View Full Version : RI in new CRB..help?

11-09-13, 08:30 PM
ok, kind of a long story on this one...i apologize in advance...i am a corn snake and garter snake owner and recently convinced my hubby to allow me to get the Columbian Rainbow i have been "mooning" over that the local pet store has had for a year...she was being kept in a 20 long, with virtually NO humidity (just a water bowl) and a simple heat bulb...brought her home 6 days ago, and she started emitting a squeak the day after i brought her home...she has since progressed to the point she is starting to open her mouth to breathe occasionally, refuses food (hasn't eaten since i brought her home, although she ate 3 mice in the last 2 weekly feedings at the pet store, now 11 days since her last meal and shed less than a month ago...1.5 yrs old and 4 ft long)...i have her humidity 72 now and temp at 75 and she seems to be resting somewhat comfortably...i made a call to the vet 3 days ago, but they waited until yesterday to call me back, and now i work until monday afternoon, so i cant call back until then...any advice to help her until i can get her to the vet? the closest reptile vet is 1.5 hrs away and the outside temps are about 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside, so i am also concerned about transport to and from...

11-09-13, 08:32 PM
i would turn up that heat.

11-09-13, 08:35 PM
thats what i thought, would an UTH be ok with an exo-terra mat? thats what i use for substrate in all of my cages...

11-09-13, 09:13 PM
well it would heat up the bottom for sure but you need the ambient temps up higher as well.. around mid 80's if not a little warmer because she is sick..

11-10-13, 03:49 AM
what do you mean temp at 75? how and where is this measured?

have you measured her basking temps on the ground? she needs a basking area on the ground of 30-31C / 86-88F - this is best achieved with a UTH and thermostat

the 75F ambient temp is irrelevant as long as the basking area is setup properly, without a 86-88F basking temp, your CRB has little hope of fighting the infection - if possible measure with an IR temp gun, otherwise use a digital thermometer with a probe, combined with a thermostat and a UTH/heat mat

how is the enclosure heated at the moment? UTH is the only method I would recomend for a high-humdity snake species - and I'd also recomend a humidity retaining substrate that your CRB can burrow into (coir or coco husk for eg), they love to burrow, and when they are sick they should get as much security and comfort as possible.

11-10-13, 06:46 PM
i don't have an IR temp gun, all i have is one of those stick on thermometers from petco right now (please don't bash, this is what was sold to me by "experts (hah)" at petco, so it is measuring the ambient temperature i am sure. I did get an UTH just gotta wait for the hubby to get home to help me install it for her..she has a heat bulb shining down on her "hot side" right now and humidity is 80 to 85...she seems to be doing MUCH better...am calling the vet back tomorrow after work to try and get her in either tomorrow afternoon or tuesday...i am really glad i got her when i did or she would have probably died in the conditions she was kept in the local pet store...i may not have an optimum setup YET for her but its waaaaay better than what she had there, and i am working on making it perfect for her...i have learned sooo much from all of you, i really appreciate any and all help and advice you can give me, my corns and garter snake are pretty "low" maintenance compared to her, and i know in retrospect i should have researched more and had an optimum setup for her but my hubby actually relented and said YES to her, if i had waited and he saw how much it was going to cost to set her up, etc, he would have balked at the idea...now he is madly in love with her and just as excited about getting her well and making sure she is happy...especially now that he knows she is ill, and if we hadn't gotten her she wouldn't be getting the help that she needs...

11-11-13, 03:48 AM
ambient is a useful temp to know, but it is not essential and infact will be very misleading, esp as yours as an RI, a digital thermometer, and a thermostat for your UTH are essential, you need them yesterday - also be aware that sustained ambient tempretures of 88F+ will kill your CRB, you need a basking temp of 88, ambient (air) should be around 76

heat bulbs are a big no no for CRB's, they need high humidity, it should be 80%+ while she is a hatchling, a heat bulb will not allow anywhere near this kind of humidity - and without a digital hygrometer its impossible to know what humidity you are providing

she needs that UTH and thermostat, plus a digital hygrometer and thermometer, yesterday.

is the heat blub inside or outside the enclosure? if its outside, you will need to find a way of sealing off the lid when you get rid of the bulb, a piece of plastic, or even wood, wil do fine, just gotta keep that humidity up high, its esp important for a hatchling

sorry to keep repeating...but CRB's have much tighter requirements than corns and garters, who can surivive well in a wider range of enviroments, CRBs can only surivive in rainforest climates with very high humidity and stable tempretures

11-11-13, 06:59 AM
What kind of cage is it in? With a sick animal that requires such high humidity i would keep it in a plastic totes with a UTH. put the water bowl next to the heat pad but not over it. this will help you maintain the humidity and temp. Just drill some air holes in the side. Can we see pictures of your set up and the snake?

11-11-13, 02:04 PM
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131104_205943_zpsfa609725.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131104_205943_zpsfa609725.jpg.html)

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131111_145246_zpsdfa65655.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131111_145246_zpsdfa65655.jpg.html)

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131107_124106_zps51618c77.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131107_124106_zps51618c77.jpg.html)

11-11-13, 02:05 PM
she has a vet appointment in the morning, she seems to be doing better now that i have the wet towels on her lid...hopefully in the next few months we will be getting her a tropical setup, but for now this will have to do...

11-11-13, 02:28 PM
beautiful CRB :) from her head shot, I would say she looks to be suffering from dehydration due to lack of humidity

she has a vet appointment in the morning, she seems to be doing better now that i have the wet towels on her lid...hopefully in the next few months we will be getting her a tropical setup, but for now this will have to do...

next few months is far too long, as I said already, high ambient temps will kill her, low humidity will also make her very sick

a plastic tub costs peanuts, a cheap £3 tub from a super store wil do, a pulse thermostat for the UTH can be bought for £30-35, or at the very least an on/off type for less than £20, a digital thermometer/hygrometer with a probe for just £2-3 on ebay to check basking area temp (you need a better one than that in the long run, but for now it will suffice), at most you need to pay £40 ($60-70) to get her setup correctly with a UTH and high humidity

11-11-13, 02:42 PM
RIs are serious with rainbows, so I am glad you are getting her to the vet fast. Remember that snakes are masters at hiding illness, so just because she looks better does not mean she is. Don't worry about such a short lapse in feeding; these animals can go for months without food if they need to. Please let us know how the visit goes!

11-11-13, 02:44 PM
she isn't a hatchling, she is 4 feet long...the head shot was taken the day after i got her...i have only observed her drinking once since we got her 8 days ago (she may have drank more, and i just didn't see) she isn't very active in the tank, but when i have her out she is very exploratory...i try not to have her out too long each time because i want to keep her in the humidity, but i do want her to familiarize herself with being held, etc...i have the whole lid covered with wet towels except where the light is. I can turn off the heat lamp, but the UTH does not put off much heat and i am afraid the temp will drop too much if i do...she uses it for basking also, so i am confused as to how getting rid of the heat bulb will be beneficial? forgive me, i'm just a bit confused...what do they bask under if there is no heat bulb?

11-11-13, 02:46 PM
if the UTH provides a basking temp of 30-31C/86-88F, then that is exactly what she needs - ambient temps at 76 are fine - but of course you need to be able to measure the temps properly first!

also CRB's are nocturnal, it is not natural for them to have to bask in light to b able to warm up

removing the heat bulb will allow proper control of the humidity, which will be significantly lower around the heat bulb that she needs

11-11-13, 02:47 PM
also, if i use the tote idea, would i be able to put her back into this tank when she is well? i really do not like plastic totes for keeping my snakes, they look crappy and cheap to me, and i like to watch my snakes...(they are in my living room)...

11-11-13, 03:09 PM
also, if i use the tote idea, would i be able to put her back into this tank when she is well? i really do not like plastic totes for keeping my snakes, they look crappy and cheap to me, and i like to watch my snakes...(they are in my living room)...

yes of course, you just need to fix it up to offer proper humidity stabilization, the suggestion of a plastic box is just the easiest way to ensure that humidity is up high in the meantime - there is no reason why you cant get your glass tank to hold humidity, if you can seal the lid properly and use a UTH - you will also need a proper substrate, coir or coco husk is excellent for humidity and spot cleaning, and CRB's love to burrow :)

11-11-13, 03:17 PM
i have been looking online for an alternative lid, not really finding anything...just glass ones marketed for keeping fish from jumping out :( not lockable from what i can see, either...plus the hubby is arguing with me that anything less than a screen lid will suffocate her from lack of air...ugh...i'm in a no win situation here...i will try a different substrate...i saw one at petco, i think it was eco-earth? the stuff sold in a block that expands? is that a good one?

11-11-13, 03:39 PM
yep thats the stuff, its one of the best substrates available for high humidity

dont worry about suffocation, even the tiniest gaps will allow enough CO2 to transfer out, and O2 to transfer in, and unless you seal the lid with silicone to make it air tight, there will always be enough of a gap, and she will not suffocate

for now, a damp towel covering the whole of the top will do the trick, but a piece of plastic (acrylic or polycarbonate (polycarb twinwall is very cheap, often sold as windows for greenhouses)) cut to size will do the job much better, if you want, drill 5 or 6 x 1mm holes for a little extra ventilation, but that is not essential

she wont suffocate i promise! 20 years experience keeping snakes here :) my CRB is housed in a plastic vivarium (not a tub), it has 5 x 1mm holes at the front on the bottom, and 3 x 1mm holes on each side at the back top...all but 3 of those holes are currently sealed.

11-11-13, 04:06 PM
i will try and see if i can find a piece of that plastic, i can actually just lay it on top of the screen lid, maybe? then i have the security of the locks, etc...i actually placed a few sheets of plastic wrap loosely over the towels to hold even more humidity in for now...best i can do till probably tomorrow...will stop at petco on the way home for new substrate...we were looking at misters and foggers online...any input on these? good? or no good?

11-11-13, 04:30 PM
i dont bother with foggers or misters, but my enclosure is almost completely sealed, it gets sprayed once every week to 2 weeks at most - that said, mine is bioactive, with growing moss and plants, so this helps boost the humidity a bit - tbh a few sprays each day is all that should be needed with a standard setup, if you find you cant keep the humidity up with that, then its worth looking into foggers - for now the thermostat and digi meters are more important

yeah anything that will seal up the screen/vents will do the trick

11-11-13, 04:33 PM
i will price those out tomorrow...don't get paid until friday so i will have to make do until then :( spent all my "extra" money on the snake this payday and now have to empty my meager savings to pay the vet tomorrow...i will update after her appointment tomorrow..thanks for your help! i am sure to have more questions in the near future, also...she is alot more complicated to take care of than my others...but i love her..lol

11-12-13, 07:19 AM
I went to Home Depot and got a 2x4 sheet of dry erase board. They even cut it for me for free in the size I needed it and it only cost me $10.44. Just make sure the white side is down. I have my tank pre-setup for my BRB on the way and it's holding humidity fabulously. I did edge the lid with weatherstripping and set the lid on the inside of that.

11-12-13, 11:43 AM
Great news everybody...first off, the exotic vet i was originally going to go to was 1.5 hr drive...roads were closed due to ice...she called her brother who is our local vet (5 min from my house) and he agreed to see her...he is not an expert but did learn about reptiles in vet school...her RI is all upper, nothing in her lungs...she already had greatly improved just from the changes and home treatments i tried...her dehydration is still apparent, but much better after letting her swim in my sink...oral antibiotic for 7 days and she should be good as new!! btw, she was an absolute hit at the office...even the women who were afraid of snakes just HAD to come see her...even "petted" her..lol...nice sunbeam coming thru the window gave everyone a wonderful show of her rainbow coloring also!!

11-12-13, 02:54 PM
Great news -- so glad to hear it!

11-16-13, 02:15 PM
well, her RI is better, but still hadn't eaten for me, and now I know why!!

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131116_150439_zps1d767846.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131116_150439_zps1d767846.jpg.html)

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131116_150455_zps6514bf27.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131116_150455_zps6514bf27.jpg.html)

11-18-13, 02:56 PM
Glad to hear she's better!!! Pict is not working for me though -- anyone else?

11-18-13, 03:17 PM
great news :) look forward to seeing her freshly shed!

11-19-13, 02:35 PM
::removed dupe:::

11-19-13, 02:36 PM
More rainbow picts = always a good thing! ;-)

11-19-13, 05:38 PM
her eyes cleared yesterday, so hoping for her to shed in the next few days so I can get some good after pics :) so excited! hoping she will finally eat for me once she does...

11-20-13, 01:14 PM
guess who just shed! :) :)

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131120_134556_zps2fd27609.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131120_134556_zps2fd27609.jpg.html)

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131120_134346_zps54ac6d7b.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131120_134346_zps54ac6d7b.jpg.html)

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131120_134418_zpsae95954f.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131120_134418_zpsae95954f.jpg.html)

11-20-13, 01:20 PM
great stuff, lovely shimmer of rainbows there :)

did her shed come off in one single piece?

11-20-13, 01:32 PM
unfortunately no...even with daily baths, humidity at 85% and temps where they should be, it came off in 2 big pieces with a few tiny scraps here and there...she also has a small piece stuck to the end of her nose which she has been working off for the last half hour...she just dipped her face into her water dish so hopefully it will come off for her now...

11-20-13, 02:18 PM
unfortunately no...even with daily baths, humidity at 85% and temps where they should be, it came off in 2 big pieces with a few tiny scraps here and there...she also has a small piece stuck to the end of her nose which she has been working off for the last half hour...she just dipped her face into her water dish so hopefully it will come off for her now...

I imagine given her previous care, that she has never had a good shed, and is lucky to not have serious health issues because of it. keep an eye on that bit on her nose, is it covering her nostrils at all?

i'd probly try and bump the humidity up even higher for her next shed, 95%, plus humid hide, but i'm betting two big pieces is the best shed she's ever had

11-20-13, 03:00 PM
between her and I we got it off her nose..it was impairing her breathing so I had to assist...but after that ordeal, she hammed it up for me (i got over 150 photos and a few videos of her, lol) but here is my FAVORITE!! her eyes are actually visible now that she is hydrated and healthier!!

http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131120_154804_zps96acbddc.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131120_154804_zps96acbddc.jpg.html)

11-20-13, 03:03 PM
she's lookin so much better, great work :)

11-20-13, 03:11 PM
thank you! :) got a digital thermometer to monitor her warm side, thermostat should be here any day (had to wait till payday, vet visit, heat mat, substrate, plexiglass for the lid, etc tapped me till payday) but everything seems to be settling down...now to just get her to finally eat...

11-22-13, 03:01 PM
Well done, and much improved! Congrats!!!

11-22-13, 05:42 PM
thermostat is here and installed! :) LOAD off my mind!!

11-23-13, 05:42 PM
Congrats, I'm glad she's doing well now :). She's gorgeous, I love CRBs.

11-23-13, 09:42 PM
she still hasn't eaten for me :( refused again tonight...the pet store fed her in a separate feeding tub, so I may go out after work tomorrow and get a tub big enough for her to fit in and try that way...planned on going tonight but we ended up getting a winter storm which closed most of the roads...accidents everywhere...i was scared driving my 1/2 mile drive home from work, let alone go to walmart... :(

11-23-13, 09:51 PM
she still hasn't eaten for me :( refused again tonight...the pet store fed her in a separate feeding tub, so I may go out after work tomorrow and get a tub big enough for her to fit in and try that way...planned on going tonight but we ended up getting a winter storm which closed most of the roads...accidents everywhere...i was scared driving my 1/2 mile drive home from work, let alone go to walmart... :(

I hope she eats for you soon! Good luck! Mine has a great appetite, I'm sure yours will be the same soon :).

11-24-13, 10:44 AM
she may well be conditioned to eating in a tub...rather than taking her out to eat in a tub, i'd suggest putting a tub in her enclosure, and leave her food inside, see if that works, this will at least be a step towards getting her to eat in her enclosure, which is better for her in the long term imo

dont need to go and buy one, and old (extra large) ice-cream tub, or any kind of plastic box should do the trick

11-24-13, 02:58 PM
her "hide" is actually a black plastic wash basin flipped upside down with a hole cut in the side, that didn't work :( the mouse went into her hide and she left it and stayed on the cool side all night and most of the day, even tho I only left the mouse in there for about 20 minutes...

11-25-13, 03:50 AM
her "hide" is actually a black plastic wash basin flipped upside down with a hole cut in the side, that didn't work :( the mouse went into her hide and she left it and stayed on the cool side all night and most of the day, even tho I only left the mouse in there for about 20 minutes...

yeah I dont think putting it in her hide would work - does she have a cool hide aswell? sounds like she doesnt?

is she very active? my CRB is very active when she's hungry, prowls about her enclosure allot

was she being fed mice before? or rats? could be she doesnt like the smell

if she was on mice, i'd try a few more times at 7 day intervals, if she misses a few more feeds then try things like braining the mouse, etc, might get her a bit more excited with the smell

I tend to use tongs to move the food around for my CRB, she's never that interested in food just left for her to find, but if I move it past her nose (when its sticking out of her hide), and twitch it about, and get it to ''run'', she usually strikes hard and fast when it starts to move away from her

11-25-13, 05:39 AM
she isn't very active unless we have her out...then she likes to explore...she doesn't have a hide on the cool side, she is in a 40 gal right now and with her warm hide and water dish there just isn't room for anything else big enough for her to crawl into...she has been fed live mice her whole life, so i leave one in there (supervised from a small distance) for about 20 min or so...a few times she seemed interested and i thought she was stalking it, then she just curled up and ignored it...i'm going to try and switch her to f/t once i get her eating regularly, but for now since she hasn't eaten in almost a month, i don't want to do that just yet...she was kept in a 20 long for her whole life so i think she may not be used to having room to move?

11-27-13, 05:45 PM
here is a new question...how long can snakes go without drinking? not only will she not eat, she has been in her hide constantly...i roughed up the eco earth so i could tell whether or not she has been out while we were sleeping, and there is no evidence that she has been out to get a drink...i did get her out yesterday for a soak in the sink hoping she would drink or at least soak up some moisture that way...i'm pretty worried about her...is this something that happens sometimes?

11-27-13, 06:47 PM
here is a new question...how long can snakes go without drinking? not only will she not eat, she has been in her hide constantly...i roughed up the eco earth so i could tell whether or not she has been out while we were sleeping, and there is no evidence that she has been out to get a drink...i did get her out yesterday for a soak in the sink hoping she would drink or at least soak up some moisture that way...i'm pretty worried about her...is this something that happens sometimes?
Not really helping, But I just noticed all of your snakes are 0.1, interesting

11-27-13, 07:04 PM
purely coincidental, also...lol

11-28-13, 04:09 AM
they dont need to drink constantly, but some snakes dont like to drink warm water, my CRB often drinks droplets of water from the ceiling of her enclosure and off plants, rather than from her bowl, you could try adding another small bowl of water to the cool end.

if her bowl is big enough to soak (on the warm end), and she doesnt have stuck shed, and humidity is nice and high in her enclosure, then i think its ok now to leave her to get on with things herself, just make sure the humidity stays up by spraying, and give her a bit of space from handling/soaking/etc for a few days. handling is stressful for snakes, even docile ones like CRB's

11-28-13, 07:02 AM
her bowl is more to the middle/cool side of her tank...i have been trying to not handle her much, but she was kinda looking dehydrated again so i thought maybe a soak would do her good...she seemed to enjoy it but happily went back to her tank again afterwards...she was out for a few minutes last night but then went back to her hide...i'll give her a few more days...i think this weekend we are finally getting them all moved to their "critter room" and maybe having less foot traffic and more of a day/night pattern will help...as it is now, there is someone in the living room most of the time due to our work schedules...

11-29-13, 03:06 PM
here is a new question...how long can snakes go without drinking?
Rainbows are water fiends, and require a drink often. What may be happening is she's drinking late at night when you don't see it. Remember, a small snake will leave little sign of passage. I also sometimes catch my adults "stealth drinking" -- extending their head and neck to the water bowl without even leaving their hides. If you're concerned, soak her for a bit (but not within two days of feeding)...they will often drink while soaking.

11-29-13, 09:01 PM
my hubby caught her sticking her neck out of her hide..stopped short of the water dish and retracted...maybe that is what she is doing at night...plus there is alot of condensation inside her hide, she may be drinking that too...she is also moving into her snake room along with the others this weekend for more privacy (we were in the process of doing that but the hubby got called out to an industrial fire, so I guess it waits till tomorrow) :)

11-30-13, 06:03 AM
my CRB drinks like that aswell, both ''stealth'', and from condensation/plant droplets, she's only ever out and about when she's hungry, shedding or switching burrows

11-30-13, 08:31 AM
Not really helping, But I just noticed all of your snakes are 0.1, interesting

I just added another female to the brood, Hotchkiss...LOL

12-03-13, 06:33 PM
SHE FINALLY ATE!! only 1 large mouse, but makes me feel soooo much better!!!
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131203_185112_zpsd5736172.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131203_185112_zpsd5736172.jpg.html)
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131203_185125_zps5cad31f6.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131203_185125_zps5cad31f6.jpg.html)
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/20131203_185329_zpsfd67334f.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/20131203_185329_zpsfd67334f.jpg.html)

12-03-13, 08:12 PM
Yay, glad to hear it!

12-04-13, 04:52 AM
awsome news :)

12-04-13, 02:59 PM

12-04-13, 04:40 PM
That's great news, she looks so much better compared to the beginning of this topic! I'm glad you took the advice given to you and were able to provide what she needs, it's always good to see :)

Beautiful CRB, makes me want one hehe :p

12-04-13, 05:35 PM
I am so glad I found this forum! I would have been lost as to how to take care of her...online care sheets only tell you the basics...so much better getting first hand experience from people who know what they are doing :) I have learned enough on here that I find myself "coaching" people on snake care when I go to the pet stores..lol..the employees love the fact that I help them to either talk someone into or out of something they are or are not prepared to take care of :) btw, one more question...her humidity has actually risen to 99% :/ is this bad or good? i took the plexiglass off for now to drop it down a bit...should i replace it and keep the higher humidity?

12-05-13, 12:08 AM
I do not own a CRB, but I would think that BRB and CRB care is quiet similar. Higher the humidity the better, these are humidity loving snakes, the lowest being around 75%-80%. I keep my BRB, roughly 92-98% it falls every now and then but that is the average it is at.

12-05-13, 12:38 AM
awesome, thank you! it got down to about 68 and the hubby put the plexiglass back on and its back up to 99 after just a couple hrs...some ppl had said to let it drop to like 50 or so before letting it go back up so I was wondering what to do :/

12-05-13, 04:31 AM
awesome, thank you! it got down to about 68 and the hubby put the plexiglass back on and its back up to 99 after just a couple hrs...some ppl had said to let it drop to like 50 or so before letting it go back up so I was wondering what to do :/

the reason people suggest this, is to allow the substrate to dry out a bit, if the enclosure isnt sealed properly, its easy to end up spraying excessively to try and keep the humidity up high, saturating the substrate in the process, which can be problematic even for rainbow's

12-05-13, 07:44 AM
thats what I thought. I am going to take it back off for a bit, he has been a bit obsessive about the humidity, I think he is going overboard...i'm gonna drop it down to 80ish...

12-05-13, 08:02 AM
thats what I thought. I am going to take it back off for a bit, he has been a bit obsessive about the humidity, I think he is going overboard...i'm gonna drop it down to 80ish...

I dont think you can be over-cautious at this point, until she has started shedding properly, i'd be aiming for above 80 at this point (i noticed a dial meter, have you got a digital hygrometer?)

as long as the substrate isn't soaking wet, then there is no need to air the enclosure like that - if the substrate is soaking, and the humidity is only just holding, then the setup needs to be reconsidered, it probably needs sealing more to hold the humidity up; better to take the substrate out in that case, and squeeze the excess water out (tea towels are useful for this), then see how you can seal the enclosure up more

12-05-13, 08:23 AM
I agree with formica, I would aim for higher humidity. One thing you can also do, is give a humid hide. Mine is as simple as small tupperware with holes cut in the sides so he can get in and out its stuffed with sag moss and works great.

12-05-13, 10:01 AM
she does have a digital hygrometer, those sticky ones were in the tank when I bought it :) her hide is quite humid, if i pick it up, the water runs off the top and sides...lol...the substrate isn't "soaked" but it is pretty damp...can't wring any water out of it, but it sure isn't dry by any means...her tank holds humidity quite well with that plexiglass on top..i'm waiting for rain clouds to form and start a monsoon in there...lol ;)

12-06-13, 01:00 AM
I've kept my humidity at 99% for the 4 months I've had my brb and haven't had any problems at all,sheds in 1 piece every time...awesome job with the snake btw!!! Got me contemplating getting a crb now...thanks lol!


12-06-13, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the vote of confidence :) hopefully her next shed will be better and she will be back to 100%!

12-06-13, 11:01 PM
+1 for higher humidity until the shedding sorts out. It's almost impossible to give these guys "too much" humidity!

12-10-13, 07:25 PM
so, Iris ate again for me tonight! ate 2 mice this time! making progress!! looked like she was looking for another, but I would like to ease her up since she didn't eat for 5 weeks...

12-11-13, 02:41 AM
Respiratory infections in rainbows can be fast and deadly, so kudos for keeping an eye on her and speaking with a vet. Raise the heat in her viv until you can get to the vet (84ish for the warm end, but leave the cool end in the 70s). When you transport her, use a small cooler if you have one, and make sure you warm up the car before loading her in. Good luck!

12-18-13, 10:34 PM
Update on Iris...she took f/t no problem tonight :) took 2 more adult mice for me :)

12-19-13, 09:09 AM
Really glad to see all the improvement Iris has had... great job in being so proactive and doing all you could to keep her healthy. She looks GREAT!

12-19-13, 02:33 PM
What Miz said. Well done!!!

12-19-13, 02:46 PM
thanks again :D we are currently working on plans and preferred materials to build custom enclosures for them...looking at to make them 4x2x2...hoping by summertime...

12-19-13, 04:07 PM
plastic is great for high humidity, foamed PVC is very light and fairly cheap, its easier to work than wood, and you can use all the same tools

12-19-13, 04:18 PM
we are looking at the local hardware and contracting places to see what is available and pricing...I want something easy to handle and work with so I can do alot of the work myself..poor hubby has a huge "to do" list (self-imposed) I don't want him to feel like this is something HE has to do because I can't handle it...If he helps me with the 1st one, I can make the rest of them myself, hopefully... :) I like to have stuff to keep me occupied...

01-01-14, 08:03 PM
figured I would post an update on Iris...decided to try her on a frozen rat to see if she would take it...took alot of teasing and work, but she did it! a 60gram rat and barely a bump left behind...weighed her before feeding, and she went from 948g to 1150g in just under 2 months..and grew 7.5 inches! she is nearing 5 feet! and all this was just on mice! i think she is gonna be a big girl! :D
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/018_zps7c2020a7.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/018_zps7c2020a7.jpg.html)
this is the AFTER bump...barely noticeable....
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/068_zpsc3c3cb2b.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/068_zpsc3c3cb2b.jpg.html)

here is a close up of her eyes and how well they have cleared since the first pics I took!!
after her first shed she still had remaining scales left, but the shed from yesterday finished them off :D
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/075_zps15615d8d.jpg (http://s934.photobucket.com/user/Sharlynn_Sarnoski/media/075_zps15615d8d.jpg.html)

01-01-14, 08:20 PM
Wow! Your making me slowly appreciate Columbians a lot more..! Beautiful snake!

01-01-14, 08:38 PM
thank you! :D i love her dearly! she has a wonderful attitude 98% of the time...once in a while her female side comes out and she will hiss a bit to let you know she is going to do what SHE wants to do...LOL

01-01-14, 09:01 PM
I'm glad you sorted everything out.

Out of curiousity could you tell me what her feeding schedule was at the pet store? That is if you 1. If they told you. 2. If you remember it still.

I ask because for nearing 5 feet she doesn't look like a snake under 2 years old not without a VERY aggressive feeding schedule.

01-01-14, 09:04 PM
they were feeding her 3 adult mice every tuesday...they said she rarely refused, usually around shedding time...not 100% sure of her age, I know she had been there a year and she wasn't a hatchling when they got her...they estimated her to be about 6 months old when the got her...so I just assumed about 1.5 years from the info I was given...the shop had changed hands once since she arrived so no concrete evidence as to age or where she came from :(

01-07-14, 06:06 PM
formica, ty for your insight. I have learned RB's have a way different needs of care as i recently aquired an BRB.

Sharlynn93, I enjoy watching my snakes as well, but the overall health is more important. You can find clear tubs, don't look as nicer as tanks, but you can still watch them. Good luck with the appt.

01-08-14, 10:00 AM
Great job so far and awesome snake!! Ive been following this post from the beginning and you've done a great job!! So many people out there think snakes dont even deserve to exist. ..i for one love my snake dearly and it seems you do yours as well, keep up the good work!!

01-08-14, 11:10 AM
Thanks so much! She is such a doll, so glad I rescued her...I don't think she would have lasted much longer if she had stayed there...snakes are amazing creatures and so misunderstood!

01-08-14, 02:39 PM
^^ Totally agreed! ^^

01-08-14, 10:04 PM
well...I will have to say, Iris went from a "problem feeder" to a garbage disposal...not only did she down her small rat tonight (after a zombie dance, since she IS used to live prey) but then she downed a small mouse that Persephone refused...it was almost like she KNEW she was getting something else...she sat perched and waiting...once I gave her the mouse she settled down and nestled into her leaves...LOL

01-10-14, 02:37 PM
Rainbows love mice...easily their favorite food. Glad to see she is eating well for you!