View Full Version : My Red Salamander

12-08-13, 11:39 AM
After many months, I finally got a picture of Elizabeth, my red salamander:


12-08-13, 11:40 AM

12-08-13, 11:42 AM
She is normally either under a rock or on her out of the water shelf under damp moss. The moss on the shelf had depleted (it gets knocked into the water) so she went under. I ran for the camera before she could go under her favorite rock.

Shortly after this was taken, I put more moss on her shelf (a/k/a a turtle dock) and she climbed back out on it.

12-08-13, 12:10 PM
Very nice!. I see your an amphibian freak as well ;) I've never been a fan of keeping newts and salamanders for my self but I do love seeing them. Just got rid of my red eft's.

12-08-13, 12:22 PM
Yes, I love amphibians, particularly salamanders! I have had some tragic situations with some species, and I know I can not try to keep them again.

The animals that I have kept successfully are the Mandarin newt, red salamander, fire salamander, and fire bellied toads.

I have failed miserably keeping red efts (also adult eastern salamanders), slimy salamanders and the dusky salamander, this despite considerable research on my part.

12-09-13, 03:33 PM
particularly salamanders!

Then we can't be friends.

I feel like I had success with red eft's even though I didnt keep them when they changed. I set them up the exact same way I set up dart frogs.