View Full Version : my life dream

Mellik's mamma
12-01-13, 01:40 PM
okay, so some day i would like to own lots and lots of land so i can build an animal rescue farm (trying to feel out my parents on their lot of around 10 acres...maybe they will hand it over to me someday??). i don't want a limit to what i would take in (obviously if i can't care for the animal correctly, i would find a place that could). anyways, does anyone know where to even start on a venture like this? i know i need lots of money and lots of help with taking care of the animals. i thought of even having jobs available for mentally or physically challenged people (making sure the jobs given to them are safe) so they can have a sense of purpose, too.

i already have a general idea of how to go about this, but if anyone has the same dream, wants to be part of it, knows how to raise money for the care of animals (b/c i am sure it all adds up), knows someone i can talk to about this (like a mentor), etc, LET ME KNOW!!

i know this will take lots of money and time. it's a life goal, not a 5 year goal. :)

12-01-13, 02:31 PM
No ideal how to start but I would happily do this myself some day if I could

Jim Smith
12-01-13, 03:02 PM
Assuming that you intend to include the rescue/rehabilitation of wild and/or exotic animals, you might start by contacting this website Finding a Rehabilitator | National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA) (http://www.nwrawildlife.org/content/finding-rehabilitator)

There is a wild animal rescue/rehab center not far from where I live and they take in injured or orphaned indigenous species as well as exotics. Last year there was a baby zebra found wandering on the interstate just south of the Atlanta airport and he now has a permanent home at this place. If you can find a similar establishment near where you live, consider doing volunteer work there to learn the ropes and find out where the greatest difficulties lie. Just a couple of thoughts...

Mellik's mamma
12-01-13, 03:09 PM
thanks Jim!! yeah, i plan on volunteering at an animal shelter near me for now and then finding a place more like what you showed me :) thanks so much.