View Full Version : super hypo/sunset X hypo hogg het sunglow

12-13-13, 06:44 AM
have I got this right...

super hypo (sunset) X hypo hogg (het sunglow) =

25% hypo hogg
25% hypo common
25% super hypo hogg
25% super hypo common

or just 50/50, hypo/super hypo?


Kid Boa
12-13-13, 08:09 AM
Super Hypo x Hypo will give you a 50/50. Since your Hypo carries the albino gene, there is a chance it will be passed on.

25% Super Hypo, Het Albino
25% Super Hypo
25% Hypo, Het Albino
25% Hypo

12-13-13, 08:16 AM
Super Hypo x Hypo will give you a 50/50. Since your Hypo carries the albino gene, there is a chance it will be passed on.

25% Super Hypo, Het Albino
25% Super Hypo
25% Hypo, Het Albino
25% Hypo

ah ok thanks! :)