View Full Version : Pretty little diamondback...right?

11-02-13, 02:50 PM
My 6yr old was lucky enough to find a new snake species near the creek today. We find blotched water snakes all the time, but today we saw a diamondback water snake. Quite a treat! Of course if I'm wrong on the ID please feel free to say so.

01-22-14, 02:58 PM
I know this is late but def not a diamond back or any rattle snake for that matter. Its probably just a northern water snake.

01-22-14, 03:02 PM
Looks like a Diamondback Water snake to me! Good find!:cool:

My 6yr old was lucky enough to find a new snake species near the creek today. We find blotched water snakes all the time, but today we saw a diamondback water snake. Quite a treat! Of course if I'm wrong on the ID please feel free to say so.

01-22-14, 03:03 PM
I know this is late but def not a diamond back or any rattle snake for that matter. Its probably just a northern water snake.

Re-read the OP's post :)

Jim Smith
01-22-14, 03:53 PM
Lovely snake! Thanks for sharing.

You must live in a warm part of the country if you're still finding snakes out sunning themselves at this time of year. It was 19 degrees here in Atlanta with a high of 38 and will be the same for the rest of the week:(

03-03-14, 08:45 AM
Yep, a little diamondback (watersnake) we have tons down here