View Full Version : sorry if this doesnt belong here!

12-10-13, 12:22 AM
im obviously relatively new to the site, so i have a question.

up top it says i have 2 unread posts.

how do i find out what posts are unread? please help. i feel so clueless. never been apart of a forum before!

Much gratitude!


12-10-13, 05:15 AM
Click the words Unread Posts.

12-10-13, 06:03 AM
im aware of that at least. but then like 20 threads show up. how am i supposed to differentiate and tell which are unread and not.

12-10-13, 07:03 AM
unread threads will have bolded black lettering, read threads are just regular font. recently updated threads (unread) will be bolded and at the top of the page