View Full Version : Using Kane Heat Mats with PVC enlcosures

11-03-13, 12:44 PM
So, I just ordered 2 18x18 Kane heat mats online. I didn't realize when I ordered them how thick they were going to be.

I placed them under 2 boaphile enclosures that are stacked on each other.

Does anyone else use these? Would it be safe if I drilled a hole in the back of my enclosures and placed a thick later of bedding over the mats to avoid an uneven tank/the mats sliding? I'm just not sure about placing them inside because I don't want either of my snakes to be burnt by the mats.

I don't have an option of bulbs since they're in boaphiles so I can only use heat mats. I dropped 83 a piece on these and want to make them work.

If anyone else uses them could you send me a picture of your set up so I can see how you are using them?

11-03-13, 01:55 PM
I don't use Kane but I use heat mats for my cages. You can put legs on the four corners of the cage to create an even gap between the cages and keep the mats under the cage.

You can use anything for legs;rubber feet, wooden blocks, books...etc

I don't have an option of bulbs since they're in boaphiles so I can only use heat mats.

Why not use RHP's?