View Full Version : Female Central American Boa Size?

12-28-13, 11:42 AM
The breeders website says 6-8ft, some websites say 4-6ft.

How big do Female CA Boas get on average? She's not a morph but she's het t+. I read that makes a difference, too.

12-28-13, 11:54 AM
Depends on so many factors. For example tarahumara mountain boas will get on average to about 3 feet long. Hog island boas can get 4-6 feet long. Central American boa is a vague term so depending on what locales were mixed you will get different sized boas..

12-28-13, 01:40 PM
She looks like a very dark BCI but was labeled as CA alongside motleys, sunglows, ect.

This isn't my snake, but she looks like this, broad head, dark color but mine has more of a salmon tint -

I'm a little concerned he's labeling that snake as an Argentine.... Those are HUGE snakes.... His snake is also the same morph as mine.... het t+....

12-28-13, 01:48 PM
I'm starting to have a mild anxiety attack.. She will be here Tuesday, January 7th and I can take photos for you guys.... She has a short, broad head like this -

12-28-13, 01:52 PM
She looks like a very dark BCI but was labeled as CA alongside motleys, sunglows, ect.

Don't know much about the localities of ca boas but ca boas are bci's.

12-28-13, 02:01 PM
This might help Locality & Color Morph Boa constrictors & selectively Bred Ball Pythons Color & Pattern Morphs, Cutting Edge Herpetological Inc. Central American Boas (http://cuttingedgeherp.com/centralamericanboas.html)

12-28-13, 02:17 PM
She didn't look like any of the snakes on that page, Drumcrush.

12-28-13, 02:24 PM
I'm going to make a thread regarding IDing her. I feel a clearer title will help and I'll post her local back here for size ideas.

12-28-13, 02:25 PM
Without lineage information you will never know, we can only make guesses but even that will take us so far.

Let's wait till you get her so you can take pictures of her. That may or may not help.

12-28-13, 02:29 PM
I have a baby photo of her but it isn't recent by 5 months. Would that help?

12-28-13, 02:41 PM
Why not. Although as said before, without real lineage information no one can ever know.

12-28-13, 09:26 PM
Most of the ca localities stay quite small.

12-29-13, 05:31 AM
Well, I'm a bit upset now. I emailed the breeder and asked just for laughs (because they haven't responded to ANY emails about canceling the order, I didn't expect a response to this and this is what she said - she is a baby from the central americans I got from Pete Kahl. He said nicks. The mom is a het and about 8' the dad was a T+ and about 5'.

So she's a Nicaraguan?

12-29-13, 08:58 AM
Well, I'm a bit upset now. I emailed the breeder and asked just for laughs (because they haven't responded to ANY emails about canceling the order, I didn't expect a response to this and this is what she said - she is a baby from the central americans I got from Pete Kahl. He said nicks. The mom is a het and about 8' the dad was a T+ and about 5'.

So she's a Nicaraguan?

Probably part nicaraguan. Nicaraguan has heavy influence in most central american crosses anyways(and a lot of the morphs you see too). But the mom being 8 feet sounds a bit fishy. Could have colombian or non bci blood in her.

So I'd just label your snake a "central american boa" and not take it any further.

One of the reasons why we need to be more careful when it comes to breeding. Some people just put any two snakes together because of aesthetics or money, disregarding the importance of preserving purity.

12-29-13, 09:14 AM
So I'm looking at a general 6-8ft? If so, I feel much better. I was looking for about that size, probably closer to 8 but I wanted a sizeable boa. (This was what I was deciding for when I was going to purchase a female in March when everything was set up.)

I'm curious why 8' is fishy? Do Kahl strains not get that large? Or is it the fact that she said they are nics? I apologize for all of the questions, I just want to understand what to look for next time I get a snake (on my own accord).

12-29-13, 09:36 AM
8 feet is large for a central american boa. It would be an odd giant or grossly overfed. That's why I think there are probably other genes mixed in(colombian bci or bcc of some sort).

If you want a sizeable boa get a colombian or true red tail(Bcc).

12-29-13, 09:42 AM
Well, sizeable without going to the extremes. I have a little girl on the way and don't want something I HAVE to have my husband home to touch. 7ft would be perfect. With the amount of morphs Kahl produces, I'm sure his boas are pretty mixed. I was a little shocked to see her mention Nics, those seem to be on the smaller size and Nagini's mom and dad are close to and max size for BCIs save the odd caresheet that says 10-12ft for females. I guess this is why the caresheets out there are so mixed.

12-29-13, 10:20 AM
Nic's are a small locality, usually max at 5-6ft I think.

12-29-13, 10:27 AM
They wouldn't be nics if the female is 8ft, though, snakey-jay, so they are obviously not full nics.

12-29-13, 01:27 PM
The snakes in both pics you posted are Argentines. If yours is a BCI it will look nothing like those two. Just an FYI.

12-29-13, 01:33 PM
My snake looks almost identical (save mine's reddish tint) to the first photo I posted, however, the breeder has her labeled as a CA Boa produced from two of Kahl's boas she purchased - an 8ft female and a 5ft male.

12-29-13, 01:52 PM
Yeah, you'll need to post some pics of her when she shows up.

12-29-13, 02:17 PM
Will do, just over a week left and she will be here!

12-29-13, 02:41 PM
Who is the breeder?

12-29-13, 02:48 PM
I'd prefer not to give the breeder for sake of their reputation until I figure out what's going on here. As of right now, I feel that they may be just in it for the money due to the fact that my desperate emails to cancel this went unanswered yet an email regarding her local was responded to immediately. I don't know if that's the case or what is going on but I won't be responsible for trashing a breeders rep over a few possibly missed emails or some other reasonable explination. It is this holidays, after all.

12-29-13, 03:01 PM
Then you are deciding not to aware the rest of us. Why would he want his name to be held private? Does he not publicly advertise himself?

12-29-13, 03:02 PM
That's very noble of you, Flint :) can't wait to see pics!

12-29-13, 03:02 PM
I don't see how anyone who just mixes a bunch of localities together would be in it for something other than money. They just want to make pretty colors and morphs to sell, with no regard for preserving purity.

12-29-13, 03:04 PM
Then you are deciding not to aware the rest of us. Why would he want his name to be held private? Does he not publicly advertise himself?

She just said she wanted to wait to get the full story and details before putting a name out there for people to possibly trash if there isn't a real reason to...she didn't say the breeder didn't want his name mentioned...

12-29-13, 03:21 PM
She just said she wanted to wait to get the full story and details before putting a name out there for people to possibly trash if there isn't a real reason to...she didn't say the breeder didn't want his name mentioned...

Why would she be afraid of his name being trashed? Did he do something wrong?

12-29-13, 03:42 PM
Mikoh, knowingly sending a snake to a home that (at the time) could not be properly cared for is a big no-no not only in the reptile/breeder world but in generaly it is an ethic wrongdoing. They would be basically sending the animal to a place to die.

12-29-13, 03:47 PM
Mikoh, knowingly sending a snake to a home that (at the time) could not be properly cared for is a big no-no not only in the reptile/breeder world but in generaly it is an ethic wrongdoing. They would be basically sending the animal to a place to die.

Since it's not confirmed that the breeder knowingly sent you the snake while you were not ready for it, I don't see how exposing his name would risk trashing his reputation.

12-29-13, 04:02 PM
Exactly, it isn't confirmed but at the moment, that's how it looks so the breeders name will remain unknown for the sake of their reputation.

12-29-13, 04:11 PM
Not exactly. I'm saying since it's not confirmed he did you wrong, exposing his name wouldn't risk his reputation. You are saying the opposite.

12-29-13, 04:37 PM
They wouldn't be nics if the female is 8ft, though, snakey-jay, so they are obviously not full nics.

That was my point mate lmao... With kahl mixed in id say there's more chance of common BCI.

12-29-13, 07:38 PM
That was my point mate lmao... With kahl mixed in id say there's more chance of common BCI.
Isn't a "common" BCI like...red rather than dark brown/black like she's saying? I'm really curious about this snake.

12-29-13, 08:24 PM
Well Flint, I recommend fastening your seatbelt because I'd say you're in for a ride. It sounds sketchy as can be. Go check them out on the boi. You should be more worried about protecting yourself as opposed to protecting a breeder who may be ignoring you.

01-03-14, 05:15 PM
Isn't a "common" BCI like...red rather than dark brown/black like she's saying? I'm really curious about this snake.

There's a wide variation in commons mate.. From clean n bright to dark n heavily speckled.. We call a BCI common when it's not a locality or a morph... In dog terms it's a mutt.