View Full Version : just how difficut is feeding frozen foods for snakes?

10-29-13, 02:35 PM
I have heard a mixed amount of people say that snakes can or can't eat frozen mice

or rats whatever.

its sound a bit basis on my part and I am sorry it does.

the thing for me is....I own rats and when I do get a snake I am sure I would have some at that point in time as well. I think I would end up feeling poorly for the animal if I bought it knowing I owned others as pets and was killing this one.

I know not all snakes can feed by frozen foods but I would prefer to feed this way if I can.

with mine.

I just wanted to get some #'s on people saying on if it works or if it does not to get an estimate so to speak.

10-29-13, 02:37 PM
I would say more than half of snakes in captivity(way more) are already on f/t food.

There are always exceptions but it's not that hard to get a snake feeding on f/t prey items.

I feed all of my snakes on f/t, and have converted a few live feeders to f/t as well.

10-29-13, 02:39 PM
Most snakes can be switched to frozen no problem IMO.

My five snakes are on frozen foods.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-13, 02:40 PM
Out of the numerous snakes I have worked with only one required live. We didn't have any problems feeding frozen mice, rats, rabbits and others. We would defrost them overnight in the fridge and then warm them up by soaking them in warm water.

10-29-13, 02:45 PM
I would say more like 90% are on F/T .
I have no proof and I am just guessing but I don't of many people who prefer live and even fewer who do fresh kill.

10-29-13, 03:01 PM
My ball wont eat frozen I tried for two months when I first got him he had absolutely no interest in it at ALL. So I feed live but it scares me I'm not going to lie. It has been working great so far. I moved up yesterday to a small to med. Rat it was huge. But he took it down so fast I was shocked so I am sticking with it I don't want ti mess up his good eating habits

10-29-13, 03:06 PM

that's kind of my concern I am pretty sure I would like to have corn snake and ball python for my first snakes and i have hear many people say that balls are fairly picky about what they eat.

but still I would like to try to do a f/t diet with mine if I can.

10-29-13, 03:11 PM
You can always purchase a snake that is already established on f/t.

10-29-13, 04:12 PM
people who say snakes cannot eat frozen (defrosted) mice, clearly do not know anything about snakes, and you should not take any advice from them whatsoever :)

10-29-13, 04:39 PM
There are very few people over here who feed live, it's the norm to feed frozen and live is only usually used to get a snake feeding if it hasn't eaten in a long time (or not at all) after most other options have been exhausted (depending on the person who may not want to assist/force feed). Even picky royals eat f/t ;)

10-29-13, 04:42 PM
I have heard a mixed amount of people say that snakes can or can't eat frozen mice

or rats whatever.

its sound a bit basis on my part and I am sorry it does.

the thing for me is....I own rats and when I do get a snake I am sure I would have some at that point in time as well. I think I would end up feeling poorly for the animal if I bought it knowing I owned others as pets and was killing this one.

I know not all snakes can feed by frozen foods but I would prefer to feed this way if I can.

with mine.

I just wanted to get some #'s on people saying on if it works or if it does not to get an estimate so to speak.

I'll give you a $100 if you can get a snake to eat a frozen prey item.

10-29-13, 04:44 PM
My ball wont eat frozen I tried for two months when I first got him he had absolutely no interest in it at ALL. So I feed live but it scares me I'm not going to lie. It has been working great so far. I moved up yesterday to a small to med. Rat it was huge. But he took it down so fast I was shocked so I am sticking with it I don't want ti mess up his good eating habits

One of my carpets went about 13 weeks without eating when I switched her from mice to rats (all f/t) it just took persistence and patience and when they are hungry enough they will eat and I am sure it would be the same with switching from live.

10-29-13, 04:51 PM
I'll give you a $100 if you can get a snake to eat a frozen prey item.
(Image - I-see-what-you-did-there.jpg - Superpower Wiki (http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/File:I-see-what-you-did-there.jpg))

10-29-13, 06:32 PM
My king eats both f/t and live. I think I'm gunna keep her on f/t for now on.

10-29-13, 09:00 PM
lol as sad as it is I just know how it would probably go if I tried to feed my snake live feed I would buy the food and then get attached to the damn food! lol and wanna save it! lol and the my poor snake would not get food.

so I figured frozen would work better, it doesn't help that me wanting to learn to be a vet tech will totally not help. Most everyone knows we are big softies an will try to pawn animals on you to take home.
seen it soo many times in clinics

10-29-13, 09:04 PM
I haven't had a CB that won't eat F/T. If they won't eat I leave the snake and feeder in a bag over night in a warm spot of the cage.

CK SandBoas
10-29-13, 09:09 PM
All of my adult snakes that I have acquired, and not bred myself, were primarily live feeders when I got them, and I had no problem converting them to f/t, even my Royal Python. All my babies that I've bred have taken f/t right off the bat, as soon as they had their first shed.

10-29-13, 11:18 PM
Well in the interest of science I will try on the next feeding to feed f/t and see if he will take it I just feed him a huge meal on Monday I usually feed every monday (since talking to members)I was told to keep a better schedule remember I'm new to this so we will see I am curious I would like to save myself the stress of worrying if my snake will get hurt but I also enjoy my snakes disposition so I have been worried what a switch would do .....then if successful I'll tell u where to send that hundred bucks. @Aaron_S..wink wink ..lol

10-30-13, 01:34 PM
most snakes will take frozen thawed prey no problem (all my Carpet eat frozen thawed)

imo its much better as you run no risk of prey biting a snake

i have no issues with live feeding,i just feel frozen thawed is less risky

cheers shaun

11-01-13, 10:00 AM
Feeding frozen is a lot more convenient (for the keepers) and safe for the snake. My ball ate live mice until he was two years old and switched to F/T rats without a second thought. I find that many people whose snake(s) refuse to eat F/T (I work at a pet store and I hear this all the time) are simply going about it incorrectly. A friend of mine recently acquired a ten year old ball python that had only eaten live because he supposedly wouldn't take frozen, and together we were able to get him onto F/T with just a little extra effort. As long as you do your homework it's pretty simple and straight forward.