View Full Version : The comfort of a snake.

12-20-13, 01:06 PM
maybe it's just me, who knows.
went to the doctor's today and found out i lost the baby.
obviously im upset.
when i came home, immediately i went to turbo's enclosure and took him out.
For some reason, ever since i was little, snakes have always calmed me down.
I am so thankful to have him. I'm so happy i rescued him.
He's by far my favorite snake.
He will just sit in my hand, and be still.
let me pet under his chin and on top of his head.
Sometimes when i have him out, he'll slither his way up and sit on my shoulder, just sitting there watching what im doing on the laptop... or maybe he's sleeping... who knows.
I've never seen a more docile and sweet snake.
Sorry Turbine, your mama's 2nd favorite.

Awaiting Abyss
12-20-13, 03:17 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. :(

I always find comfort with animals (any animal for me).

EL Ziggy
12-20-13, 04:32 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss.

12-20-13, 04:42 PM
So sorry to hear your news, animals always give amazing comfort and unconditional love

12-20-13, 07:05 PM
Sorry for your loss :( I felt the same way with all of my animals. Whenever my step dad would go off on me and make me mad, I'd just go to my room and watch them.

12-20-13, 07:32 PM
I too am sorry for your loss. I can understand how you feel, having gone through that before. I also understand how snakes soothe stressed nerves just by handling them. That's why I always look forward to coming home from work at the end of the day. :)

CK SandBoas
12-20-13, 07:43 PM
I am so sorry for your loss.... My snakes have given me great comfort when i've had a bad day at work, or my depression overwhelms me. Even doing the basic cleaning tubs and enclosures and feedings help me as well...

12-20-13, 08:42 PM
Sorry for your loss! Snakes definitely calm me down when handling.

12-20-13, 09:47 PM
thanks everyone. im so stressed out. and now with turbine maybe being sick, im worried. i dont want to lose her, too.

12-21-13, 03:42 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine.

12-21-13, 04:34 AM
Sorry for your loss. Animals can be very comforting, take it in. :)

12-21-13, 07:19 AM
Wow, I'm incredibly sorry to hear that you lost your baby. I remember when my fiance lost our baby. We found a group that helped her out quite a bit called MEND (Mothers Enduring Neonatal Death). Here's a link to there site below. I wish you a speedy recovery and if you or you husband need anything, I am only a message away.

News and Announcements (http://www.mend.org/support/)

12-21-13, 03:52 PM
Wow, I'm incredibly sorry to hear that you lost your baby. I remember when my fiance lost our baby. We found a group that helped her out quite a bit called MEND (Mothers Enduring Neonatal Death). Here's a link to there site below. I wish you a speedy recovery and if you or you husband need anything, I am only a message away.

News and Announcements (http://www.mend.org/support/)

thank you.

12-21-13, 04:18 PM
Im sorry for you loss also, life sometimes isn't fair, I always look to my animals for comfort, I think its because animals truly do love unconditional.