View Full Version : Hello from the USA! & help?!

12-08-13, 02:30 AM

not really sure what im supposed to write here. this site kinda confuses me!

well im lexi, i have 2 rat snakes, turbo and turbine.

turbo is my black rat, turbine is my luecistic texas rat. i have no clue about the genders though! but i call turbine my girl because shes gorgeous. turbos my boy because hes handsome!

i was just wondering, im thinking abiut getting an under the tank heater, what brands do you guys use? im familiar with zoomed, but i looked at reviews, and numerous peoples snakes burned to death and the heaters actually melted themselves! id be devasted if my babies died =(

also, when i got turbine, i brought her home, and she was stuck to duct tape, i got it off of her with warm water, but it still did peel some of her skin off =(
so i used zoomeds repti would healing aid. well i just looked up the reviews on that as well, and it says the ti tree oil in it is toxic to snakes and can kill them! should i be worried? ive used it on both my snakes, they seem fine. when i got turbo, hes a rescue, he was kinda beat up. he had cuts, scrapes, & abrasions on him. he was missing a couple scales too. thats why i bought it.

but now im worried. /:

someone help!

12-08-13, 03:25 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


12-08-13, 03:29 AM
Give them a nice clean environment and they should heal just fine.

Personally, I use silvadine SSD, ask your veterinarian. It's a powerful anti biotic to prevent infections while nature does the rest.


12-08-13, 07:57 AM
Hello and welcome

12-08-13, 08:16 AM
zoomed heat pads should only fail if they are not controlled, just like heat tape and most other heat pads. You need to use a thermostat.

However there is a brand of heat mats called ultratherm that is supposed to get no hotter than 105F without a thermostat but you stil need a thermostat to control any heat source.

I use ultratherms hooked up to herpstat thermostats and they work great. I've also used zoomed but only on glass tanks and they also worked just fine.

The most important thing is not what brand of heat mat you use, but how you are going to control it.

EL Ziggy
12-08-13, 01:34 PM
I use Zoomed uth's and hydrofarm thermostats. They work well for me. Before I got t-stats I had issues with the uth's overheating also. Not any more.

12-08-13, 02:24 PM
thanks everyone! has anyone ever used zoomeds ti tree wound healer? thats what im really worried about!