View Full Version : red tail not moving and picking head up since last ate 6 days ago

10-30-13, 06:39 PM
i know its probally normal for my boa to stay in one place after it just ate.. but something seems weird.. he is staying in one place and next to bottom lip it has a darrk spot that wasnt ther before.. this morning he kept opening his mouth really big like 7 times.. now right now when he seen me he picked his head up but he seemed really weak while picking up his head kind of lightly shaking... He ate a jumbo rat but rat didnt even leave a bump on him he is 6 foot

10-30-13, 06:42 PM
should probably seek out a vet its possible hes sick. some pictures would help us better.

10-30-13, 06:51 PM
give us your exact details on husbandry.

What brand thermometers, thermostats, where they are put. What temperature and humidity readings....etc.

10-30-13, 07:14 PM
zilla thermostat on hot side with probe right above heatpad.. zilla thermostat with probe on oppsite side (coolside).. 90 on hot side 80 on coolside....... he has always been very active nothing has changed till i last fed him

10-30-13, 07:22 PM
Did you get the rat the same place as always or from some where new? Could the rat have come in contact with any kind of chemicals? Does it have plenty of fresh water to drink? Plus could you get a video of it trying to move it head. Also how long have you had the boa and is it near any other reptiles?

11-01-13, 09:38 PM
okay my snake is doing fine i think i know what was wrong.. when my snake ate last friday i put him back in his tank.. when i put him in his tank he stayed on the cool side.. he didnt move from the cool side till i grabbed him and put him on the warm side by his heatpad.. after a couple minutes he was being himself tongue flicking, slithering around re arranging his logs and wáter bowl.. why didnt my snake go to the warm side on his own??? why did he stay on cold side???? he was on cold side for about 4days till i moved him by his heatpad then he seemed normal again within minutes..

11-01-13, 10:10 PM
He's a snake, if he wants to get warmer he'll go to his warm side. That's what he is designed to do. If your husbandry is correct I would let him be and thermoregulate on his own accord.