View Full Version : Snake salvation....WTF

11-21-13, 01:35 PM
so i came across an opinion article in the paper this morning about this show called Snake Salvation. from what i understand the show is based out of tennesee, USA. and is about a new church that uses VENOMOUS snakes during preaching, healing and other "faith" and spiritual things.

i watched a few clips and the show is painful at best.

Snake Salvation | National Geographic Channel (http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/snake-salvation/)

Trailer for said show
Snake Salvation - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLivjPDlt6ApS1QeDCKx67gZTRB_Cl2_Sj)

and finally
‘Snake Salvation’ pastor’s collection of 53 venomous snakes seized by wildlife agents - NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/53-poisonous-snakes-seized-snake-salvation-pastor-article-1.1511099)

11-21-13, 01:37 PM
I watched something on tv about a church like that, they had a bunch of rattlesnakes and stuff

11-21-13, 01:44 PM
That show is ridiculous. Saw a guy get bit by a Cottenmouth. Since their beliefs they refuse to use antivenom, so he layed in bed in agony..really..that show just kills me.

EL Ziggy
11-21-13, 01:55 PM
My girlfriend and I watch this show all the time. It's funny and sad. :) :(

11-21-13, 01:57 PM
Those types of churches have been around way too long.

11-21-13, 02:01 PM
Natural Selection will take care of them! :D

11-21-13, 02:21 PM
well someones gotta believe in this i suppose! what a bizarre species the human race is

11-21-13, 02:35 PM
well someones gotta believe in this i suppose! what a bizarre species the human race is

my old grandad used to say.....

there's now,t as queer as folk...

and what a strange bunch them religous rattle snake church folk are :D

cheers shaun

11-21-13, 04:19 PM
You shouldn't have posted this haha. Now I am tempted to ridicule a certain group of people we aren't supposed to talk about in this forum.

11-21-13, 05:16 PM
There was an article on them that I read. They basically starve them to death and keep them cold so that they don't have any fight in them, and it lessens their chance of getting bit. They live their whole lives in these small boxes just big enough for them to fit in, and one church's snakes they quoted the average time that they last at 6 months before they died. I honestly don't support them, and I don't think they should not be allowed to continue. They are just a group of glorified animal abusers.

Here's that article I read.
Serpent Experts Try To Demystify Pentecostal Snake Handling : NPR (http://www.npr.org/2013/10/18/236997513/serpent-experts-try-to-demystify-pentecostal-snake-handling)

EDIT: re-read it's 3-4 months and they keep multiple snakes in small boxes.

11-21-13, 06:46 PM
isn't one of those mental patient preachers up on animal cruelty charges?

11-21-13, 06:57 PM
isn't one of those mental patient preachers up on animal cruelty charges?

I sure hope so.

11-21-13, 07:15 PM
isn't one of those mental patient preachers up on animal cruelty charges?

yea they recently confiscated 53 of the snakes and is charging with illegal exotic animal possession and animal cruelty the 3rd link i believe talks about it

11-24-13, 11:17 PM
Wow. this needs to be publicized :( That's just horrible. But I'm kinda glad they get bitten on occasion anyways; abusing and torturing animals for "religion" makes me glad that there are going to be a few less of them out there. Nasty people :(

11-25-13, 06:18 AM
there was just a yahoo story about a pentecoastal pastor who died after being bitten by one of his timber rattlers.