View Full Version : Dumeril's Really random behavior

10-22-13, 03:21 PM
My female, 8' Dumeril's won't eat, doesn't want to be handled whatsoever, and she just stays curled and sleeps. When I hold her she stays in an 's' shape like she's scared, and tries to get away from me. Temps are 90° on the hot side, 78° on the cold side, 64% humidity. Don't know what her issue is. Nothing has changed in her environment or anything. For a second I thought she may be prego because the guy I bought her from said he tried to breed her a few times with no luck, but I don't really know how to tell if she is or isn't.

10-22-13, 03:55 PM
Pictures. Post pictures :)
How long have you had her?

10-22-13, 04:09 PM
Pictures. Post pictures :)
How long have you had her?

I got her on September 7th. She's been acting like this for about a week.
Here she is




10-22-13, 04:10 PM
The two outdoors pictures are a few weeks old. The one of her in her enclosure is about a week old. That's what I mean by staying curled up. She does that all the time, but she usually at least roams around a bit.. Not anymore.

10-22-13, 05:34 PM
she almost looks more like a regular madagascar ground boa than a dumerils O.o

10-22-13, 05:44 PM
So does anyone have any idea of why she's just randomly acting like that? Hope she's not pregnant.

10-22-13, 05:44 PM
she almost looks more like a regular madagascar ground boa than a dumerils O.o

I don't see it :p

10-22-13, 06:28 PM
I don't see it either. Even at 8' which is large for a Dum, her pattern is clearly Dum. Roy, on the other hand has some Madagascar Ground Boas and is clearly that. This Dum looks nothing like his MGBs.

In response to the question first posed on this thread, if you suspect she could be pregnant, take her to the vet to get that checked out. Otherwise, continue to work with her. Dums are quite docile and Black Betty in particular is quite shy. She does not like getting pulled out but once she's out she will hang on me as long as I like. Your Dum needs to get used to you and your scent. You haven't had her that long so yeah, continue to work with her and she will calm down.

10-23-13, 04:57 PM
really lol. most of the dumerils i see are lighter in color and don't have as much orange as MGB's it seems like. also it seems like MGB's patterns seem to be bigger and less defined. his girl looks really dark and has HUGE saddles and that really orange face. just looked more MGB-ish but i'm prolly wrong, as usual.

10-23-13, 05:02 PM
really lol. most of the dumerils i see are lighter in color and don't have as much orange as MGB's it seems like. also it seems like MGB's patterns seem to be bigger and less defined. his girl looks really dark and has HUGE saddles and that really orange face. just looked more MGB-ish but i'm prolly wrong, as usual.

She does have a good amount of orange on her :) Here's something that I found super helpful when I did my research on Dumeril's and MGB's

Dumeril's vs MGB (http://www.sareptiles.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=18243&start=15)

10-23-13, 05:03 PM
like here are my 2 dums, they look way lighter than his and the saddles are nowhere near as extreme. prolly just changes in specific animals.

http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af184/teaninja/9-14-13008_zps0c7fb417.jpg (http://s1006.photobucket.com/user/teaninja/media/9-14-13008_zps0c7fb417.jpg.html)http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af184/teaninja/3-1-13010_zpsa3ef9770.jpg (http://s1006.photobucket.com/user/teaninja/media/3-1-13010_zpsa3ef9770.jpg.html)

10-23-13, 05:08 PM
like here are my 2 dums, they look way lighter than his and the saddles are nowhere near as extreme. prolly just changes in specific animals.

I think mine and yours have the same coloring and are both very dark, but I would agree that my girl has more intense sattles

Edit: your Dumeril's actually looks a whole lot darker than mine.


10-23-13, 05:09 PM
noway lol. yours looks normal like mine for about the first foot of its head and body and then darkens and the saddles get huge and strange xD.
look how much darker the tail of your girl is than her head.

10-23-13, 05:13 PM
noway lol. yours looks normal like mine for about the first foot of its head and body and then darkens and the saddles get huge and strange xD.
look how much darker the tail of your girl is than her head.

True lol yours hold a more consistent color/darkness throughout her body, but mine looks lighter to me for some reason?

10-23-13, 05:13 PM
Edit: your Dumeril's actually looks a whole lot darker than mine.

nowayyyyy lollll
http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af184/teaninja/2-28-13022_zps1de0f453.jpg (http://s1006.photobucket.com/user/teaninja/media/2-28-13022_zps1de0f453.jpg.html)

10-23-13, 05:13 PM
nowayyyyy lollll

Yes way! Lol

10-23-13, 08:51 PM
I have 2 pics that really show the difference between the 2. The first one is clearly MGB while the 2nd one is clearly Dum. MGBs do not have the connecting saddles Dums have. Their patterns are more relegated to the sides of their bodies while the Dum pattern connects all the way across. While there can be some blushing and even some orange in Dums, MGBs are clearly more orange. I hope this helps...