View Full Version : caging deserts together - beardeds and uromastyx?

02-07-03, 07:02 PM
I just bought a HUGE cage and have 2 uromastyxs in it (one about 10" & VERY passive, one about 6" & active)
I have 2 beardeds as well ( both about 7" ) one passive the other active.
I am thinking about putting them all in the large cage I just got for more space for the beardeds.
Anyone have thoughts on this? I am not sure if these guys will mix well and can't find any info on them.
Let me know if you have any thoughts!

02-11-03, 01:01 AM
I know that a book written by De Vosjoli and published states that Uros and Beardeds can co-exist peacefully, as can Chuckawallas... But, as with any intraspecies mingling, there are those bothersome questions to consider: may one of these animals harbour bacteria that the other isn't immune to, is one of these guys going to stress out the more passive one, do I have enough room to keep them all happy and healthy yadda yadda yadda...
My personal take on the matter is, I wouldn't recommend, and I wouldn't follow through with it; one species per enclosure, that's all there is to it. But, I suppose technically, as both animals originate in very similar habitats, it can be done, by definition.
I say it's ultimately your call.

02-11-03, 07:29 AM
I would not recommend doing it.
As Katatonic stated it is not good to keep different species together. Although they both come from Desert habitats they come from different parts of the world with Beardies mostly coming from Australia and Uros coming from India, Asia, and Africa. Most Uros also require much higher temps than the beardies do.
Beardie: Basking 92°-93° Hot Side: 86°-88°
Uro: Basking 115°-125° Hot Side: 90°-93°
So all in all I would say it is not a good idea to do it if you want to provide your lizards with the best possible home.