View Full Version : Please read this everyone

12-06-13, 05:01 PM
Mods please forgive this multi posting, given the circumstances.

As some of you are aware the government is trying to add retics, and the other 3 species of anaconda to the Lacey act. There is a petition to stop this(I will add the link to at the bottom). We've got less than a month to get another 99,000 signatures. So we need everyone and their entire families to sign(hopefully multiple times). We need to stop this NOW, they arnt stopping here, the boa constrictor complex is next; and who knows where this will end. Those of you without any giants, please don't feel indifferent about this. You are going to need the same support when your animals end up on the chopping block. The reptile community hasn't had the best history of coming togather, and we need to change this before the only reptile industry is an underground one. Thanks for your time, and please help your fellow herpers.


12-10-13, 02:33 PM
I got a "404"?

12-10-13, 03:24 PM
the link wouldn't work for me either. It said page not found

12-10-13, 04:04 PM

Hopefully this one works, we still have 99,000 more to go we e yet to hit 1000. It's so sad that we can't get enough people to help, I know of atleast a few breeders that are going to lose their livelihood because of this, what they've worked for for years and years; their American dream. How terrible.

12-13-13, 03:05 PM
While I'm sure whoever set this up had good intentions, the window is very short and threshold very high for our industry. I hope everyone who reads it passes it on to their personal networks.