helpless since he now doesn't live with me...
as someone who has lived with ADHD, and has tried every ''medication'' under the sun, I would say to you that ADHD meds are FAR worse than cannabis, far far FAR worse! some of them completely messed my mind up. The only medicine which improves my concentration, is cannabis, but as with every other medicine, it has side effects, but they are minor compared to the standard meds prescribed for ADHD
tbh he just sounds like an average teenage boy, I doubt there are many men on this forum alone who havent punched a wall a two while they where growing up, or gone off the handle for no apparent reason, its what hormones do, doesnt need alcohol or weed to set it off.
he'll find his way, he just needs to figure out how he can channel his energy...dont force him to take adhd meds, you are not doing him any favours.
just my thoughts as a 16 in a school full of druggies, people do change from doing it. ive seen intelegent young men and women turn in to stupid careless dumb bunnys. they steal, they sell, they get tickets and they dont contribute to society one bit. Im not saying everyone shouldnt be alound to because there are people who can smoke/take it and still be a responsible adult. while people may not die directly from weed ive seen my own stupid friends brake bones from being so baked they fell down the stairs or tried to drive. Ive tried it myself and all i felt was stupid and I just dont see why people would want to feel stupid...just my 2 cents not meaning to offend anyone.
01-05-14, 02:20 PM
just my thoughts as a 16 in a school full of druggies, people do change from doing it. ive seen intelegent young men and women turn in to stupid careless dumb bunnys. they steal, they sell, they get tickets and they dont contribute to society one bit. Im not saying everyone shouldnt be alound to because there are people who can smoke/take it and still be a responsible adult. while people may not die directly from weed ive seen my own stupid friends brake bones from being so baked they fell down the stairs or tried to drive. Ive tried it myself and all i felt was stupid and I just dont see why people would want to feel stupid...just my 2 cents not meaning to offend anyone.
Same can be said for alcohol. Don't drive while intoxicated! However alcohol still should be legal for responsible adults, as should weed.
Also weed doesn't "change" people. People like that in highschool would be the same way with anything. Cigarettes, weed, alcohol....etc. It's just something they use because they think they are being cool...etc. Would have been "douchebags" eitherway.
That's not what smoking weed is about for responsible adults who use it recreationally. It's not about getting high and causing trouble.
Just like having guns is not about being in a gang and shooting people for looking at you the wrong way, or for robbing people. For responsible adults it's for protection. However, someone can decide to use a gun to murder someone and now people want guns banned for everybody.
A bad batch will always ruin things for the rest of us.
just look at the Herp community. Incidents like the New Brunswick African rock python killing make things look bad for me and you, even though we are responsible herp keepers. However the media will portray us as being the same as those who are not. And because of incidents like these people try to make owning exotic pets illegal.
It's out of ignorance, fear, and hatred. Wanting to ban weed, reptiles, guns....etc. It's all the same.
01-05-14, 02:41 PM
yep all teenagers turn into douchebags, its just the way hormones work in our greedy self-centered society
driving while stoned is massively selfish and irresponsible - actually legalizing and controlling cannabis would reduce this particular problem amongst young people, because far fewer eople under 21 (or 18) would have access to cannabis, and most accidents involve people within their first 3 years of driving
01-05-14, 02:45 PM
Yup and the thing is, banning does not do anything but unnecessarily turn people into criminals. How long as marijuana been illegal? Look at the amount of people who still use it. Now that it's legal in Colorado people can still use it but without breaking the law.
US tried banning alcohol. Look at that turned out.
01-05-14, 02:57 PM
I would love to smokemit for pain relief but whilst my daughter is living in my house i cant smoke it inside and if i smokemoutside i risk being caught, and i wont put my family through that.
01-05-14, 08:00 PM
I would love to smokemit for pain relief but whilst my daughter is living in my house i cant smoke it inside and if i smokemoutside i risk being caught, and i wont put my family through that.
Rob, for you I would suggest eating it or vaporizing it. Eating it would probably be best in your case with your daughter around. If you like smoking more though Id look into getting a storz and bickel volcano vaporizer(not sure on the spelling). There is no smoke produced only vapor that fills a bag with a mouth piece on it. You have control over what temp it's vaped at(higher temps bring out more of the therapeutic qualities). Look into it it's much better for you then smoking.
01-06-14, 06:39 AM
Rob, for you I would suggest eating it or vaporizing it. Eating it would probably be best in your case with your daughter around. If you like smoking more though Id look into getting a storz and bickel volcano vaporizer(not sure on the spelling). There is no smoke produced only vapor that fills a bag with a mouth piece on it. You have control over what temp it's vaped at(higher temps bring out more of the therapeutic qualities). Look into it it's much better for you then smoking.
If i had it i would smoke it, i always enjoyed it when i was younger. The biggest issue is getting hold of decent quality stuff and having it in the house, being caught with it would be problems with my disability benefits (our only income) as well as my daughter seeing me in trouble with the law.
In the future it is possibly something i would try and if it became legal or available on prescription then i wouldnt have an issue smoking outside.
01-06-14, 07:28 AM
I like debates about legalizing drugs. People on both sides are pretty passionate about their beliefs. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about drugs out there that sway people one way or the other. Personally, I think spending billions to criminalize drug use is as rational as using the drugs recreationally. Its like flushing money down the toilet. (
01-06-14, 08:27 AM
I like debates about legalizing drugs. People on both sides are pretty passionate about their beliefs. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about drugs out there that sway people one way or the other. Personally, I think spending billions to criminalize drug use is as rational as using the drugs recreationally. Its like flushing money down the toilet.
I think legalizing something that causes you to sell everything you have and let your kids starve is asinine......
Not referring to pot.
01-06-14, 08:31 AM
I like debates about legalizing drugs. People on both sides are pretty passionate about their beliefs. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about drugs out there that sway people one way or the other. Personally, I think spending billions to criminalize drug use is as rational as using the drugs recreationally. Its like flushing money down the toilet.
I'm wondering if you wrote this wrong. How could wasting billions of dollars a year on something that will NEVER change(stoping people for smoking it) be as rational as responsible adults useing marijuana?
01-06-14, 08:45 AM
I think legalizing something that causes you to sell everything you have and let your kids starve is asinine......
Not referring to pot.
An addict will use whether its legal or illegal. Laws don't make addicts responsible. A gambling addict can put his her family in the same situation. Putting an addict in prison doesn't change him into a nonaddict. I think treating the addiction would get better results.
01-06-14, 08:54 AM
I'm wondering if you wrote this wrong. How could wasting billions of dollars a year on something that will NEVER change(stoping people for smoking it) be as rational as responsible adults useing marijuana?
That's my point but whether its responsible use or irresponsible use, the laws don't stop it from happening.
01-06-14, 08:54 AM
There are more professionals, who are addicted to pharmaceutical opiates, and alcohol, than there are heroin and crack addicts, in the UK and US.
They dont sell everything they own or steal to support their habbit - why? because its not the addiction itself which causes peoples lives to fall apart
Addiction, and the drugs which people become addicted to, are just a coping mechanism....they are essentially an anti-depressant.
I find it strange that Antidepressants are so widley distributed, given the raft of side effects, and the (psychological) addiction potential, aswell as some of the horrific and destructive psychiatric side effects which can occur
Compared to Opiates, antidepressants are responsible for far more potential side effects - opiates are an issue because people do not have the support they need to reduce their use and deal with life in a better way, as the user becomes more addicted they are restricted to less and less pure opiates
unlike with anti-depressants, which are chemically pure and dose controlled and a doctor is monitoring the patient (theoretically), awell as referring them for other psychological therapies to deal with the cause of their problems.
If opiates where used in the same way, or addiction was treated in the same way, opiates would not be seen in the way they are today.
As usual, Western Medicine ignored the ''inferior'' knowledge of Chinese doctors when Morphine and Opium was introduced to western medicine, the whole reason opiates where criminalized, was because doctors turned hundreds of thousands of serving soldiers into addicts within a few years...all because they didnt listen to the advice they where given by a culture which had used opiates for more than 3000 years
I dont know how health services could successfully deal with legalized crack cocaine, tbh, or methamphetamine, but i do know that if services change so that they help people deal with the problems they have in their lives, then neither of those drugs would be an issue - but given that Poverty is one of the main reasons people are driven to those addictions, its hard to see how our society, as it currently views the world, ie that greed and self service is a good aspirational goal, could ever help those people.
01-06-14, 12:06 PM
I'd guess a lot of addicts situations were similar to mine. I believed I was keeping things together really well. But it felt like I was losing myself a little piece at a time. I'd let a bill go late, told myself I'd take care of it next payday. Let my brothers birthday go by, told myself I'd call him tomorrow. Then a few years blew by in one big blur. I remember waking up in my van, didn't have enough gas to drive around the block, had no money, no job, no where to go. I clearly remember wondering how this happened. Everyone I knew had given up on me. The job that paid me very well was a faint memory. With as long as it took me to get to that point, it felt like a bad month. It doesn't matter what the laws say, an addict lives by his own rules.
01-06-14, 12:23 PM
That's my point but whether its responsible use or irresponsible use, the laws don't stop it from happening.
No, but spending billions of dollars a year to try and stop something that obviously isn't going to end isn't the solution; especially with our economy as bad as it is. You yourself said that the law doesn't stop it, so why not stop spending so much money on trying to stop it, and locking so many people up because of it and put that money to taking care of the real problems?
01-06-14, 12:26 PM
I'd guess a lot of addicts situations were similar to mine. I believed I was keeping things together really well. But it felt like I was losing myself a little piece at a time. I'd let a bill go late, told myself I'd take care of it next payday. Let my brothers birthday go by, told myself I'd call him tomorrow. Then a few years blew by in one big blur. I remember waking up in my van, didn't have enough gas to drive around the block, had no money, no job, no where to go. I clearly remember wondering how this happened. Everyone I knew had given up on me. The job that paid me very well was a faint memory. With as long as it took me to get to that point, it felt like a bad month. It doesn't matter what the laws say, an addict lives by his own rules.
If its not to personal do you mind if I ask what the source of your addiction was?
01-06-14, 12:37 PM
I agree with you that it shouldn't be illegal. But I'd advise everyone to stay sober. I know I'm biased in that regard. Lol. If it was available I used it. But mainly coke. I've got 2 felonies now, one for cocaine possesion, one for heroin possesion. (
I could do this all day :)
So much material here!!!
01-06-14, 01:38 PM
There are more professionals, who are addicted to pharmaceutical opiates, and alcohol, than there are heroin and crack addicts, in the UK and US.
They dont sell everything they own or steal to support their habbit - why? because its not the addiction itself which causes peoples lives to fall apart
Addiction, and the drugs which people become addicted to, are just a coping mechanism....they are essentially an anti-depressant.
I find it strange that Antidepressants are so widley distributed, given the raft of side effects, and the (psychological) addiction potential, aswell as some of the horrific and destructive psychiatric side effects which can occur
Compared to Opiates, antidepressants are responsible for far more potential side effects - opiates are an issue because people do not have the support they need to reduce their use and deal with life in a better way, as the user becomes more addicted they are restricted to less and less pure opiates
unlike with anti-depressants, which are chemically pure and dose controlled and a doctor is monitoring the patient (theoretically), awell as referring them for other psychological therapies to deal with the cause of their problems.
If opiates where used in the same way, or addiction was treated in the same way, opiates would not be seen in the way they are today.
As usual, Western Medicine ignored the ''inferior'' knowledge of Chinese doctors when Morphine and Opium was introduced to western medicine, the whole reason opiates where criminalized, was because doctors turned hundreds of thousands of serving soldiers into addicts within a few years...all because they didnt listen to the advice they where given by a culture which had used opiates for more than 3000 years
I dont know how health services could successfully deal with legalized crack cocaine, tbh, or methamphetamine, but i do know that if services change so that they help people deal with the problems they have in their lives, then neither of those drugs would be an issue - but given that Poverty is one of the main reasons people are driven to those addictions, its hard to see how our society, as it currently views the world, ie that greed and self service is a good aspirational goal, could ever help those people.
here in the U.K. a few years back there were some experementil pilot schemes, where they gave a group of heroin addicts a heroin maintenance prescription,they provided injectable heroin.....
a high percentage (roughly 80%) of the addicts led productive lives,holding down jobs and were leading stable lives...
so the figures back up that giving the addicts what they need had more positive results than negative
the addicts got consistent doses and purety,this takes the criminals out the equation
a lot of Country's that are or have been involved in the American War on Drugs,have or are thinking of de criminalizing personal amounts of drugs...
here's a link on decriminalizing drugs in Portugal and its affects... 2Farticle%2F0%2C8599%2C1893946%2C00.html&ei=_QTLUrr2FoOUhQfHzYHwBg&usg=AFQjCNG8jHoB5EKHvXmZkJo25hdQgwhZMw&sig2=-PJnLlXKNvzjPrEwf3ZH5Q&bvm=bv.58187178,d.ZG4
cheers shaun
01-06-14, 01:39 PM (
I could do this all day :)
So much material here!!!
I'm surprised you haven't had anything to add to this conversation with your insight to the medical world. Other then making everyone laugh of coarse.
Dude...other than Cheech and Chong jokes or references to The Breakfast Club, I'm outta this one :)
01-06-14, 02:06 PM
Dude...other than Cheech and Chong jokes or references to The Breakfast Club, I'm outta this one :)
Really? I was hoping to hear your input to the medical aspects. Don't want to go on the record huh?
I'm probably a little jaded....I get to see the really rough side of the issue in the ER.
That being said, I don't judge. I understand both sides of the issue. (
Ok...I'm really done now....(man, I kill myself sometimes...)
01-06-14, 03:43 PM
I think legalizing something that causes you to sell everything you have and let your kids starve is asinine......
Not referring to pot.
Should gambling be illegal? Or any other addiction whether it be physical or mental?
01-06-14, 03:44 PM
I agree with you that it shouldn't be illegal. But I'd advise everyone to stay sober. I know I'm biased in that regard. Lol. If it was available I used it. But mainly coke. I've got 2 felonies now, one for cocaine possesion, one for heroin possesion.
Just because you messed up with it doesn't mean everyone else will.
Just because one person hits himself with a hammer while fixing something doesn't mean everyone else will.
So i don't see how your claim that legalizing marijuana is as rational as wasting money on trying to keep it illegal. Why doesn't anyone consider things like alcohol(things that the government tried to criminalize but could not)? Do you want to keep alcohol illegal? Should we waste the money trying to keep it banned?
No it's not as rational to legalize alcohol as it is to spend millions and billions a year just to keep it against the law to drink it. Just let people drink.
01-06-14, 03:59 PM
The difference between legal prescription drugs and illegal drugs is the same as the difference between flowers and weeds. All in the perception of it. Only difference is the laws. Same as weeds are just ugly flowers.
01-06-14, 04:00 PM
Just because you messed up with it doesn't mean everyone else will.
Just because one person hits himself with a hammer while fixing something doesn't mean everyone else will.
So i don't see how your claim that legalizing marijuana is as rational as wasting money on trying to keep it illegal. Why doesn't anyone consider things like alcohol(things that the government tried to criminalize but could not)? Do you want to keep alcohol illegal? Should we waste the money trying to keep it banned?
No it's not as rational to legalize alcohol as it is to spend millions and billions a year just to keep it against the law to drink it. Just let people drink.
I agree with you. Its a waste of money trying to enforce laws against drugs.
01-06-14, 05:10 PM
The difference between legal prescription drugs and illegal drugs is the same as the difference between flowers and weeds. All in the perception of it. Only difference is the laws. Same as weeds are just ugly flowers.
I agree, half the drugs i take are controlled substances that i cannot take through customs without about six million signed and notorised documents to confirm i am not an addict or a smuggler. There are certain countries that wont accept me at all and others where i can only take a set numb of days of meds, if i lose any pills i have to report to police etc and would be heavily investigated.
01-06-14, 06:09 PM
I'm probably a little jaded....I get to see the really rough side of the issue in the ER.
That being said, I don't judge. I understand both sides of the issue.
I know you said you're out of this one, but would you care to elaborate? Pm me if you'd feel better about it, I'm turely interested.
I know you said you're out of this one, but would you care to elaborate? Pm me if you'd feel better about it, I'm turely interested.
*sigh* goes....
Apart from my "experimenting" as a teen (and brother, I def did experiment) experience with substance use typically ranges from taking care of the drunk guy that plowed his car into a mini-van killing two kids. He's cut up and belligerent, has no clue he destroyed a family. Or....the kid who "took this pill" that a friend gave her, and ended up getting raped while "she was so f*#$ed up!!!" Or how the small time gang banger dealer that was shot in the head by "rivals" but didn't kill him, only turned him into a potted plant for the remainder of his life and his family can't understand how this happened because he was an "angel". Or the wanna-be chemist meth cooker who burned his trailer down doing a little "shake and bake" and his 3 year old daughter now has 3rd degree burns over a fairly large portion of her little body...
I could go on, but I'll leave it here. Like I said, my job is not to judge. In that capacity, my job is to stabilize the "injury"... Further, as a person of faith, my job is to be compassionate and love people, regardless of station or decisions made in life. If a person wants to smoke a little pot in their own home, that's not my business. If a person has drinks w dinner or a few beers w friends during the game, great (I absolutely love Kettle One martini's with bleu cheese stuffed olives). But it's the folks that do not know when to pull back or involve others (children, other innocent bystanders) in their indiscretions, or simply do not know the dangers of their actions (again, kids) that just really, truly makes me weep/frustrated/angry....
01-06-14, 07:41 PM
*sigh* goes....
Apart from my "experimenting" as a teen (and brother, I def did experiment) experience with substance use typically ranges from taking care of the drunk guy that plowed his car into a mini-van killing two kids. He's cut up and belligerent, has no clue he destroyed a family. Or....the kid who "took this pill" that a friend gave her, and ended up getting raped while "she was so f*#$ed up!!!" Or how the small time gang banger dealer that was shot in the head by "rivals" but didn't kill him, only turned him into a potted plant for the remainder of his life and his family can't understand how this happened because he was an "angel". Or the wanna-be chemist meth cooker who burned his trailer down doing a little "shake and bake" and his 3 year old daughter now has 3rd degree burns over a fairly large portion of her little body...
I could go on, but I'll leave it here. Like I said, my job is not to judge. In that capacity, my job is to stabilize the "injury"... Further, as a person of faith, my job is to be compassionate and love people, regardless of station or decisions made in life. If a person wants to smoke a little pot in their own home, that's not my business. If a person has drinks w dinner or a few beers w friends during the game, great (I absolutely love Kettle One martini's with bleu cheese stuffed olives). But it's the folks that do not know when to pull back or involve others (children, other innocent bystanders) in their indiscretions, or simply do not know the dangers of their actions (again, kids) that just really, truly makes me weep/frustrated/angry....
KUDO'S for not being judgmental mate.....
if anyone had a right to be judgmental,its you,because of what you've witnessed in your line of work...
especially when treating some 3rd or 4th time drunk driving offender,that's just killed some innocent people
imo decrimiailisation of drugs is not straight forward,but governments need to start trying to work it out,because for the last 70 years or more they have epically failed,never more so than the last 30 years
prohibition has been proved time and time again to not work
cheers shaun
imo decrimiailisation of drugs is not straight forward,but governments need to start trying to work it out,because for the last 70 years or more they have epically failed,never more so than the last 30 years
prohibition has been proved time and time again to not work
cheers shaun
Yeah...most def...there needs to be a better way for sure
01-06-14, 07:55 PM
*sigh* goes....
Apart from my "experimenting" as a teen (and brother, I def did experiment) experience with substance use typically ranges from taking care of the drunk guy that plowed his car into a mini-van killing two kids. He's cut up and belligerent, has no clue he destroyed a family. Or....the kid who "took this pill" that a friend gave her, and ended up getting raped while "she was so f*#$ed up!!!" Or how the small time gang banger dealer that was shot in the head by "rivals" but didn't kill him, only turned him into a potted plant for the remainder of his life and his family can't understand how this happened because he was an "angel". Or the wanna-be chemist meth cooker who burned his trailer down doing a little "shake and bake" and his 3 year old daughter now has 3rd degree burns over a fairly large portion of her little body...
I could go on, but I'll leave it here. Like I said, my job is not to judge. In that capacity, my job is to stabilize the "injury"... Further, as a person of faith, my job is to be compassionate and love people, regardless of station or decisions made in life. If a person wants to smoke a little pot in their own home, that's not my business. If a person has drinks w dinner or a few beers w friends during the game, great (I absolutely love Kettle One martini's with bleu cheese stuffed olives). But it's the folks that do not know when to pull back or involve others (children, other innocent bystanders) in their indiscretions, or simply do not know the dangers of their actions (again, kids) that just really, truly makes me weep/frustrated/angry....
I was talking about marijuana... But.
Wow, just wow. We all know these things happen in our world but don't have to experience them first hand. Good on you for not judging people. I don't think I could do what you do, without growing to hate people.
I have to ask what are your dreams/sleep quality like?
I spent about 9 years in the ED (including residency)....sleep became difficult and I really didn't like people at all. Now, since I opened up my own urgent care facility about 7 years ago, sleep is better, my disposition is much less surly. My wife and kids tolerate me much better :)
I really don't do a ton of ED work's better for me if I don't.....Someone made an earlier post about professionals and substance abuse (maybe Formica)...anyway, it's out there, but from what I saw, seems to be more alcohol related, and honestly form my perspective, it wasn't rampant. But then again, an urban ED in Tulsa, Oklahoma is not Cook County ED in Chicago. Maybe in other locations it's worse.
Everyone has their's all a matter of perspective as to whose demons are "worse".
Fun was reported that Denver, CO had more "medical marijuana" dispenseries than Starbucks. Party on Garth :)
01-06-14, 08:30 PM
Denver sounds like a great place to be mate
cheers shaun
01-06-14, 08:33 PM
Denver sounds like a great place to be mate
cheers shaun
My thoughts exactly suggested by anonymous member (unless they want outed for credit) (
Gotta love Bender!
01-06-14, 10:32 PM
Just because you messed up with it doesn't mean everyone else will.
Just because one person hits himself with a hammer while fixing something doesn't mean everyone else will.
So i don't see how your claim that legalizing marijuana is as rational as wasting money on trying to keep it illegal. Why doesn't anyone consider things like alcohol(things that the government tried to criminalize but could not)? Do you want to keep alcohol illegal? Should we waste the money trying to keep it banned?
No it's not as rational to legalize alcohol as it is to spend millions and billions a year just to keep it against the law to drink it. Just let people drink.
I agree, because one person has an addiction problem doesn't mean everyone will or should we ban something.
I wont comment too much on this, I work for the Federal Government in a capacity that I can not disclose here but I am all for the legalization of smoking pot for recreational use !
<<That is all>>
01-07-14, 05:47 AM
I think it's funny what this thread has turned into from a joke.
01-07-14, 06:04 AM
I think it's funny what this thread has turned into from a joke.
guarenteed to happen,if you bring up the subject of legalising weed amongst smokers/stoners :D
cheers shaun
Just injecting a little levity....
You do know that the original post referenced a satirical news feed, right?
01-07-14, 03:08 PM
Just injecting a little levity....
You do know that the original post referenced a satirical news feed, right?
If you're referring to me, yes. That why I said its funny what this thread has turned into from a joke.
01-07-14, 04:28 PM
lol can't believe people thought it was a real article at first. References to Breaking Bad and Lost were even put in there to foolproof that.
01-07-14, 04:36 PM
the number of people who believed it goes to show how well the propaganda machine has done its job over the decades
01-07-14, 06:44 PM
I don't watch either of those shows.
01-10-14, 02:16 PM
O.D.-ing on the Cronic? Not happening. Never heard of that before.
01-10-14, 06:55 PM
O.D.-ing on the Cronic? Not happening. Never heard of that before.
Did you miss something?
01-10-14, 08:44 PM
I must have. What did I actually miss??
01-10-14, 08:56 PM
It was a hoax.
01-10-14, 08:58 PM
This was a joke. Not possible from smoking, you'd pass out with your hand in a box of lucky charms long before you
01-10-14, 10:27 PM
Wouldn't you die from the smoke before dieing of the THC? You'd really have to smoke a lot in one session to coat your lungs so much that they can no longer absorb oxygen. LOL
01-10-14, 10:47 PM
Wouldn't you die from the smoke before dieing of the THC? You'd really have to smoke a lot in one session to coat your lungs so much that they can no longer absorb oxygen. LOL
I'm no expert in the subject, but I'm pretty sure you would pass out long before any kind of real damage could be done. And to get to that point you'd really have to be trying, not just getting high.
01-10-14, 10:52 PM
I'm no expert in the subject, but I'm pretty sure you would pass out long before any kind of real damage could be done. And to get to that point you'd really have to be trying, not just getting high.
Would be a pretty stupid way to commit suicide.
01-10-14, 11:26 PM
Would be a pretty stupid way to commit suicide.
And expensive! If I remember correctly the theretical overdose level for thc is 1/3 of your body weight eaten, and 1,500 pounds smoked in about 15 minutes. You honestly have a better chance of drinking to much water, trying to combat extreme cotton mouth, and diluting your blood. Or eating til your stomach ruptured.
01-11-14, 07:14 AM
Oh good, so we're all gonna' be fine then. Smoke on, America!!!
02-06-14, 08:08 PM
Court Orders Justin Bieber to Stop Making Music - The Daily Currant (
This site also says Justin Beiber has been ordered to stop making music. Clearly a hoax.
You need to smoke your own body weight in an hour to OD from marijuana.
02-06-14, 08:15 PM
It was a parody mistersprinkles. Tons of movie/series references.
02-06-14, 08:51 PM
This is a point I often like to make. You don't need to be a pot head to smoke pot, you don't need to be an alcoholic to drink alcohol, and you don't need to be a chain smoker to smoke tobacco. The problems don't lie with these substances, it lies with the people using them.
Total agreement from me.
For example, alcohol is completely legal for adults all over the world, yet my dad LITERALLY drank himself to death one fine July night and left behind a 15 year old daughter and a 17 year old son to deal with the consequences of his 100% legal habit.
I live in BC where pot laws exist, but are very rarely enforced. it is TECHNICALLY illegal......but unless you have an illegal grow op or are a major dealer, the authorities really don't care. I used to smoke pot daily, I kept a full time job, paid my rent and all my bills, and after work and on weekends, smoked an extravagant amount of pot. I quit when my son came along, his dad however still smokes it to this day. We have discussed when it is and when it is not appropriate for him to pursue his habit of smoking pot and I do think he sticks to it. But I have no fear that my son will be left orphaned and have his whole world torn asunder because his dad smokes pot. Sadly, I can't say the same for my brother and I who were left without a father and confused during our teen years when we needed him most, all because of his addiction to a completely LEGAL drug.
So to sum it up, I agree it is not the substance that should be banned or made illegal, because legal or not, the PERSON is going to do what they are going to do, regardless of the consequences.
02-06-14, 11:45 PM
You need to smoke your own body weight in an hour to OD from marijuana.
The theoretical OD is actually 1,500 lbs smoked in 15 minutes.
Anyone think its strange that the 2 teams that made it to the Super Bowl this year were the only 2 states that legalized pot? I'm not a football guy, but I thought it was weird. Performance enhancing?lol.
02-06-14, 11:51 PM
The theoretical OD is actually 1,500 lbs smoked in 15 minutes.
Anyone think its strange that the 2 teams that made it to the Super Bowl this year were the only 2 states that legalized pot? I'm not a football guy, but I thought it was weird. Performance enhancing?lol.
Creativity enhancing. Causes them to think of crazy ninja tactics that wins them to the top of the list.
lol just jokes
02-07-14, 02:23 AM
The theoretical OD is actually 1,500 lbs smoked in 15 minutes.
Anyone think its strange that the 2 teams that made it to the Super Bowl this year were the only 2 states that legalized pot? I'm not a football guy, but I thought it was weird. Performance enhancing?lol.
Well judge ng by Manning's performance they may want to restrict it.....
02-07-14, 10:05 PM
Well judge ng by Manning's performance they may want to restrict it.....
Somebody sold Manning oregano. That's what happened. I guarantee it. The other team got the good kush. :smug:
02-10-14, 03:27 AM
i thought this thread would be appropriate for this.....
on the 28th November the police busted my house found a grand total of 2 grams of cannibis...
i got a £75 fine and was not prosecuted or have it put on my record
fecking amazing what the police spend their budget on...
i had 10 policemen in my house for over 5 hours
mean time an 80 year old man across the road from my mother in laws house, gets burgled battered and robbed and the police do nothing !!!!!
and the police wonder why folk HATE them in my area
cheers shaun
02-10-14, 04:15 AM
i thought this thread would be appropriate for this.....
on the 28th November the police busted my house found a grand total of 2 grams of cannibis...
i got a £75 fine and was not prosecuted or have it put on my record
fecking amazing what the police spend their budget on...
i had 10 policemen in my house for over 5 hours
mean time an 80 year old man across the road from my mother in laws house, gets burgled battered and robbed and the police do nothing !!!!!
and the police wonder why folk HATE them in my area
cheers shaun
wow...that's disgusting.
It's sick when when people break into your house and point guns at you for smoking a plant. It's a victimless crime.
02-10-14, 05:57 AM
i thought this thread would be appropriate for this.....
on the 28th November the police busted my house found a grand total of 2 grams of cannibis...
i got a £75 fine and was not prosecuted or have it put on my record
fecking amazing what the police spend their budget on...
i had 10 policemen in my house for over 5 hours
mean time an 80 year old man across the road from my mother in laws house, gets burgled battered and robbed and the police do nothing !!!!!
and the police wonder why folk HATE them in my area
cheers shaun
Wow, 2 grams huh? Did you tell them that meant you were pretty much out of pot.
02-10-14, 08:52 AM
they took ALL the money out my house,we had all our xmas savings,my daughters xmas savings,my sons money he was saving for a new suit...
£3248 in total
they said it was proceeds of crime
i appeared in court 48 hours later...
PROVED to the judge it all came from legitimate sources by producing bank statements etc...
the procurator fiscal released the money on 31st of January...baring in mind they took it on the 28th of November !!!!!
now the police are giving me the run around...
so its now the 10th of Febuary and i still don't have my LEGITIMATE money back
the feckers ruined xmas
over 2 gram of cannibis
as said,the police are hated in our area
cheers shaun
02-10-14, 10:15 AM
they took ALL the money out my house,we had all our xmas savings,my daughters xmas savings,my sons money he was saving for a new suit...
£3248 in total
they said it was proceeds of crime
i appeared in court 48 hours later...
PROVED to the judge it all came from legitimate sources by producing bank statements etc...
the procurator fiscal released the money on 31st of January...baring in mind they took it on the 28th of November !!!!!
now the police are giving me the run around...
so its now the 10th of Febuary and i still don't have my LEGITIMATE money back
the feckers ruined xmas
over 2 gram of cannibis
as said,the police are hated in our area
cheers shaun
that is messed up - I think you need to consider taking Civil action against them, they have gone far and beyond what is reasonable
on top of that, most police forces these days have a policy of not arresting people for possession or smoking in their own homes (been informed of this twice by police officers in London)...I think your local police force must be stuck in the 1950's
Sue them. They need a wake up call, it is not acceptable to treat people like this in 2014
02-10-14, 12:31 PM
that is messed up - I think you need to consider taking Civil action against them, they have gone far and beyond what is reasonable
on top of that, most police forces these days have a policy of not arresting people for possession or smoking in their own homes (been informed of this twice by police officers in London)...I think your local police force must be stuck in the 1950's
Sue them. They need a wake up call, it is not acceptable to treat people like this in 2014
being honest mate
i have 2 possession charges and a 2 year prison sentence for cannibiss,all dating BACK to the 1990's
never broke before or since
it seems for all they rant about rehabilitation.....
when you rehabilitate yourself...
they NEVER let you forget your past,even when its over 15 years ago when i was a different person...
so i don't have a leg to stand on
cheers shaun
02-10-14, 12:45 PM
being honest mate
i have 2 possession charges and a 2 year prison sentence for cannibiss,all dating BACK to the 1990's
never broke before or since
it seems for all they rant about rehabilitation.....
when you rehabilitate yourself...
they NEVER let you forget your past,even when its over 15 years ago when i was a different person...
so i don't have a leg to stand on
cheers shaun
Bet you many of those law enforcers drank alcohol the same night they busted through your door.
02-10-14, 01:15 PM
being honest mate
i have 2 possession charges and a 2 year prison sentence for cannibiss,all dating BACK to the 1990's
never broke before or since
it seems for all they rant about rehabilitation.....
when you rehabilitate yourself...
they NEVER let you forget your past,even when its over 15 years ago when i was a different person...
so i don't have a leg to stand on
cheers shaun
thats pretty harsh man - imo its discrimination and persecution based on prejuidice. one day the laws will change, and you will have the opportunity to demand compensation.
regardless of your previous, the money should be back with you by now, you do have a leg to stand on man, dont fall for their twisted BS perception
goes to show the difference in approach around the country, here in London, unless you are sitting outside a school smoking, you are generally not going to get hassled (as long as you are white that is)
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