View Full Version : Feeding a hognose situation

Awaiting Abyss
11-07-13, 01:59 PM
For the past three weeks my hognose refused to eat. I always feed him in a bin in the bathroom.
Why in the bathroom? Because it is where I thaw the mouse and it is a place I can close off from my cats and I don't particiarlly like feeding him in the critter room because my rats watch closely and it bothers me for them to watch that. lol
Currently I'm using that bathroom to keep the kitten in that I got over the weekend at Repticon. So it now smells like a litterbox since that bathroom is so small.
The mouse I was trying to feed him (I had frozen it twice and thawed it out twice) was the size he's been eating normally, but he wasn't showing any interest so I got a smaller one thawed and offered it to him after moving the bin into the critter room. After a few moments he started eating it.

Do you think it was that the first mouse lost some of its mouse smell or he suddenly felt it was too large? Or was it the room? Or possibly coincidence?

11-07-13, 02:03 PM
Sometimes they go off feed in the winter, mine does.

I'd just keep trying, if he's not loosing weight and the cage is set up fine, then i'd not worry.

How is the cage set up, by the way?

Awaiting Abyss
11-07-13, 02:12 PM
He's in a 20 Long tank. He has one hide on the warm side. Its a flat rock hide so he can get on top of it or go inside it. The water bowl is on the far side (the cool side) and he has another cave hide right on the other side of the water bowl (not quite in the center of the cage.. more toward the cool side). His substrate is sand (I believe its walnut sand?) and I keep it at about 2 inches for him to dig under it.

11-07-13, 04:47 PM
How old is your Hoggie? I've got a baby and she has refused once, but I find that she prefers not to be watched while she 'hunts' down the f/t pinky mouse.

Sometimes it's not a big deal but there are times where if I just leave it in the tub and check back an hour later or less it will be gone. Could just be a little stressful with the scent of cat in the bathroom or the litter box?

Awaiting Abyss
11-08-13, 08:55 PM
I'm not completely certain of his age. The person that I bought him from said he was under a year old when I got him in July. He has yet to shed since I've had him. I have him eating small mice.. a bit larger than the freshly weaned mice.

Well, we only got the kitten this past weekend. So he was refusing to eat two weeks before that. Before we got the kitten we kept both litterboxes in the master bathroom.