View Full Version : retic possible myth.

12-20-13, 12:49 PM
I have encountered this story before from other people. they tell me there friend had a retic at one point in time. and they went to feed it a live rabbit or rat or insert any other food items ( yes i have heard this story that many times) and instead of eating said food item it snuggled up to it and even "protected" it. they said it took days to get the snake to not bite at them to remove the prey item. then the next day they tossed in another rabbit and it went to pound town and tore it up. Does any one here have any proof of this happening. or even first hand accounts. sorry for my grammar and spelling you would swear that I never even graduated collage. lol.

12-20-13, 12:53 PM
I haven't owned my retic very long. I have had snakes totally ignore food, but never cuddle. Lol but who wouldn't cuddle with a bunny rabbit? so fluffy and soft.

12-20-13, 01:34 PM
snakes do not snuggle, period. there is no favoritism in a reptile (unless you account for pre-wired maternal egg incubation in pythons). they don't "like" rabbits, rainbows, butterflies, or even their human owners.

the feeding response of my retics def would not support the "favorite rabbit" theory :)

12-20-13, 01:47 PM
I've heard this story with a burn but no first hand account just some random old man at a reptile expo.

12-21-13, 04:42 AM
It happened to one of my burms back in the day. He was a male, about 7ft. previously feeding on guinea pigs. He never took to rabbits when I tried to shift him. He'd just keep it in the middle of his coils, probably because it was warm.

12-21-13, 07:20 AM
I think it was the opposite. The prey item eventually ended up huddling up next to the snake that wasn't hungry, and the keeper that came back later assumed otherwise. No emotion, no affection involved. Just a lucky rabbit, is all.

12-21-13, 08:27 AM
I've never heard this. my big girl(8 foot jamp) doesnt even let me get the food into her cage before she grabs it. In my experience my retics hit prey like like they owe them 10 grand. This is just a case of someone wanting to see emotions in an animal that doesn't have them.

12-21-13, 09:07 AM
thank you guys. when i heard this story I just laughed and walked away. my retics dont even wait for the door to open before they are coming out like a bat from hell after there rats and rabbits.

12-22-13, 06:19 AM
Hey themyers, I just noticed on your location it says Greensboro. Any chance that's Greensboro, NC?

dave himself
12-23-13, 08:52 PM
snakes do not snuggle, period. there is no favoritism in a reptile (unless you account for pre-wired maternal egg incubation in pythons). they don't "like" rabbits, rainbows, butterflies, or even their human owners.

the feeding response of my retics def would not support the "favorite rabbit" theory :)

This made me spit my coffee :)

01-31-14, 09:46 AM
Well the first time i offered a live rabbit to my snake she didnt eat it until the second time i offered it, but it was also the first time i offered her a rabbit.

01-31-14, 10:19 AM
theres a video on youtube called 'snake befriends hamster'

02-01-14, 01:12 PM
theres a video on youtube called 'snake befriends hamster'

There's a lot of videos name a lot of things, doesn't make them true...

02-01-14, 04:30 PM
I do not believe in this at all, the snake befriends hamster.. I have not seen that snake eat others hamsters with that hamster in there, so why should i believe it's 'befriended' it? maybe the snake is refusing to eat because it is sick? Or maybe it is just not used to eating hamsters? If they get it to eat another live hamster, and then it still leaves the other hamster alone? Then i will be amazed..

So yea, i don't really buy the favorite rabbit theories either. Maybe it just smells funny :D

02-01-14, 04:41 PM
There's a lot of videos name a lot of things, doesn't make them true...



02-02-14, 09:31 AM
My friend was having trouble getting her baby BP to eat f/t, so we got a live fuzzy mouse and left it overnight with her... She had it in the middle of her coils the next morning. My guess is they're taking advantage of the portable heater lol

02-02-14, 03:13 PM
My friend was having trouble getting her baby BP to eat f/t, so we got a live fuzzy mouse and left it overnight with her... She had it in the middle of her coils the next morning. My guess is they're taking advantage of the portable heater lol

Lucky that's all that happened and your friend didn't end up with a dead snake.