View Full Version : Can they grow too fast

12-12-13, 08:47 PM
I have never power fed but the scrawny little worm I brought home 16 months ago who was under fed and neglected was 129 grams at two years old and now at three and a half he is 2800 grams. His little sister was119 grams at six months and is now at 18 months just under 2k grams.
A pic of Inka just for the hell of it and you can see he is very healthy
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd506/glass-frog/20492b57-53be-46f6-9184-1942e5483004_zps8634afc3.jpg (http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/glass-frog/media/20492b57-53be-46f6-9184-1942e5483004_zps8634afc3.jpg.html)

EL Ziggy
12-12-13, 08:52 PM
Very nice growth and beautiful snake.

12-13-13, 12:17 PM
Inka is just gorgeous, love the contrast of yellows and blacks.

Glad he turned out well and gained the weight he needed. I have a little one that was in the same boat, wasn't fed nearly enough and was only 70 grams at 4 months old. I'm happy to say she is doing well and is almost at 300 grams. It's truly rewarding to know that you helped out and that it was successful! :)

Kid Boa
12-13-13, 12:27 PM
As long as its on a proper feeding schedule and eating the proper size prey, I wouldn't worry about it.

I have four 2013 babies all born around the same time and one is out growing the other three by about 30%.