View Full Version : transport question

11-12-13, 08:15 AM
My columbian rainbow has a vet visit today...she has an RI...what is the best way to transport her for a 1.5 hr drive? conditions are cold and windy (had to reschedule appt time due to roads closed because of icy conditions)...should i put her in a pillowcase like the store did when i bought her? or would she be more comfortable for a long drive in a cat carrier?

11-12-13, 08:18 AM
Pillow case and keep near the heat.

11-12-13, 08:32 AM
thats what i figured...thanks so much!! i feel bad pushing her appt back to this afternoon but i'm more concerned over being held up at a closed road, or worse yet, wrecking...what would EMS to if they found a 4 ft boa in a wrecked car? so many ppl are petrified of snakes...i worry what they would do to her...

11-12-13, 08:39 AM
another question...since she is so dehydrated, will the heat from the car heater be too dry for her? is there a way to help her humidity for the drive?

11-12-13, 08:42 AM
Maybe put a damp face cloth in the pillow case.

11-12-13, 08:45 AM
that was my thought, but wanted confirmation..thank you so much for your help! this forum has been such a huge help to me! you ppl are all so wonderful!

11-12-13, 09:49 AM
do you have any heat packs?

Or you could heat some water in a water tight container or bag and place it in her box/crate..etc that you will be carrying her in.

11-12-13, 09:56 AM
good news...the reptile vet called my local vet (its her brother) and he agreed its better for her to not travel so far in these conditions, and he is going to see her in a half hour...yay! 5 minute drive from my house :)