View Full Version : this had to hurt.......

Chris F.
02-09-03, 12:10 AM
Loki lays the smack down!


02-09-03, 12:31 AM
Ya gotta love it!:cool:

02-09-03, 02:05 AM
Was that a live rat?

Chris F.
02-09-03, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Dilshad
Was that a live rat?

at one time it was alive of course lol, i feed him prekilled

02-09-03, 12:51 PM
Ah...okay. A little hard to tell from the photo; I was curious because I don't know anyone who feeds live rats. Too risky and unpleasant. :medbugged

02-09-03, 04:24 PM
Nice, thats a big rat.

02-09-03, 04:49 PM
Hehehehe Hmmm food again.. ;)
Nice snake btw :)

02-09-03, 06:21 PM

Chris F.
02-09-03, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Dilshad
Ah...okay. A little hard to tell from the photo; I was curious because I don't know anyone who feeds live rats. Too risky and unpleasant. :medbugged

Yeah i know. When I first got into the hobby, I was feeding a baby albino burmese a live mouse and the mouse fought literally to its last breath. It took a couple of sheds before the bite marks were gone. Lesson learned there...........chris

02-10-03, 10:36 AM
That's a nice shot you got!

Scales Zoo
02-10-03, 04:33 PM
We only feed live pink and fuzzys when we have to. We will soon have "Fang's Story" to post. He is a rescue boa that was bitten in the face by a live hamster. The people surrendered him after he quit eating - and his body was getting smaller while his head was getting bigger. He was brought to the rescue in the back of a pickup truck, in the middle of November, bottom glass of his aquarium had broken out during the ride. He had a huge festering abcess on his face. Had he not been such a nice snake in spite of what people had done to him ( he was formerly a stage prop for an exotic dancer) we would have chosen to end his suffering. We were amazed he was still alive!! Over a thousand dollars of surgery and treatment to remove infected bone and tissue, he is on the mend. We will have pictures soon, and will keep him on display at the zoo as an example why feeding pre-killed or F/T is the most humane.

02-10-03, 05:15 PM
what a story !!!

I hope this rescued snake makes it !!! after all that expense
Best of luck with FANG !

~ carlos

02-10-03, 07:03 PM
Nice pic! :)

Glad to hear Fang's making it! Looking forward to seeing the pics, etc ;)