View Full Version : A Black Snake

01-02-14, 11:48 AM
I don't know if this may push it, but I am wondering f anyone has a below 20 dollar black snake. I just like black snakes for no reason. It doesn't matter what type of snake. If not a black snake, then an all white snake but not albino. If you know anyone, tell me. :) My max is 30 dollars.

01-02-14, 11:52 AM
Not sure on the common price for them but a black ratsnake may be good but they have white undersides. Don't see them for sale to often out here in SD. Is $30 you max price for the snake alone or for everything it needs? I would get a Mexican black kingsnake if I were you. Can get CBB babies for $50 out here.

01-02-14, 11:57 AM
I'm looking for all black or all white. And yes, 30 max for just the snake. :)

01-02-14, 12:11 PM
You might have a hard time finding anything within that price range. Unless you get lucky and find someone that just wants to get rid of a snake that was previously a pet of theirs and they aren't trying to make much of a profit.

01-02-14, 12:16 PM
Well I can go ahead and tell you that an all white snake is pretty much out of the question for 20 bucks. What's with the extremely low price requirements? Why don't you save up? Or do you have to have a snake NOW!? Black racer or Mexican black kings what you're looking for.

01-02-14, 12:19 PM
I've heard that many people have had trouble getting black racers to eat in captivity. Most are WC. No sure if anybody is working with them.

01-02-14, 12:27 PM
If your income is that limited, I would suggest not getting a pet right now.

01-02-14, 12:30 PM
I figured. Thanks for the advice though

01-02-14, 08:59 PM
I figured. Thanks for the advice though

Is that a I figured it would be best to wait? Or, I figured everyone would say not to get one now, so ill have to figure it out myself? I'm hoping not the latter.

01-02-14, 09:32 PM
If your income is that limited, I would suggest not getting a pet right now.

I think this doesn't make much sense. IF somebody has the aspects of husbandry under control, what's wrong with them being on a budget in terms of how much they'll spend on an animal?

01-02-14, 09:51 PM
well, she was just posting the other day that she couldn't afford the pinkies and fuzzies to feed her current snakes and was looking for bargains online...that may be why that comment was made....

01-02-14, 10:52 PM
well, she was just posting the other day that she couldn't afford the pinkies and fuzzies to feed her current snakes and was looking for bargains online...that may be why that comment was made....

Didnt see any posts that says that. I did see her thread about looking for a cheaper place to get food but that was it.

01-02-14, 11:06 PM
I don't exactly have a lot of money, so I am trying to cut it short when it comes to feeding. Anyone mind helping??

idk how to quote from other threads but this is what was posted (copied and pasted) from her thread...I'm not cutting anyone down, by any means...I hate that...but just saying...

01-02-14, 11:08 PM
I thought maybe there would be cheap snakes available. That is all.

01-02-14, 11:15 PM
well, she was just posting the other day that she couldn't afford the pinkies and fuzzies to feed her current snakes and was looking for bargains online...that may be why that comment was made....

I don't keep track of everything people post. I probably just missed that. If that is the case, then I agree that getting another snake is a bad idea.

Objectively though, I see nothing wrong with setting a budget on how much you want to spend on a snake. 30 dollars can buy you a perfectly fine animal.

01-02-14, 11:19 PM
don't get me wrong..i'm NOT cutting anyone down...seriously...I set budgets for animals too...but I know I can support them before I do, is all...I breed mice and rats...so food supply is not a problem for me...right now its available space...3 story home, but temp regulating and not spacing them too far apart to take care of is the issue for me...if it's a money issue with someone I worry about the animals suffering...

01-02-14, 11:23 PM
I get you.

01-02-14, 11:26 PM
thanks, scaleless :) if you need anything let me know...I am supportive of pretty much anyone unless I see major issues... :D I got great advice from this forum and I hope to contribute to that as much as I can! :D have a nice night!!

01-02-14, 11:27 PM
You too, Sharlynn! And I as well have found this site very useful. :)

01-03-14, 12:04 AM
Pretty sure the only snakes you can get for $20 is certain garters and corns.

01-03-14, 12:35 AM
I've heard that many people have had trouble getting black racers to eat in captivity. Most are WC. No sure if anybody is working with them.

I work with them.

01-03-14, 01:05 AM
Not sure on the common price for them but a black ratsnake may be good but they have white undersides. Don't see them for sale to often out here in SD. Is $30 you max price for the snake alone or for everything it needs? I would get a Mexican black kingsnake if I were you. Can get CBB babies for $50 out here.

i have a black rat. black rats are 50 - 60$, and i have a luestic rat, who is all white, and she was 125$.

i would advise going on one of the sites i list below..

Reptiles for Sale (http://www.backwaterreptiles.com/)
Exotic Reptiles For Sale! (http://www.reptilesncritters.com/)
Reptiles & Amphibians For Sale - Ships Same Day Ordered (http://www.bigappleherp.com/REPTILE-SUPPLIES/Reptiles-Amphibians-For-Sale)
Reptiles for Sale - Free Shipping Over $100 at Reptile City (http://reptilecity.com/)

there's one more i always look at but i cant remember what it is.


01-03-14, 09:09 AM
Thank you!

01-03-14, 10:22 AM
i have a black rat. black rats are 50 - 60$, and i have a luestic rat, who is all white, and she was 125$.

i would advise going on one of the sites i list below..

Reptiles for Sale (http://www.backwaterreptiles.com/)
Exotic Reptiles For Sale! (http://www.reptilesncritters.com/)
Reptiles & Amphibians For Sale - Ships Same Day Ordered (http://www.bigappleherp.com/REPTILE-SUPPLIES/Reptiles-Amphibians-For-Sale)
Reptiles for Sale - Free Shipping Over $100 at Reptile City (http://reptilecity.com/)

there's one more i always look at but i cant remember what it is.


Those sites have pretty bad reputations. Pluss shipping costs alone would be over the op's budget.

01-03-14, 10:42 AM
Save up for a MBK! :D

01-03-14, 11:29 AM
I'm thinking of maybe getting either a Red Tail Green Rat or an Eastern Cal King when I save some bucks.

01-03-14, 11:35 AM
You are pretty new to snakes right? I would stay away from Red tail green rats for now. Not a beginner species.

01-03-14, 12:22 PM
i have a black rat. black rats are 50 - 60$, and i have a luestic rat, who is all white, and she was 125$.

i would advise going on one of the sites i list below..

Reptiles for Sale (http://www.backwaterreptiles.com/)
Exotic Reptiles For Sale! (http://www.reptilesncritters.com/)
Reptiles & Amphibians For Sale - Ships Same Day Ordered (http://www.bigappleherp.com/REPTILE-SUPPLIES/Reptiles-Amphibians-For-Sale)
Reptiles for Sale - Free Shipping Over $100 at Reptile City (http://reptilecity.com/)

there's one more i always look at but i cant remember what it is.


Large reptile breeders like BHB and Reptile Industries/Reptmart sell black rat snakes for 20 bucks. Of course the Shipping will kill you, but if you lived close, you could pick the snake up yourself. Even pretty cool morphs like leucistic, albinos and licorice aren't particularly pricey.

If there was a hobby breeder near you, they'd probably sell you their normals for 20-30 dollars.

01-03-14, 01:30 PM
Save up for a MBK! :D

^^^^^ yeuuuuaaaaah :cool:

LiL Zap
01-03-14, 04:14 PM
I'm thinking of maybe getting either a Red Tail Green Rat or an Eastern Cal King when I save some bucks.

I would be cautious with this choice. I don't know your experience with snakes but if you want one of these guys...you gotta be pretty experienced.

01-03-14, 06:05 PM
Someone elaborate....what exactly is an Eastern Cal king? Or is he referring to an Eastern OR a Cal king?

01-03-14, 06:39 PM
I know someone locally trying to get rid of their Mexican Black King. He's gigantic too and has a good temperament. She's willing to negotiate price, but this is only in northern California.

01-03-14, 06:44 PM
Someone elaborate....what exactly is an Eastern Cal king? Or is he referring to an Eastern OR a Cal king?

It must be one of those new hybrid. LOL

01-03-14, 11:08 PM
I don't know if you guys know Ernie Lanier, but he lives literally next door to my house. He's a retired wrestler with 30+ years of experienced snake handling. On top of that, I have two expert snake handlers that know Ernie and handle Ernie's snakes plus work at the Nashville Zoo reptile encloser. If I need any real help in person, I think I am set. It is nice to build from a difficult level with plenty of help. That is how I learn I guess. But if I have any questions and all, I will go to this site first for sure. ;)

But, I will not take the chance of bringing on a reptile that is not ready for a newb like I am. I will have to study more by then. When I might get the snake, I will be 100% prepared for what ever is thrown at me from my research and studies.

I meant Eastern King, sorry, I didn't mean to throw in "cal" heh.

01-06-14, 02:03 PM
I got my black rat from a kid for 10$ perfectly healthy young hobby breeder, eats like a pro not perfectly black though but nice to look at.

01-07-14, 01:04 PM
Cool. You are lucky to get one that cheap. ;)

01-07-14, 01:30 PM
i have a black rat. black rats are 50 - 60$, and i have a luestic rat, who is all white, and she was 125$.

i would advise going on one of the sites i list below..

Reptiles for Sale (http://www.backwaterreptiles.com/)
Exotic Reptiles For Sale! (http://www.reptilesncritters.com/)
Reptiles & Amphibians For Sale - Ships Same Day Ordered (http://www.bigappleherp.com/REPTILE-SUPPLIES/Reptiles-Amphibians-For-Sale)
Reptiles for Sale - Free Shipping Over $100 at Reptile City (http://reptilecity.com/)

there's one more i always look at but i cant remember what it is.

Don't take this wrong but please stop offering advice on things you don't know about. At least two of those places have wretched customer service and sell sick snakes.