View Full Version : Golden Gecko!!

02-07-03, 04:49 PM
I just got a Golden Gecko! it is gorgeous!! .. i asked the guy at the pet store to feed them .. he put crickets in and he was the only one to go right after them. How can a gecko be so freaking fast!?!?! .. but yea it's gorgeous. and the terrarium is beautiful *gloats* yep .. the person (me) who built it must be VERY talented... It is gorgeous!! in fact! i bet the person who built the terrarium (me) but be equally gorgeous ;)

ANYWAY .. enough about that sexy biotch ;)

I would like to know what size crickets to feed it (it's 8 inches long from nose to tip of tail) and if there is a way to tell the sex of it. I am so excited these guys are so cute!!! Anyway thanks in advance :)


02-07-03, 05:02 PM
Congrats on the new addition! Those geckos are awesome... generally you'll want to feed him (her? lol) crickets that are no larger than the size of from the tip of his nose to the corner of his mouth. So if you can measure that, just go into the petstore and see what crickets they have available that are just under the size... I can't picture 8 inches (good ol' canada) so unfortunately I can't recommend the actual cricket size lol

02-07-03, 05:03 PM
I keep one Golden Gecko right now but also have had others.

You can normally tell the difference between males and females because the males will have larger pores under the tail and back legs...

But I find it even easier to do by putting them on glass and shining a bright light behind them. You can see right through.

I fed my guy adult crickets, he eats about 12 a week (he hates crickets) baby food, and cut fresh fruit.
