View Full Version : Attempt at storri photoshoot

11-07-13, 09:17 AM
Took out the more cooperative/colorful male, give him a warm soak to wash off some dirt and tried to take a few pictures. Ofcourse he doesn't sit still for more than a millisecond so you can imagine the difficulty. 50 Shots later and I got a handful of decent ones....He seems to blink with the flash, so all of them are half awake looking hahaha







11-07-13, 10:52 AM
Don't you love how they're super active, but when you get them to hold still long enough for a picture, they end up looking like a lazy fat pig? :-)

11-07-13, 11:01 AM
Don't you love how they're super active, but when you get them to hold still long enough for a picture, they end up looking like a lazy fat pig? :-)

hahahahaa good point

11-07-13, 12:16 PM
Hi, looking good, and well done for (seemingly) being able to handle such a large and powerful Varanid with such ease as to be able to take 50 pics at the same time with (I hope) no serious discomfort or injuries..... :cool:

11-07-13, 12:20 PM
Hi, looking good, and well done for (seemingly) being able to handle such a large and powerful Varanid with such ease as to be able to take 50 pics at the same time with (I hope) no serious discomfort or injuries..... :cool:

Thanks, I have loads of experience with storri (approximately a month or two) hahaha

Murr, do you have any idea about adult weights in grams of storri (approximations) ?

While he was out I weighed him at about 55 grams, didn't measure though unfortunately.

11-07-13, 12:28 PM
Thanks, I have loads of experience with storri (approximately a month or two) hahaha

Murr, do you have any idea about adult weights in grams of storri (approximations) ?

While he was out I weighed him at about 55 grams, didn't measure though unfortunately.

That explains the ease you have in controlling the beast (1 to 2 months experience).
I may have some info on adult weights etc, but I`ll need to sift through many books and several hundred scientific articles on Varanids (seriously). If I can find anything I`ll put details up (maybe not this evening).

11-10-13, 01:50 PM
Hi, looking good, and well done for (seemingly) being able to handle such a large and powerful Varanid with such ease as to be able to take 50 pics at the same time with (I hope) no serious discomfort or injuries..... :cool:LOL. Very pretty storri, I love that orange coloration.

11-10-13, 04:13 PM
Those really are pretty. I love the stripey thing going on and the chubby tail.. Good looking varanids dude!

11-10-13, 05:01 PM
Thanks guys. Female has had me worried for a few days now, she's showing signs that she may be gravid, but since I was on vacation I don't know if she locked up and when so I'm not sure how far along in the time line she is. She's lost her appetite as well. Hoping to find a deflated and hungry monitor some time in the next week or two.

11-11-13, 10:26 AM
My male in his new favorite spot watching the enclosure haha I pulled all the dirt onto the warm side, so the cold side only has like 5 inches. They never go to the cold side of the enclosure, and the dirt is still covering half the trough and is like 15 inches deep now. The cheap hide in the second pic is just incase the want to go over and cool down (they never do)



11-11-13, 10:41 AM
You might try rigging up a basking light on the cool side and see how it goes. No reason to let the space go to waste. See what they do.

11-11-13, 10:50 AM
Haha ^^ One step ahead of you. I added a 60 watt incandescent bulb on a stat, its more in the middle and slightly aimed towards the cool side. Cool side is about 80 now. Planning to add like 20 more bark slabs stacked up and see if they go play in it or not

11-11-13, 11:43 AM
They look great sam. Cool varinids. What are you feeding them and how are they eating?

11-11-13, 11:47 AM
They aren't eating lol They both went off feed a few days ago but they sit around basking all day. I'm 90% sure the female is gravid, not sure what the males problem is though haha

They eat crickets when I buy them, lobster roaches, dubia (they aren't crazy for them but they will take them if I squeeze the guts out) the occasional pinky , and the occasional superworm.

11-14-13, 04:32 PM
Hi, I couldn`t find anything on mass in adult V. storri, but they are very similar to the Spiny tails so it would be pretty accurate I think if you could compare them to similar sized healthy V. acanthurus.
I take it you already know the usual size at sexual maturity?

11-14-13, 05:00 PM
Yea I have a good idea. I think its easier if I just go buy length since there are many accounts of adult specimen lengths and if they are well fed they should be around the same weights.

11-15-13, 01:56 PM
Very nice looking storri, I love the orange :)