View Full Version : Hello hello

11-10-13, 09:17 AM
Hey all,
I have kind of been lurking the forums for awhile and figured I should finally get around to registering.

I am a college kid who has had different herps since I was young, starting with a green iguana.

After going a few years without having anything, I just got my dream snake (a red blood python) as well as a BP for my girlfriend, that is effectively my ward until she gets more used to having a snake.

Basically, all I am looking for out of the forum is a place to just come and sure with other enthusiasts about the progress that these two are making, and hear about what other people are keeping. Its nice to get a kind of synergy of excitement going on.

Well, thank you for listening to my rant.

11-10-13, 09:50 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


11-10-13, 10:27 AM
Hello and welcome

11-10-13, 10:28 AM
Hello, welcome!

11-10-13, 11:31 AM
Hello and welcome!

11-10-13, 11:42 AM
Well, I guess this is a fast moving forum then, haha.

Thank you guys for the warm welcomes, I really appreciate it! :)

CK SandBoas
11-10-13, 11:49 AM
Hi there, welcome to the forum! :D

11-10-13, 12:18 PM
Hello and welcome. :)

11-10-13, 12:24 PM
Hey and welcome!

11-10-13, 12:29 PM
Well, I guess this is a fast moving forum then, haha.

Thank you guys for the warm welcomes, I really appreciate it! :)

Welcome! :)

And that's the reason this has grown to be my favorite forum I've joined, plenty of knowledge with a great friendly community!

11-11-13, 05:58 PM
Welcome to the group! :D